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A Beautiful View Reveals The Truth

Mysteriously Missing

By Kimberly CollierPublished 3 years ago 8 min read

Today for some reason, I felt an overwhelming urge to get up and out of the house. You know the saying, "The Mountains are calling and I must go?" It was that kind of calling; but different. It was like I was on auto pilot. Everything was happening with very little thought involved. I decided to hike a tough 12 mile section of the Appalachian trail, which I have done before. The objective was to get to this amazing view point, have a little lunch and enjoy what was going to be a stellar day of weather. I gathered my hiking gear and I was off.

I always get a little nervous before doing a long hike alone. I often debate with myself about whether I should be hiking alone. Technically I shouldn't, but I hike alone a lot. I know it's not the safest choice, but its hard to find other like minded hikers or similarly skilled friends.

I was a little nervous because this lady named Samantha Matthews went missing in May of 2020 and her disappearance remains a mystery. She was riding on bike trails not far from these hiking trails and she suddenly vanished. Most people believe her husband is to blame. But, after reading more about it, I am not so sure. I believe there is a possibility she was abducted. Which has made my solo hikes, apprehensive ones.

I got to the parking lot about 10 am. Not too early and not so late you feel you have to run back before darkness falls. This trail is in the center of the high points of the mountain. One side you are in Tennessee and the other you are in North Carolina. The trees are high enough that you can't see the views unless you walk out to view points. It's a sheltered sort of trail; kind of like walking through an arch of trees.

The hike out to the view point is about 6 miles. Rocky and root ridden terrain which is challenging, but fun. Gives your feet and mind something complex to do. Makes time fly when your mind is busy navigating obstacles. Before I knew it, I was there.

Walking out towards the view point is like walking along high cliffs. You see the shear drop off's and your glad your feet are planted on solid ground. Here you are at about 6500 feet. The view point itself reveals how high up you are in a grand and spectacular way. It also becomes clear why you might have been breathing a little heavy while hiking there.

My plan was to get there, have a little lunch, find a cache that's hidden in the rocks and enjoy the amazing view. I am admittedly a geeky Geo-Cacher. For those who don't know, Geo-Caches are hidden containers all around the world, mapped out on a web site for people to find. All you need is a cache, a coordinate and a GPS to find one. This one I have found before. So, I already knew where it was. I liked this cache, because it's at such a beautiful view point. All Geo-Cache's have log books inside so you can log your visit. The log book for this Geo-Cache is a small black notebook, big enough for people visiting to journal their visit. I think the idea from the person that placed it here is for the finders to write a little story, talk about how you feel or write something inspirational. Although, you can actually write anything you want.

I got out to the view point, set down my pack and went to grab the cache. This cache is in pelican box; keeping the contents inside weather proofed. It's tucked under a cropping of rocks just off the cliffs edge. It's not actually on the cliffs edge, but gives off the appearance that it is. You don't realize it isn't until you scale down to grab it. I think this is why this cache is rarely visited. People think you must have climbing gear to get to it, hence playing on peoples minds and their fear of heights.

I grabbed the little black notebook and opened it. I noticed the last person to log in was early May of 2020. They wrote how they were rebels after COVID broke out, saying they came out here, even though the trails were closed. "You can't take nature away from people. To do so, is to die!" Hmmm, I like that. It's amazing no one else found this cache since then.

I wrote in the book, pouring out my soul a bit. Talking about how hard this last year had been. I followed up with a like minded sediment of not taking nature and its beauty for granted.

After writing, I decided I would read a few of the old posts. Although, it's kind of like reading someone's personal diary. But, come on, it's here for anyone to see. I thought about whether or not I should and one second later, I was reading other people's posts.

"April 28, 2020. I just had to get out of the house and come to the point. I only passed one other person today while coming out here. That saddened me. No reason to worry when no one is around. I can't wait for this to be over. TFTC" RedEagleHiker.

"April 12, 2020. TFTC. Love the view! Nice log book!" TNMTNHiker.

