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Human's Quest for Human's Flesh

By senya abdulrehmanPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Be careful Human Hounds are searching for you

Have you ever heard of a person eating the flesh of another human? Yeah you are right it's gross don't read this story while eating you may puke…lols… I want you to complete your meal first and then come back to reading as this topic is somehow irrational and I think it might be successful in grabbing your interest if you are interested in science fiction or horrifying topics.

Let me start discussing thus taboo that creates a sense of horror in moral communities. Today's topic revolves around one of the horrifying and heinous human act rightly known as Cannibalism. It is basically a practice of eating human flesh or other organs. Some might find it fascinating still it has been horrifying for centuries. The practice is highly condemned nowadays still it is believed that it occurs in areas of extreme poverty, war and famine.

Not much information is available on the origin of cannibalism but the researchers believe that it firstly originated during the situations of extreme hardships. It might also be ritualistic practice accosted with spiritual or religious beliefs but still no matter what was the key cause of this malicious practice it is observed in various cultures including the Carib, Aztecs and Papua New Guinea.

The most popular case of cannibalism in modern history was the Donner Party in 1846. In this event a group of people stranded in Sierra Nevada mountains. When no food was left they started eating the flesh of their dead peers to survive. It was the story of tragedy and desperation which human beings sink for surviving.

Despite the disgusting act, it still inspires people it is worth noting that all instances of practice don't come from desperation. Some cultures suggest that eating your enemies flesh can imbue the person with courage and strength. In some cultures, it is a form of punishment, as a warning to humans or the persons being eaten.

In the modern Era, it is referred as a heinous crime and is illegal across the globe and the persons committing such crimes suffer from various penalties including death. It is a common school of thought to consider cannibalism morally wrong but still there are some people who donate their bodies voluntarily for cannibalism.

Let me tell you a story of a German man Armin Meiwes who ate a volunteer victim in 2001. This case raises various ethical questions on cannibalism. Meiwes was convicted and sentenced to life in prison for cannibalism. Many argued that as the victim has voluntarily agreed so the act was not immoral inherently. This raises the issue whether consumption of human flesh should be acceptable or not in different circumstances.

Most of the people argue that the practice of cannibalism is dehumanizing inherently. Consumption of human for eating makes them a mere source of sustenance. It profoundly impacts value of human life and is cited as why this practice is condemned universally.

This practice is too risky as human flesh can cause various health complications like Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease that is a fatal neurological disease. Even if the flesh is properly cooked it can still cause illness or infection.

Some optimistic people still present the argument that cannibalism is justifiable under different circumstances. During time of famine, natural disaster, or hardship it becomes the only option to survive on human flesh. We can say that preservation of human life is preferred over moral or ethical concerns.

Concluding this topic, we can say that cannibalism is extremely disturbing and taboo that horrified and fascinate people across the globe. Closing my laptop hoping that you people might find this topic more interesting than being irritated by reading such stuff🤣🤣.

Words: 625

fact or fiction

About the Creator

senya abdulrehman

"Creating magic with words, one page at a time"

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