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Her Adoptive Parents Murdered Her In A Terrible Way Thinking That They Would Get Away With It

The Asunta Basterra Case

By Based On a True StoryPublished 10 days ago 18 min read

In the early morning of September 22, 2013, two men passing through a forest track in the municipality of Teo in A Coruña (Spain) made a shocking discovery: on one side of the road lay the lifeless body of a 12-year-old girl whose parents had reported her disappearance 3 hours earlier.

Immediately the police and emergency services showed up at the place without knowing that at that time one of the most sinister cases in Spain was beginning.

To try to understand this case, which is quite complicated, I'm going to start by talking about Rosario Porto Ortega, born on December 18, 1969 in Santiago de Compostela (Spain).

It is known that she was the daughter of lawyer Francisco Porto and university professor Socorro Ortega who formed one of the most affluent and influential marriages in the city.

Rosario studied at the Rosalía de Castro Institute and, later, graduated in Law in Santiago, expanding her studies at British and French universities. It was precisely during her stay in Paris that she suffered her first depression when felt that no one was there and that she was not recognized.

Already in Santiago from her father she inherited the title of honorary consul of France to which she dedicated himself until 2006.

At the age of 21, the lawyer met Alfonso Basterra, a 26-year-old journalist from Bilbao with unstable jobs.

On October 26, 96, the couple gave themselves the will under the separation of property. Even so, Alfonso's work was so unstable that he always ended up living on his wife's money, which really came from his in-laws.

Rosario defined those first years of marriage as idyllic. Then in '98 by the desire of her parents more than by her own Alfonso and she began the procedures to adopt a child by not being able to have a biological one because of the Lupus she suffered from.

The chosen country was China where on September 30, 2000, Asunta Yong Fang was born, who was adopted by the couple on June 9, 2001.

With just nine months of life, the girl arrived in Santiago with a great expectation to be the first adopted Chinese girl in the city.

This was something that gave Rosario the notoriety she always longed for, in fact she went out with Alfonso and the girl on a television program talking about the process.

They were the days when they were seen walking happily and proudly through the streets of Compostela photographing themselves and recording images for the press and television reports that echoed the news. Nothing foreshadowed the dramatic and macabre turn that was about to come.

The divorce:

For a few years the family's life went normally and in fact everyone tells that both Rosario and Alfonso went out of their way for the girl.

The woman wanted her daughter to have the same opportunities as her so she took her to the best schools and expanded her training with numerous extracurricular activities such as ballet, piano, violin, Chinese, French and English.

For her part, Asunta showed from a very young age that she was a girl with high abilities and many concerns.

As Rosario was the main source of income, she continued to work while Alfonso made sporadic collaborations in newspapers that allowed him to take care of the house and the girl.

However, in 2009 Rosario suffered a severe depression again and was admitted to a clinic after trying to kill herself. Then, at the end of 2011, a series of events took place that marked the present and future of Asunta.

The first fact that greatly affected the little girl was the death of her grandmother in December 2011 and 7 months later that of her grandfather to whom she felt very attached. Interestingly, the two died suddenly while sleeping and although they were 78 and 88 years old respectively, they were not sick.

As if this were not enough on Three Kings Day 2013, her parents decided to separate after Alfonso discovered through some emails that Rosario was unfaithful to him with a married businessman to whom she had certain legal works of his company.

Asunta stayed to live with her mother in the usual apartment while the father went with his family to Burgos and Bilbao. In February they already had the divorce signed.

Everyone says that Rosario was like a teen with this new love with whom she thought she could achieve the happiness that Alfonso did not give her, but after the divorce the man told her that he did not want a serious relationship with her because he was not going to leave his family.

Frustrated and saturated by having to take care of Asunta's care alone in June, Rosario had to be admitted when she noticed that a part of her face was paralyzed as a result of stress.

It is here that Alfonso appears again on stage and offers to take care of Rosario and help her with the girl with a condition, that she does not continue with the businessman with whom she was unfaithful. She accepts but can't keep the promise and continues to stay with him from time to time.

