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Birth of a Legend

By Laura LarsonPublished 2 years ago 11 min read
Photo by ev on Unsplash

After a long 10 years on the Wyoming State Patrol force and spending the last year helping to bring down a huge contraband cartel, Laramie decided he had enough of looking over his shoulder.

All he wanted was some peace and quiet. That’s when the phone call from his grandfather seemed to be a blessing. Grandfather was getting old and needed help on the ranch. Laramie said yes and couldn’t pack fast enough.

Laramie was raised by his grandfather on the Sioux Reservation in Wyoming after his parents died in a car accident. His grandfather taught Laramie about nature and the love of the land. Something that Laramie forgot about over the years of being a Trooper.

By Geio Tischler on Unsplash

The first few weeks went well for Laramie and his grandfather. Riding the horses at daybreak to check the cattle felt like a dream. Out on the prairie, you could see forever and never see anyone for days at a time. It was totally different than sitting in that squad car wondering if you would make it home that night.

Laramie especially enjoyed the tales his grandfather would tell about growing up as a young man on the Reservation and the stories handed down through the generations.

Life seemed great on the ranch until that day when he went to the barn to get some hay. He heard this horrible scream. He quickly turned around to see where the scream was coming from. He stood there listening for a few moments and didn’t hear the sound again, so, with goosebumps covering his body, he went ahead with the chores.

That night at supper, he told his grandfather about the horrible screeching sound. Grandfather’s face turned pale. “Grandfather, what was that sound?”

Grandfather silently picked up his plate and carried it to the sink. “Grandfather? What’s wrong?” asked Laramie. The old man never said another word for the rest of the evening.

The next morning, Grandfather and Laramie had breakfast and went out to do chores. Grandfather was still quiet. Laramie had no idea why, so he continued to go about his work.

That evening, Laramie went to the barn to check on the horses. As he pulled back the barn door, he heard that terrifying shriek again. Laramie quickly looked over the horses and ran back to the house.

“Grandfather, I heard that scream again. Are you sure there isn’t something you want to tell me?”

Just then Laramie’s phone rang. It was his boss from the Wyoming State Patrol. “Laramie, we have some news. Two of the men from the drug cartel escaped from prison this morning. We have an all points bulletin out for them. Just thought I’d let you know since they did say they were going to put you in your place. I’ve wired the Nebraska State Patrol also to give you extra protection since your ranch borders Nebraska. They said they will keep a close eye on the border. Sorry about this news. Take care my friend!”

Laramie slammed the phone down on the table and quickly ran up the stairs to his bedroom. Shortly, he came back down with a pistol in his hand.

“What’s going on, Son?” asked Grandfather. “Why the pistol?”

“Grandfather, a couple of those men escaped prison today and may be headed this way. Maybe you should go back to the Rez for a few days.”

“Laramie, if you’re in trouble, we are in trouble. I’m not going to leave you alone to fight these men.” Grandfather stood up and walked to the closet. He reached in and pulled out his 10 gauge shotgun. He also grabbed a box of shells. He raised the gun in the air and said, “We’ll be ready for them!”

“Grandfather, I’m going to drive into town and see if there is any sign of them. I won’t be gone too long.”

By Monica Bourgeau on Unsplash

Laramie jumped into the pickup, revved the engine and took off down the long dirt road. He slowed down as he came into town. He noticed that there are a few pickups parked in front of the bar but just local people.

He drove around another empty street but the town of 300 people was as quiet as usual. Laramie pulled up in front of the local cop station and went in.

“Hey Joe! How are things going in this bustling town?” asked Laramie with a smirk.

“Oh, you know, Joe.” replied the sheriff. “Mrs. Tanner came in complaining that the kids are walking across her yard again!” chuckled Joe. “What brings you to town this time of night?”

“Got a call from the Wyoming Patrol. Said two of the men I put in prison might be headed this way.”

“Ah, I did hear a bulletin about that. Didn’t figure you were in trouble though. What did these boys do?”

“They robbed and killed a shopkeeper in Albany County. Joe, if they come here, you are going to need some extra help. I would be willing to be your deputy.”

“Ah, Laramie, I’m sure it isn’t going to come to that. The troopers will pick them up before they even get 50 miles out. Let’s just wait and see if I get any more reports.”

“I don’t think that’s a very good plan, but, you’re the Sheriff!” replied Laramie as he walked out the door.

It was getting late and things in town were peaceful, so Laramie headed back to the ranch.