"April 01, 2020. April Fools! Or, is it really? I have a challenge for you. You want to help solve a mystery? I believe this mystery will reveal itself more in May. Or at least that's when people will start to know my name. What I am telling you is, I know my days are numbered. Someone has been following me. They think I don't know who they are, but I do and I know why. So, take this book, or at least photograph this page. I have left clues you will need in this message. Use them to get to the next place. Once you get there, more will be revealed. All you need is this coordinate. 35.92311, -84.04951 . This place is a place that allows one to "lock up" truths and keep them safe. My number is 0510 and my code 0430. You were called here for a reason. That reason is to reveal the truth. If you follow through, you will be greatly rewarded. Go there and you will find more instruction. God speed."

What the heck? Is this a joke? Is this a test? Is this some strange Geo-Cache? Is this person saying something bad has happened to them? Has someone already done this? It was April fools day when they wrote it. I took a picture of the page and put the book back in the Cache. I quickly grabbed my things and decided I was going to find out. While hiking back, I was trying to put the coordinates into my cell phone and discovered there was no service. I kept trying, but found out if I didn't want to break my leg, I needed to wait until I was on solid ground. I got to the parking lot in record time. The parking lot had spotty service but after a few minutes, I discovered the coordinates were for a bank in downtown Knoxville and I needed to get there before they closed at 5.

The whole way down the mountain, all I could think of was, "Is this a joke? A big April Fools joke? Who was this person? Was I the person meant to figure out this mystery? Did something really happen to them?" Its the first I didn't even notice the beauty of my surroundings as I zipped down the mountain.

I hit the interstate in record time. I was sweating, anxious and wondering what the hell I had just discovered. I had to remember, this person did write this on April 1st. So it might be one big fat joke; on me.

I got into Downtown Knoxville and parked behind the bank. I am guessing this code was for a safe deposit box and the other code was to get inside. I went inside and asked and the next thing I know I am being lead inside a vault area and being reminded by the stern bank attendant, "You have 10 minutes before we close."

I approached box 0510 and wondered if someone was going to pop into the room the minute I punched in the code, shouting, "April fools". Logic told me no, but I was doubting logic at this point. So I put in the code and pulled the drawer out. Inside was a leather bound small black notebook and two bundles of cash, marked $10,000 each. Inside the cover of the book was a envelope stating "Please read me before doing anything else!"

I opened the envelope and found a letter. "Hello brave soul. My name is Samantha Matthews. By now you may have heard of me and maybe you haven't. I am writing this letter because I believe I am going to be murdered. I am not totally sure, but just incase I am, I need to allow someone to discover the truth to my disappearance. I decided to leave the clue in a beautiful place I visited often. Thank you for believing in my scribblings and taking them seriously. You see, I discovered someone was following me for months. At first I didn't know who it was. I told my husband about my fears and while he was concerned, I don't think he took it seriously. After much research and documentation, I discovered why I was being followed and why they wanted to murder me. Most people will be thinking it is my husband, but this book will reveal who it really is. So, please, take this book to the local authorities."

Holy smokes! Samanta Matthews was the missing woman from last year. I was stunned as I was just thinking about her before I headed out today and then this? Then I noticed another envelope. "For yours eyes only and no need to tell anyone this part." I opened it and it said, "The money inside is for you. I am a true believer that whomever was sent to read my message and take it seriously needs to be rewarded. Not only for my sake, but for my husband and kids. I imagine without the truth out there, they are being put through hell. Thank You for listening to your inner voice, believing and following through."

I stood there stunned. Although not for long, the stern bank attendant returned and told me, "We are now closed. Please finish up your business and meet us out in the lobby. We will have someone let you out of the building." I shook my head acknowledging her and gathered up the book, the notes and cash and put it in my purse. I walked into the lobby and I must have still looked bewildered because the security guard who unlocked the door to let me out asked, "Are you ok?" I shook my head indicating I was fine.

Still in shock, nervous and a tad paranoid about what I had uncovered, I hopped into my car and drove right to the police station. I told the front duty officer I wanted to speak to a person in Homicide because I had information on a murder.

A few minutes later a Homicide Detective walked toward me. He introduced himself and I could see he had kind eyes and somehow I knew, he was the right person to tell this story to.

I said, "Do you believe in divine intervention? Well, I do, because there is no other way to explain what I am about to tell you."


About the Creator

Kimberly Collier

Trying my hand at writing and seeing where it takes me.

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    Kimberly CollierWritten by Kimberly Collier

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