Alfonso rented an apartment on República Argentina Street, about 50 meters from Rosario's house and when it is discharged the man fulfills what was promised and goes out of his way to attend to both... To give you an idea the 3 ate or dined together and even watched movies in the living room like any other family.

But the subsequent facts show that all this was pure theater since that same month without knowing who convinces whom, they decide to end their daughter's life.

At the beginning of July, a series of unusual events begin to occur that are important in this case.

The first occurred on the night of July 4 to 5 when a masked man entered Rosario and Asunta's house and tried to deprive the girl of air while she slept. The mother did not want to report the facts so as not to walk her daughter through the courts but when Asunta told some friends she had no choice but to go to the police station.

Rosario in the end did not file the report because she said that they did not take it seriously, she also attributed the incident to a mistake because according to her both times the keys were left outside the house.

On July 9, after having slept at her father's house, Asunta went to her music class in strange conditions, so much so that he could not receive the classes because according to the teacher she walked as if she were sleepwalking.

The teacher called Alfonso to tell him what was happening to his daughter to which he replied that the girl was allergic and that's why she was like that.

On the 22nd, the most serious episode of drowsiness took place, and no longer because of the state of the girl who was as asleep as the previous time, but because she told her teachers that she had no allergies, that her parents deceived her and did not tell her what was happening to her and that her mother had given her "some white powders" that made her sleep for days.

Until July 30, nothing is known about what is happening in the family home, but Rosario went to her psychiatrist's office and lied to him telling that he had no medication. The psychiatrist prescribed Lorazepam, an anxiolytic of the orfidal brand without knowing that Alfonso had been obtaining this medicine in different pharmacies all month.

In August, Rosario suffered a new depressive condition accompanied by anxiety, and Alfonso took care of her. Meanwhile, Asunta spent the month away from her parents, first with her godmother, from July 30 to August 22, in Vilanova; later, on August 28, she went to the countryside with her caregiver, the woman who helped Rosario with household chores. During her absence, the parents called the girl every day and everyone said that she seemed happy and worry-free.

Upon her arrival Asunta missed high school according to her mother because she had a kind of flu and already on September 20 Rosario called Alfonso to stay with the girl while she went with her lover to Pontevedra, which he did not know.

The next day the murder took place.

The missing:

On September 21, 2013 at 10:17 p.m. Rosario and Alfonso went to the Santiago police station to report the disappearance of their daughter Asunta.

According to their version that day the 3 ate at Alfonso's house, then they played cards and at 5:20 p.m the girl went to the house she shared with her mother to do her homework. At 10 minutes Rosario also went home and then went out to pick up some swimsuits at her farm in Teo, leaving her daughter in the room with the homeworks.

When she returned at 9:30, the woman observed that the door was locked, the alarm was set and that there was no trace of Asunta. At first she thought that her daughter had gone to her father's house but he told her that she was not there and that he had been alone in the house all afternoon reading.

The couple added that they waited for a reasonable time and since their daughter was not returning, they contacted several acquaintances in case they had seen her.

For the agents, the testimony was somewhat strange due to some striking details such as that neither of them could describe how their daughter was dressed or the speed with which they presented themselves to report, and it is that between the arrival of Rosario at her home and the decision to go to the police station took just over half an hour.

The parents conveyed at all times that the disappearance "had been forced," because "the girl was very responsible and had never been out of the house". Even to give more emphasis to this theory, the woman spoke of the "incident" of the month of July in which a stranger entered her house and tried to deprive Asunta of air.

Once the complaint was filed, several agents went to the Rosario building to inspect it more than anything in case the girl had suffered an accident, but they found no trace of her.

At home, they took the opportunity to check Asunta's cell phone, which had "nothing relevant" and then the woman showed the girl's room where she had the books on the floor as if she had been studying.

At the same time, efforts were initiated to obtain recordings of the cameras of establishments located between the house of Rosario and Alfonso to see if they could provide any information.