When he got home, he found his grandfather asleep in his chair with the gun by his side. Laramie carefully walked over and removed the gun before waking up Grandfather.

“Grandfather, I’m back. Have any trouble?” Laramie chuckled to himself.

“Nope, not one speck! I kept my eyes peeled all evening.” Grandfather replied.

Laramie replied with a grin, “That’s great, but I think we should go to bed. We have a lot to do tomorrow. That fence needs to be fixed in the back pasture.”

“So be it.” said Grandfather, he slowly got up out of the chair and walked to his bedroom.

Laramie made sure the house was locked up for the night. Turned off the lights and climbed the stairs to his room. He tossed and turned for a while, but sleep finally took over.

Suddenly, in the middle of the night, Laramie woke up in a cold sweat. He sat up in his bed rubbing his forehead. He flicked on the light and looked around his room, trying to catch his breath. “It was only a DREAM!” he said to himself. It seemed so real! He shut off the light and pulled the blankets back over him. “It was just a dream….”

The rest of the night, Laramie tossed and turned trying to get the dream out of his mind. Finally, he got up, went to the living room and turned on the TV.

By christopher lemercier on Unsplash

About 5 a.m. Laramie’s phone rang. It was the hospital. “Laramie, the sheriff is here. He’s hurt badly. He wants to see you.”

Without saying a word, Laramie ran to his pickup and raced to the hospital. He found Joe in bed, his face was black and blue and almost too swollen to recognize. He had a few broken ribs and a punctured lung. Laramie felt his heart sink as he walked to the bedside.

“Joe, what happened? Who did this to you?”

With a gasping breath, Joe replied, “I should have listened to you! They are looking for you Laramie. I didn’t tell them where you lived.” Joe grasped for air and then passed out.

Laramie turned to Joe’s family that was at the bedside. “Did any of you see what happened?” They all shook their heads no. Joe’s wife answered, “I went to check on him when he didn’t come home at his usual time. I found him next to his desk.” she said, as she wiped tears from her eyes.

“Don’t worry, I’ll find out and I’ll make them pay!” exclaimed Laramie.

Laramie left the hospital and went to the Sheriff’s office. He called the State Patrol. “The Sheriff was beaten and left to die at his office. I’m pretty sure it was the convicts. The sheriff said they were asking about me.”

“Ok Laramie, we are on our way. Stay put and don’t do anything stupid. Let the law handle it.” replied the Trooper.

“Well, if I see them first, it ain’t going to be pretty!” Laramie replied angrily.

Laramie drove around the town looking for any signs he could find. He talked to the people at the grocery store and the bar. No one had seen any strangers in town. He decided to go back to the ranch and let the State Patrol handle things in town.

Laramie was about two miles out of town when he noticed a motorcycle in his rear view mirror. “Hmm, this is odd.” he said to himself. He had a feeling of who it was. As the motorcycle drew closer to the truck, Laramie saw the Eagle and crossbones on the bike. Yep, it was part of the cartel gang.

By Harley-Davidson on Unsplash

Laramie reached for his phone to call for backup, but the phone slipped out of his hand to the floor of the truck. He tried to reach for it, but, by the time it took to feel for the phone, he had a motorcycle on each side of the truck. He checked his rear view mirror, there were more motorcycles coming up from behind. His nightmare was coming true!

By Harley-Davidson on Unsplash

Laramie tried to side swipe the motorcycles but they were too quick. He tried stepping on the brakes to make the ones in the rear crash, it didn’t work. He punched the petals and tried to out race them, it didn’t work. Then he had an idea. He would pull the brake and spin around, revved the engine and go head on with the motorcycles in the back. “OK, HERE GOES NOTHING

Dirt flew, tires squealed, the motorcycles on the side flew left and right and the ones following him…it was a STRIKE! Laramie didn’t stop. He turned back towards the ranch and floored it.

Once home, he turned off the pickup and sat there catching his breath. Grandfather raced out of the house. “Are you alright, Boy?” he asked. “You came driving in here like a bat out of Hell!”

“I’m fine Grandfather. Just had a little run in with a couple of friends of mine. I’ll come in, in a moment. I have to make some phone calls.”

Later that morning, Laramie received good news. The State Troopers had all the motorcycle gang in custody. Unfortunately, none of them were the escapees they were looking for. The Trooper thought the escapees might be in Denver and just sending their minions to do the work. He also told Laramie that there was a bounty on the escapees of $100 grand each.

