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What is Love?

and where to find it

By Sarah DanaherPublished 2 months ago 5 min read
What is Love?
Photo by Saif Memon on Unsplash

What is Love? The world searches for it, yet barely anyone finds it. The difference in the types can also be seen from family to lovers. We all search for that Love and acceptance of others. Some just do not have a healthy family, leading to choosing the wrong mates. Yet it is ingrained in our very nature to seek this same thing. From the beginning, humanity wanted Love and to avoid disappointment. I am no different from the others in finding belonging in family and the outside world. It is strange to sit back and watch others in their many relationships. However, more personal experience is needed to ensure everything is correct. I have watched the relationships in my family and of those around me. It is interesting to see how successful marriages looked like my parents and grandparents have had. I have seen some toxic relationships with family and friends also. Yet even watching the crime shows have shown all the red flags to look at as a warning. Then, to see messed up people even having a loving relationship is also so interesting.

Even God's Love for us can be seen throughout creation and yet so easily forgotten. Ultimately, Love is funny, and discovering it will fluster most humans.

I remember growing up being loved by my parents. Both are still together after forty years of marriage. The beginning was a little rough, with my mom ignoring my dad. Though he was convinced, he was the one. They raised us without screaming, fights, or abuse.

My mom has always said," Love is a decision, not a feeling." I have a feeling she did not feel like loving us all the time, but we all survived in the end. We were encouraged and brought up in good morals and manners. I can reflect on the stories of my grandparents and their funny love stories.

My grandfather drove his tractor by to see the pretty city girl visiting the countryside. They were married for over fifty years; he even loved her when he died. The formula can be found if we are willing to look at a prime example. I remember my mother's words again, "Marriage is 100/ 100." This means the other person must fight for the other person and the other person in return. This mutual respect was heard in my parents' discussion as a teenager. My dad had to pick a shift for work, and my mom argued about the best option for him, but he discussed the best time he could spend with her.

Seeing the dysfunctional pairs and not understanding how they came together is funny. So, examples are the best to see the ingredients of caring about each other even in disagreement.

Most people strive for marriage, though; searching usually starts very young. When those hormones hit, it is difficult to resist the other. The boys were only that great in school once they hit college anyway. Finding the right person becomes a quest for most. Some see The right person more easily, yet my journey has not led me to any. Many a man has been attractive after being a late bloomer. Some just did not care about me, and others did not care about them. Both must be on board in this matter. I have a type, but I need something to work out. Either the guy is so young or is already taken.

Compatibility is also important.

For some, it is being alone and never experiencing the joy of another. It is acceptance and having someone to come home at the end of the day.

Those who have been divorced will tell a different tale in the long run. Feelings are strong at first only to whither if one does not fight for their marriage. The other part is attractiveness, which must be mutual, making it difficult if the other person has no feelings. The road can be rough as anyone navigates through the dating process. No one wins when there is a breakup, yet it happens daily.

Even going to college, I was hoping to find a good man. Well, it always ended up differently than I wanted it. Even through life, the genuinely lovely guys were just never attractive. I know it is a two-way street in attraction to each other. So, It is funny that both sides must be on board. I have a way that the slower intellectual guys like me more. I can be kind and willing to be friends with most.

I have no problem with everything being alive, but I seek a mate. I need someone who can keep up with me. Of course, they can be friendly people, but I find no attractiveness to them either. I must constantly watch how I say and do anything. Sensitivity can be high, and getting through simple conversations can be difficult. One guy liked me but never really got to know my interests. The conversations became better but still needed to be more profound. He was friendly, but I constantly tried not to say anything that would come off as insensitive. He would visit my work area while I was trying to keep up with a ridiculous rate.

He is no longer at the company, and working without unwanted distractions is nicer. Other guys I have found attractive but turned out to be jerks. Others just did not notice me or pay any attention. I am still looking for this thing called Love. My parents and grandparents all seem to know, but I keep drawing blanks with a man who can handle my personality. Only if I could explore my own problems in this matter. No one wants to be alone, but it is better than being with the wrong one. Love is complicated in many ways, and finding it might just happen when I am not looking for it.

As for my story, I am still looking but enjoying my freedom of not being attached. So, I want to enjoy my family's Love while looking for the right one. As for the study, it is quite interesting. So many in my family seemed sure, but they sometimes had doubts. The stories are only partially told. Regarding Love, I will wait for the right time and not go with the wrong man. I have seen too many stories about that one. What is Love?


About the Creator

Sarah Danaher

I enjoy writing for fun. I like to write for several genres including fantasy, poetry, and dystopian, but I am open to trying other genres too. It has been a source of stress relief from my busy life.

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