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Lawyers oh my.. the ethics corruption runs rampant in Georgia.

And why I don't have any justice...

By Justice for AllPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 4 min read

Let us start with Alan Lowe... No one would expect ones own former attorney to withhold legal documents for over a year from December 2019 to a few months ago and then lie to the Ga State Bar about it. However now he has reached the Big Leagues of being a Defendant in the Federal RICO by even threatening to have me arrested for going to him for help, emailing him, trying to get him to keep from be victimized after I had been raped and still witholding documents including documents sent to the Ga State Court of Appeals in a case that Chatham County created and still won't assist in even helping his own former client after $43,000 in payments and me paying him to do his job. The Feds can figure it from there..considering I am was probably on my death bed and he has had since December 2019 failed to even return a phone call, to do anything to help including withholding evidence that would overturn a wrongful termination and has prevented the needed evidence from going to Federal Law Enforcement. One of UGA not so finest. His partner Ellen has had the same opportunity but won't return an email either. Now they have made themselves defendants in the Federal RICO case rather than attorneys for the victim.

TN Knoxsville lawyer that they didn't teach constitutional law ..even she said it in an email in 2017 when Savannah PD stole my car in Downtown Savannah

Then there is AUSA Karl Knoche who rather than return an email would rather see a Federal RICO case involving Georgia Law enforcement across the state is willing to let his star witness literally die from medical issues. Not that he is concerned with that nor has he been since December 2019. He wasn't concerned when I called in December 2020 other to ask me if Thomas Cole was the Presiding Judge of Chatham County Juvenile Court...up until I left him a voicemail and had sent him emails about what had happened to me I would have told he should he belongs where I was when I asked for his help . He was more concerned with speaking to staff at shelter then solving a Federal RICO case which has cost me everything and everyone I ever valued, bought and trusted. Great job dudes.. Another of UGA's not so smart.

Then there is Jessica Rock with the GBI Crimes against animals unit. She's known about Pooler Police Officers and Chatham County Animal Services K. Wakefield murdering two animals since December 2019, she might have returned an email but she shouldn't be doing anything with GPSTC or animals if law enforcement leaving a battered woman in a car for months, killing two cats, covering up what they have done by claiming I am at fault for walking to buy a soda..This is what she knew over a year ago, and did nothing but say "There is nothing I can do for you." If someone pulled her email from December 2019 they would find that email and her blow off that has cost two animals their lives. ..Sorry Emory but you could have done a lot better with this one.

In fact, I emailed the materials to former ADA Austin Roberson a few days later, I still have the text messages we sent back and forth from his Chatham County Juvenile Court days.

A 10 minute facebook conversation with him in Feb 2020, and don't think I don't know quite more than I am telling but he pretended to care like he did when we were friends, wouldn't tell me where he was working so I could get to him and get him to help but he deserves whatever happens to him and not a judgeship like I wanted for him. I am just a better person than to post all about his UGA days. Another UGA who has failed to understand the gravity of what happens when you ignore your friend.

Jill Roth- Jill was one of my favorite public defender's. She always was there when I needed a friend, would try to encourage me to quit smoking , which at this point is the only coping skill I have left. She even recommended Alan Carr's book that was downloaded on my Kindle. When she had a major surgery at Emory hospital I was afraid the Court would lose her. Why she had no concerns about the sexual assault I have no idea.

All attorneys I respected decided they would rather not stand up for their friend and colleague, and protect criminals than actually do anything when I told them she had been raped and asked for their assistance. Not one has any concern about me or what their inaction caused to happen to me or two innocent animals.

Then there is Jennifer Davenport..who would rather lie to a sitting Judge and obstruct a wrongful termination of a public employee then actually tell the truth but there is a special article for her alone and is still threatening me on Facebook and continues to have a law degree despite needing to be investigated by the GBI a second time and the FBI for setting into motion events that lead to me being raped, and illegally having my firearm removed and despite it having been dropped in December 2018 will not assist in me retrieving my firearm. I did that as a juvenile probation officer for a sheriff's deputy. You would think someone in Ga law enforcement would call the GBI and have them speak tot eh victim, which no one has done in anything that was done to me. Here is the link to PAB Hearing that Van Johnson made himself the Recorder on when it fell to Carolyn Smalls to do that duty, I never thought Alan Lowe and Jennifer Davenport colluded as he lied tot he Ga State Bar recently and said ..that would have been my biological father. However he hasn't been in my life since April 2019, and I have been accused of everything he did. Including by my own former attorney.


About the Creator

Justice for All

"Justice delayed, is justice denied" "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."

Tattooed, Employed and has a Psych degree..Always on the look out for a group of Avengers.

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  • Maureen Meadows6 months ago

    Please contact me if you have some screened out grievances to share. Maureen.meadows@gmail

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