As the day went on, Laramie calmed down. He fed the cattle and horses. Worked on fixing some fences and finally, it was supper time. He went to the barn to put the tools away when he heard that terrible, awful screech again. This time, he went to find what was making that noise. He looked in the tack room, nothing. He went to the grain bin, nothing. Then he heard the sound again. This time it sent shivers all through his body. He looked to the rafters. He heard a rustling sound. He slowly climbed up the ladder to the haymow. This time the screech was so loud, Laramie thought the devil himself was going to jump up. Laramie cautiously walked along the edge of the roof line. The rustling became louder. THEN, he saw it! It was the biggest barn owl he had ever seen! He looked at the owl and the owl looked at him and let out another shriek.

By David Clode on Unsplash

“Oh thank goodness!” said Laramie to himself. “Just an ol’ barn owl!”

He climbed down from the haymow and went to the house for supper.

As Laramie and Grandfather ate supper, Laramie mentioned he found out what was making that noise in the barn. “I heard that screech tonight again in the barn. I finally figured what it was. There’s a big ol’ barn owl in the haymow. I can’t believe how much that animal freaked me out the last few days!” Laramie said with a chuckle.

“Oh son,” replied the old man. “You don’t know what you are in for! It is VERY bad medicine to hear an owl three nights in a row! I was afraid this was going to happen.”

Grandfather lowered his head. There was sadness in his eyes.

“Grandfather, what? What can happen? It’s just a bird.” replied Laramie.

“When an owl calls to you for three nights in a row, there is going to be a death.” replied Grandfather, grimly.

“A death? Grandfather, do you still believe that?”

“It is so, my son. There will be a death.”

The rest of the evening was spent in silence.

The next morning Laramie had to go to town to identify the men on the motorcycles. Their trial date was set and things seemed to be going normally.

It was late afternoon when Laramie started for home. He couldn’t get the words of his grandfather out of his mind. He was almost home when he noticed a black car following behind him. Suddenly, a bullet hit the back window of the pickup.

By Talia on Unsplash

Laramie jerked the steering wheel and just about went off the road. Then another shot rang out, hitting the side of the passenger door. Laramie was tossing around like a leaf in the wind. Fortunately, he was able to grab his phone and call the Troopers. “This is Laramie, send some help to the ranch. I have a black car firing shots. GET HERE QUICK!”

Another shot was fired. This time it blew out the back tire. Laramie was just hoping he could make it home.

Grandfather was entering the house and could hear shots being fired. He knew Laramie was in deep trouble. He rushed inside and grabbed the shotgun and was on the front porch when Laramie came speeding to the house. The van was still following him. Laramie turned off the key and jumped from the truck and rolled up underneath some bushes.

“Laramie! Are you alright?” shouted Grandfather.

“Yes, I’m ok!” he answered, as he pulled his pistol out and aimed it at the car.

Just then the passenger of the car fired another shot. Laramie shot back and hit the person in the arm, making him drop the gun. The car did a complete 360 as they hit the gas and started to drive away.

Grandfather fired a round into the side of the car. Glass shattered and the car swerved and hit a tree. All was quiet.

Grandfather and Laramie, cautiously walked toward the car. The driver had hit his head on the steering wheel and was dead. The passenger was dazed, but alive.

Laramie opened the passenger door and proceeded to help the man out. In the distance, sirens were blaring. The State Patrol was racing up the driveway.

The Troopers surrounded the car with their vehicles. When they saw Laramie and his Grandfather they stepped out and cuffed the passenger and a Trooper took him to jail. A DOA was called in about the driver and reports were made.

“Well, Laramie, it seems you caught the escapees! Guess you know you have some money coming your way.” stated the Trooper.

“Well, you know, I didn’t do this for the money. I was just trying to save my hide!” chuckled Laramie.

“There’s a 100 grand reward for each of these men. I would say you deserved it.” said the Trooper as he patted Laramie on the shoulder.

By Jesse Cortez on Unsplash

Laramie looked at the ground, then at his pickup. “Well, you know, I could use a new truck!” Laramie answered with a laugh.

That night at supper, Laramie happened to remember what Grandfather told him about the owl. “You know Grandfather, I hope I never hear another owl for the rest of my life!”

“Me too Son, me too!” exclaimed Grandfather


About the Creator

Laura Larson

I started writing poetry and won a few awards. Soon, I decided to write a children's book, Legend of Prairie Island, available on Amazon.

After a few years of raising children, I have now started writing stories again.

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    Laura LarsonWritten by Laura Larson

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