At 1:15 a.m., that is, 3 hours after going to the police station, two men who were passing through a forest track in the municipality of Teo in A Coruña, made a shocking discovery... On one side of the road lay the lifeless body of a 12-year-old girl who hours later was identified as Asunta Basterra.

Immediately the police and emergency services showed up at the place and there they observed more strange things... To begin with, the body was in sight of the road, they had not hidden it and it was placed with care. In addition, very close by were some orange strings that were taken for analysis.

The parents were notified of the discovery by the civil guard and after overcoming the first impression they again assured that their daughter had been kidnapped and that they did not know who was doing this to them.

Asunta's body was taken to the anatomical forensic for analysis and after collecting all the necessary samples it was delivered to her parents by order of the judge because they insisted a lot on incinerating the girl as soon as possible.

Hours after the appearance of the body, Rosario took the agents to Teo's farm where she was on the afternoon of the disappearance.

While the agents were checking the house, the woman said she had to go to the upstairs bathroom. Without realizing that an agent was after her, Rosario went to the bin in a room and when she was about to empty the contents, she was intercepted by that agent.

The police were shocked to see that inside there was an orange rope identical to the one found next to Asunta's body, several papers and an fp2 mask. In a closet in the house they also found a roll of the same rope. When asked about these objects, Rosario was silent.

On September 24 and after the incineration, the case took a radical turn when Rosario was arrested at the funeral home for "inconsistencies and ambiguities" in the version she gave about the disappearance.

Let's remember that the woman said that Asunta had disappeared from home while she was away, however the security camera of a gas station recorded mother and daughter at 6:23 p.m. in Rosario's car. To this it must be added that the calls that Alfonso and she made that night to their relatives to see if they knew where the girl was were not true.

A day later, when the results of the autopsy were known, Alfonso was also arrested because in Asunta's body they found something that directly involved him.

According to the forensic report, the little girl died of suffocation and far from what was thought at first she showed no signs of abuse.

The striking thing was that in her body had Lorazepan, specifically about 27 pills that she would have ingested during the meal. If the father prepared said food and he was the one who normally bought these pills from his wife for depression, they assumed that he was also involved.

But not only that, the autopsy also revealed that the girl had been given these pills for at least 3 months, which coincided with the episodes of drowsiness she had in her summer classes.

For three days, the parents remained in two nearby cells in the dungeons of the Civil Guard, where all their conversations were recorded without their consent. Although these recordings could not be used in the trial, they did come to light and did not leave anyone indifferent.

Warned by her lawyer that the police had the images of the car, Rosario changed her version of the day of the events when she appeared before Judge Vázquez Taín. On this occasion she said that when she was going to leave her house in the direction of Teo, her daughter decided to accompany her and that she then left the girl near her father's house, at which point she disappeared.

The civil guard again checked Teo's farm along with the judicial entourage and the accused, and they were convinced that that was the place of the crime. It was in one of the breaks when the media that were crowded outside recorded Rosario laughing happily and relaxed.

At one point the case surprised everyone again when the analysis of the shirt that Asunta was wearing revealed that had semen from a Colombian who lived in Madrid.

Apparently this person was being investigated for a case of abuse so it is believed that the little girl's t-shirt suffered some type of contamination in the laboratory. This was confirmed by verifying that the man had a solid alibi since he was in Madrid at the time of the disappearance buying a wedding suit and that the stains on the shirt were only compatible with a laboratory error.

The trial:

The trial against Rosario Porto and Alfonso Basterra began in June 2015. They at all times declared themselves innocent and their lawyers, taking advantage of the fact that there were many gaps in the investigation, tried to destroy the evidence presented. However, there were things that did not admit discussion.

The teachers who saw Asunta asleep during her July classes declared. Subsequently it was shown that before each of these episodes and also of the absence that the girl had at the institute Alfonso bought in Lorazepam in different pharmacies in his area

The prosecutor's office was clear that this, together with the episode of the alleged intruder who tried to deprive the girl of air, was due to a try of the crime that the parents were doing.

On the other hand, the experts confirmed that the orange rope that was found near the body and that of Teo's farm were the same.

