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Killed For Living A Fake Lifestyle

33-Year-Old Lifestyle Influencer Was Killed for Fake Rolex Watches

By Anonymous TimPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Social media has become an essential part of modern life, allowing people to connect and share their thoughts and experiences with friends and family. However, this platform has become a double-edged sword in recent times. People's activities on social media can influence how they are perceived, and sometimes this could have dire consequences, leading to unexpected outcomes. The story of Saul Murray is an example of the potential hazards of social media, and it underscores the need for caution when using the platform.

Saul Murray was a 33-year-old man who posted a photo of two Rolex watches on his Instagram account on the 9th of February 2022. Although it was unclear why he posted the picture, he appeared to be a lifestyle influencer. It was unclear whether the watches were for sale, but he might have been showing them off. This picture caught the attention of Soprid de Leon, a 35-year-old woman who expressed an interest in Saul for his apparent wealth and lifestyle. They began chatting, and eventually, they agreed to meet and hook up in Saul's apartment.

On the day of their meeting, another young woman, 21-year-old Temi Dayo, joined them, and it was clear that it was going to be a threesome. Two weeks had passed since Soprid had seen the picture of the Rolex watches, and the hook-up was planned. Unfortunately, this was not a mere hookup. Soprid had organized a robbery, and the other two women were accomplices. After they had sex with Saul and drugged him, they opened the door for two young men, Afia Ikem and Cleo Brown, to come in and rob him. Soprid had already organized with these men and Temi Dayo to connive, drug, and rob Saul of his wristwatches, money, and other valuables.

After they had stolen the two fake Rolex watches and searched for other valuables, they left. However, something happened to Saul, and he was seen limping in a CCTV footage. He eventually fell and lost his life. It was discovered during the investigation that Saul had been stabbed in his leg, and the only person with the knife was Afia Ikem. The stabbing had caused Saul to bleed, and he lost his life. It was unclear why Afia Ikem had to do that, as Saul was already drugged and posed no threat to them. Saul was also a father of six kids, and his tragic end left his family in agony.

This story highlights the potential dangers of social media and why people should be careful about what they post. Saul's lifestyle and apparent wealth attracted Soprid, who assumed he was wealthy. Unfortunately, this assumption led to the plan to rob him, which resulted in his death. Saul's case is a reminder that social media is not a place to flaunt wealth or possessions, as it can lead to unintended consequences. People should also be careful about the people they meet on social media. Some people may have ulterior motives, as in Saul's case.

Furthermore, this story reveals the dark side of humanity, where people would go to any lengths to satisfy their greed. Soprid's plan to rob Saul was not just a casual plan, but a premeditated and elaborate scheme that involved four people. Their greed and callousness led to the death of an innocent man. Saul's case is an example of how some people would do anything for material possessions, even if it means taking someone's life.

In conclusion, Saul Murray's story is a tragic example of how social media can lead to unintended consequences. It highlights the need for people to be careful about what they post on social media and the people they meet. People should avoid flaunting their wealth and possessions, as it could attract people with ulterior motives

racial profilingmafiajuryinvestigationinnocenceincarcerationguiltycartelcapital punishment

About the Creator

Anonymous Tim

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