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The Unseen Symphony

Everyday Echoes

By Kiruthika GopalakrishnanPublished 5 months ago 8 min read

Just like anyother day it was a busy day for Jerry and Zara couple with their twin sons Ken and Gab just to make their ends meet. It was very hard to survive and feed the families as a hearing impaired couple. Though they were concerned about their disabilities they were living an happy and peaceful life with their sons as their pride.

A teenagers who are responsible and smart kids, Ken is also having hearing impairement who thinks it as a gifts from their parents to keep him live in a peaceful world, a smart and charming guy mastering in fencing as he goals for the national competition, while Gab is the voice of family to communicate with neighbors and society which makes him thinks that he should be more reliable to his family and he wanted to carry the responsibilities on his shoulder and he never tried to enjoy his childhood and always running behind his brother to protect him. As Gab thinks that he has to protect his family from everything he will always tries to make sure not to upset his parents, the exact opposite to his parents.

Ken is pursuing his career in fenzing ever since high school as per his dream, Gab always scores high marks in studies and prparing for med school as per his parents wish to make them proud while leaving behing his dream as a great musician. Gab used to play guitar then and there in secret without his parents knowledge to makke sure not disappoint them. while Ken is always supporting Gab to pursue his passion saying "No one else can live your life better than you!"

Zara and Jerry were running a Restaurant and their teen kids will always have their back. As Gab plays guitar behind their parents in secret, he one day got a great oppurtunity to join a group of boys who is preparing for their debut. Though he hesitated in the beginning, as Ken pushes him Gab Joins the Club and getting ready for the debut. Finally the day comes, the debut show is happening and Zara was invited to the show by a old school friend to catch up after long time with good music show. Zara attends the show, Gab was making sure he hides behinds the masks and makeup so that his parents can't identify. Unfortunately, Zara run into Gab in the Venue before the debut and she silently followed him and let him do the performance. She was amazed by her Son's singing and Guitarists skill which reminds her the past.

Gab noticed Zara in the crowd, though he is scared and nervous Gab felts like showing his real self and portrayed his talent infront of his mom make him proud still worried that he broked trust. It was a day of mixed emotions. Though Zara is happy and proud she don't wants to put Jerry's wish down and said Gab to stop now and focus on the med school preparation. Gab confessed about his passion towards music, Zara was most concerned about Jerry .

Gab was finally taking a decision to giveup music and told about this to Ken. And Ken confronted his parents saying that "We have a life to live and we are not your pride" and begged them not let Gab give up on his career. Jerry was shocked and heartbroken and thinking that his sons are not respecting him anymore which is why Ken is not even sharing his wish to him. He left home and stayed in restaurant. Zara slapped Ken and revealed their past to their sons.

Zara recalls their memory when the doing schools Jerry was a naughty highschooler and was doing all sort of pranks, he was living with his grandma after his parents passed away. The one who always gets into challenges and wins no matter what and the shocking truth is Jerry was able to hear when he was a teenager. He playfully started the music club and falls for a girl who is Zara. Jerry, used accidentally met Zara in inter school competetion and was not aware of Zara's impairement. He tried to frequent Zara's school and got in a trouble he made a lie to Zara's school managements that his Music CLub is going to compete in a huge competetion and will be transfered to Zara's school whill be additional merits to the school. In order to see Zara, he tried really hard to suceed in the competetion and challenged to his friends the same.

And Finally his efforts payed him back Jerry suceeded the challenge and Zara's school took him in with additional scholorships. He wanted to come close to Zara and started to know Zara's life.

Zara was living with her Dad and Step-Mom, after her parent seperation. Zara was unaware of her mom's whereabouts eversince she left Zara in childhood. Though Zara's Dad loved her a lot he never took a step to communicate to her which made a distance between them and her Dad as a businessman will mostly on a business trip. Zara was living with her step mom and kids of step-mom. Like a cindrella, Zara was trapped with her step-mom's family who is behing Zara Dad's Money and assets. Ever since step-mom entered her life, Zara stopped all her communications to the world because her step-mom will punish zara if she sees her communicating in sign language. Zara's Dad was running a school which was handed over to her step-mom and she insisted Zara to study in the same school so that she can monitor Zara inside and outside of home and school.Zara continued to live all alone for past 15 years.

