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Chapter Thirteen

By The Author BloggerPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
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Hey guys, the author blogger again. So, how's it going? Right down below is chapter thirteen of my book and if you haven't read any of the previous chapters yet please, please click here.



Jason was very nervous. He has been through a lot from jet gliding to fishing but he had never been this nervous before. Well, he was about to catch the world’s biggest criminal, of course, he had the right to be nervous. As per Lazar, Alfred was living in another slum area close by. The area is swarming with his men and the only way they could get in was as disguised as John’s men. According to Lazar, John had left Alfred the previous night of their arrival in a chopper.

And so, Jason and Jane were in a chopper, kindly lent by Lazar himself, headed towards Alfred. They were both disguised, with Jason having a white beard and mustache with pimples covering his left cheek while Jane was having white hair and spectacles. Even though the disguises were minimal, it was quite difficult for them to recognize each other. Jane was genuinely surprised to know that Lazar owned a chopper.

“Well, like I said earlier he lives in such slums for protection against his enemies otherwise he is a sort of millionaire,” said Jason to her.

When the chopper landed behind the wall of the last circle. Lazar told them that the whole slum was divided into 3 different circles. The outer one was heavily barracked with guard posts and walls, the second one was packed with guards, dogs and metal detectors and the last one was filled with guards and dogs. In the center of the last circle was a tall building on the fourth floor of which was Alfred’s office. Usually when John or someone send by John came (who were identified by the pattern of design of the helicopter), they landed behind the first wall.

At the wall, both Jason and Jane were thoroughly checked through both by the dogs and metal detectors. After that, they were asked the purpose for their visit. Jason was in charge of doing all the talking but Jane piped in occasionally to avoid any suspicion. They told that were send by John himself to convey some important information to Alfred. After that, they were let through and led towards the building.

At the building, they easily breezed through the first three floors. Jason was genuinely impressed and angered by the amount of fear that was caused by John’s name among Alfred’s guards. He must have done something really big and probably had been working for a long time to invoke such fear.

While in the elevator, after making sure that weren’t being watched, Jason extracted a syringe with a no needle filled with a purple vial from his shoe. Jane took of a clip from her hair, then took out a syringe needle out of it and gave it to Jason. Jason loaded it into the syringe quickly and placed it into his pocket.

The gates of the elevator opened to reveal a massive door with two guards in black tuxedos outside. The guards nodded and opened the door for them. The room was square with minimal furniture other than a desk and a chair, one side of the room was completely glass just they had expected. Alfred was eagerly waiting for them.

“Hel-,” before Alfred was able to complete his sentence, Jason threw the dart at Alfred with deadly accuracy which struck him at his neck and he immediately collapsed. As per Lazar, they had five minutes before the guards checked on Alfred. Jason quickly extracted an easily foldable bag from his pocket and lay it open while doing that Jane extracted a wallet from Alfred’s left pocket, which was cleverly placed by Lazar’s men. How she didn’t know and didn’t bother to ask. That man was full of surprises. Inside that, she found a glass sucker and a blade to cut the glass wall. She cut a square piece from the glass wall and Jason loaded Alfred inside the bag and lifted him on to his back with a grunt. He checked his watch and there were only 3 minutes left.

From the building opposite to one they were standing on, Lazar’s men shot grappling ropes into the opening. After securing the ropes on to the desk, both of them glided through the air on the ropes with Jason crossing his fingers that the men below wouldn’t notice them. Unfortunately, on the last second, when they were inches from the building someone started firing from below.


Hope you like this chapter. If you require the full book you can find it here on Amazon. And I would really like to hear your comments on my book so comment your thoughts on my YouTube channel.

See ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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