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Short Story by D. Alvarez

By Daniel AlvarezPublished 3 years ago 4 min read


Its 2 am, its pouring rain, a man has just been shot and murdered in downtown Montreal. I woke up and I saw the news crew today, a crowd of people turned away, but I just have to look what the commotion was about. An unidentified man has been killed, police were scouting the area for clues, I kept walking a block away, and saw as little black notebook under the back of the bus bench, near the bush. I picked it up, it had a cross drawing, “Find my treasure, the one that understands it”, and also written on it was the name Notre-Dame de la Paix, there was blood on the last ripped page and number DCLXVI.

I grew curious and did some research and there was a reference in the treasure phrase of the mythical Cross of Goa, stolen by the French pirate Olivier Levasseur aka La Buse “The Buzzard”, he left a cryptogram with the cross location, could it be that the man that was killed found it or was close to find it and murdered because of it? After all it’s a 2-meter gold cross incrusted with precious diamonds and stones, worth millions.

I went to the new church constructed after the burning of Notre-Dame de la Paix, and try to look for that number in the paintings and old wooden sculptures. I asked the local bishop if all the old sculptures from the original church that survived where there, and apparently their confessionary room and crypts are the only things that survived. I went to the underground crypt with a flashlight with the permission of the priest and couldn’t find the number, even though I already check the confessionary room. I decided to give it a second look, and the engraving that looked like St. Jude in the confessionary, however after inspecting it closely it was a two-way up and down figure engraved, on the other way down a hallow evil face of Judas Iscariot and, on the gown, there were the small numbers DCLXVI (666) engraved. I quickly pulled my pocket knife since there where edges in the gown portion where the number was engraved, I pulled it out and behind the small piece of wood was some miniature writing. I took it and left the church.

There were coordinates, 47°23′N 61°52′ and the words “Search for the crying face”. I packed and prepared the next few weeks to go to Magdalen Island in Quebec. I went to an old lighthouse that was one of the first point of contact in the island, and tried to look anything remotely that looked like a crying face, I went down the cliff when the tide was low and water calmed with a wet suit and scuba gear. I look at edges and finally I saw, what it looked like a crying piece of face in which when the waves crashed a portion of water stayed on top and had the look of a crying rock face in the holes that represented the eyes.

I jumped out of excitement, and went to inspect near the rock, there was nothing but since the tide was low, I was able to see a narrow edge that connected to what seemed a tunnel. I was able to squeeze myself and with the flashlight continued going, eventually I hit with what seemed a native skeleton with a sword, and there was a small leather bag with 5 Spanish gold coins. Suddenly I felt the presence that I was not alone, and by quick reaction I turned back and saw a man attacking me with a hatch it, I dodge the hit and quickly grabbed the sword and stabbed the man in the chest, he seemed like a native Iroquois or Mohawk and in his dying breath he said, leave it there, don’t take it, its damnation to any one that holds it and the people around, he is one of the few protectors left of the Iroquois. He explained the cross was built with gold stolen from Goa and from a melted figurine of Shiva and has been damned ever since, once the cross was built the Spanish army started to lose their power, Oliver Levasseur sensed something was wrong the moment he stole it, his crew started to die quickly, he navigated to Quebec and traded it with the natives in exchange of shelter and some goods and supplies, however he was eventually captured and hanged. The Iroquois lost their power during colonization and experience a lot of disease and death, they realized that the cross brings damnation to humanity, hence the engraving with the number 666 written by the Spanish and later warned by Oliver Levasseur in the church engraving. His last words were, do not move it, leave it there. Curiosity caught my imagination and went deeper and there on the center on top of a rock surrounded with water was the cross, a 2-meter solid gold gross with the most beautiful diamonds, emeralds, and rubies. I wanted to take it so bad, but I could sense something was wrong, I did not even touch it and left it where it was, destroyed the piece of wood and left the black notebook next to the body of the man I had just killed. I left quickly as the tide was rising quickly and left with the 5 Spanish gold coins worth around 20k. Until the next adventure comes.

The End


About the Creator

Daniel Alvarez

Just a random story teller.

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