Jerry comes to know all the details and planned to rescue her but Zara was doesn't even know jerry. One day Zara gets in a trouble by school bullies and Jerry helped her. Zara started to be his friend. Zara was very good at art but her step-mom stopped Zara not to participate in any competetion as she was the school principal and making the decisions, she was making sure that Zara is living as a invisible object. After the Jerry and Zara becomes close and she helped Jerry for their musical clubs merchs and photoshoots everything. Jerry slowly entered into Zara's world he is the only person that she have right now.

There is a musical competetion announced, Jerry and his team started preparing for it and at the day of competetion Jerry handed over the invitation to Zara insisting that she must come. That was the first day in her life she is regretting that she cannot hear Jerry's singing and she cannot cheer him out all the way from her lungs shouting his name. She didn't went to the competion and she didn't met Jerry for 3 to 4 days after musical events but he tried very hard to meet her.Zara avoided jerry and atlast he met her at the art class and confronted her for missing the event and avoiding him. She shouted in despair saying that they both were living in a different world. Jerry told Zara that he had planned surprise for her at the musical event and because she didn't came to the event he is going to reveal the surprise now!

Jerry had prepared a song for Zara in sign language and he sang the song and proposed Zara. It makes her speechless, he was the first person entered her world after her mom, there was no one in her life just to have a day to day talks but today he sang a song for her. Eventhough she couldn't hear it she was on the cloudnoon. That moment Jerry became Zara's everything and accepted the proposal. Jerry wanted to make sure that Zara doesn't feel any difference because she is impaired in hearing and made a point that music is not something that can only be heard it is more beautiful when it is felt from the bottom of heart and he don't wants her to think the same way again. After that they had good love life just like other couples. Music, Grandma and Zara becomes Jerry's world, he started to be the budding artist in the industry along with his club friends.

On the way to his practice studio room, Jerry met with a accident in the process of saving a child from car accident. He lost his hearing sense in the accident which he cannot accept the fact, that's when their happy go life takes a turn. He merely completed studies and cutted off the friendships of all his club friends so that one will pity and feels guilty towars him. with the help of his grandma he married Zara and started small restaurants for their living.

The reason why Zara is more concerned about Gab's passion is, it is the same for Jerry and she doesn't want jerry to remember how his dream got vanished in seconds. The son's were felt very bad and guilty towards their parents. But they didn't giveup cowardly this time. They have decided to change the life of their parents, It is not the story of parent's supporting kids to achieve their dream but the story of teens encourages their parents to accomplish what they started and dreamed for despite of age.

Ken and Gab decided to sell of the restaurant and create a art school for Zara and create musical instruments shop for Jerry.Meanwhile Zara and Jerry decided not enforce their own pride and wish on their kids let the boys have their own way and pursue their careers. Ken and Gab prepared a surprise for the parents and before that Zara and Jerry talked to the boys and told Gab continue his music carrer and face the world not behind the mask anymore. And Zara and Jerry was surprised of the boy's gift, these were the things they were longing for, in depth of their heart for the whole life. The surprise didn't ended there for Zara and Jerry.

Ken and Gab met Zara's father and revealed whatever their mom gone through because of her step-mom during his business trips and what his daughter Zara is doing right now. They requested that they wants their mom to experience the parental love atleast for sometime. As he always loves his daughter, He was very anxious on his second wife and kicled her family out. He went and met Zara and begged to come back as his daughter on the day of art school opening. Ken and Gab also met the parents old friends and invited them for the inaugration ceremony.

At the end the boys gives the parents their dreams and family and friends which they lost a very long time back. And Ken and Gab are still the pride of Zara and Jerry!

Gab pursued his musical career and seeks advice from his dad time to time.

Ken is a good fencer as always. When family supports our passion there is failure forever! every failover will make another success story.

Teenage yearsFriendshipFamilyDatingPsychologicalLoveFantasyStream of ConsciousnessYoung AdultShort StoryFan FictionfamilyClassical

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