Another important point was the testimony of Clara Baltar, a friend of classes of Asunta who dismantled Alfonso's ali. The girl's father always said that on the afternoon of the disappearance he was at home reading and that his mobile phone that was off all that time he claimed that he had it turned on.

Clara said that on the afternoon of September 21 she left a store and saw Asunta and her father walking down the street at about 6.20 p.m and that she didn't tell her anything because she stood with his back to her. Alfonso's defense tried to confuse her but she was very sure of her claims. In addition, the purchase ticket of the store where the girl was confirmed her version.

During the trial it was also learned that a neighbor of Rosario saw her leaving her farm at a quarter to 9 at night when in theory the crime had already been committed. The man saw that his neighbor went out without the lights and he let her know, which she was in a hurry because she was going to pick up her daughter.

It is believed that by then the girl's body should be in the trunk or on the floor in the back, especially since during the inspection of the vehicle the mats had disappeared and there was a slight trace of vomit from Asunta for which the date could not be established.

And finally, I'm going to talk about the photos of Asunta that police found on their parents' mobile phones.

In these devices there were snapshots of the girl so inappropriate that it was even insinuated that perhaps the father passed with her. Both Rosario and he said that they were simply photos of their daughter in disguise and that she loved doing this type of theater.

On the other hand, during the first search of Alfonso's house his computer had disappeared to appear mysterious weeks later in a visible area of the house. After an analysis, the experts stated that there were many deleted files and that the man had photos of women without clothes with Asian features.

Finally, the jury found Rosario Porto and Alfonso Basterra guilty of the murder of Asunta, their daughter. That's why they were sentenced to 18 years in prison. According to the ruling, these are the proven facts of what happened:

Alfonso and Rosario by mutual agreement repeatedly supplied their daughter with lorazepam for at least 3 months.

On September 21, and with the intention of ending her life, the 3 of them ate at the man's house and gave her the medicine to put her to sleep.

At 6:15 p.m Rosario went out to look for her car in the garage while Alfonso walked with the girl to meet her on the street, at which time they were seen by Clara Baltar.

As the alarm of Teo's house was deactivated at 6:33 p.m they believed that at a time between that time and 8 in the afternoon Rosario and ALfonso ended their daughter's life by suffocation without her being able to defend herself because the effects of the medication were low.

Then to facilitate the transport of the body, they tied the girl's feet and hands with the orange rope but over the clothes so as not to leave marks and left the body carefully on the forest track of Teo.

In the sentence it is proven that Alfonso was at Teo's house and that although he was not seen in the car, Rosario did pick up the father and daughter minutes after Clara saw them walking in the direction of her.

Clara at no time did she see Asunta walking badly or staggering something that many do not understand if she had such an amount of pills on her body. For this there is an answer in the sentence and that is that it is not very well known at what exact moment they gave her the pills, not to mention that the girl had been ingesting them for months and her level of tolerance was much higher.

And I think what we all ask ourselves is why they did this. The truth is that the reason has never been known, some say that the girl was left over, others that she could have the key to the sudden death of her grandparents... etc, but that is something that only they know.

Both Rosario and Alfonso have always defended their innocence. During the years she was in prison and coinciding with the anniversaries of her death, the woman sent obituaries in memory of her daughter.

On November 18, 2020, after several attempts, the woman hanged herself in the cell in the Brieva prison taking all the secrets to the grave.

To this day, Alfonso Basterra continues to proclaim his innocence.

In case you are wondering, Rosario Porto's inheritance, which was valued at about 3 million euros between jewelry, properties and works of art, went to one of her best friends and also to her lawyers who resigned for ethical reasons.

This friend managed to sell everything but Teo's farm, which although it was valued at 800,000 Euros, they only offered her 150,000 for what happened inside.

It is known that until recently some squatters have lived in it and that after throwing them out the woman wants to put it back up for sale.


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About the Creator

Based On a True Story

Hi everyone! My name is Marta and every week I write about true crime, always with an educational purpose.

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