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The price to pay for our ignorance

Ironically, ignorance is one of the reasons we choose to be ignorant.

By real JemaPublished 13 days ago 3 min read

In the age of technology, education has never been more accessible, and I think it’s only going to become more so and possibly get to the point where we get injected knowledge directly into our brains. That will be an interesting outcome actually, less work for us knowing things and more time to apply that knowledge to do the things we like, but we are not there yet, so I’ll talk about the reality as it stands.

I’ve been through somewhat of a diverse experience, getting to see very smart persons and very not smart persons as well. A clear difference between both groups is the price they both have to pay for their ignorance.

The point here is not about why it happens neither is it about how, but it’s more about what happens. I’ll leave it to your discretion to understand why it so happens that people will choose to be ignorant, ironically ignorance is one of the reasons we choose to be ignorant.

Talking about why or how people can be so ignorant will be really pointless and full of so much divisiveness with a pinch of hypocrisy too, considering that I am not excluded either, there are definitely a lot of things I should learn, but I don’t, but I didn’t want to let that moral dilemma stop me from sharing this knowledge, and I am not making any moral judgement about anyone. There is always a false idea when people read articles online, we think that every word is directed in a judgmental manner to us or is pertinent, which is not always the case. When writing an article you try as much to be general given that you are speaking to a crowd, my words would be more precise if I was speaking to a specific person. For example, I could tell that person you are ignorant on this and this is what you should probably do to fix it. So don’t take this personal.

Financial loss

Ignorance leads us to lose a lot of our finances because we make decisions which are uninformed. When you don’t know the tricks or the shortcuts which can help you save, then you are bound to lose. Everything and everyone out there is trying to take something from you, so if you don’t get smart, then you are going to lose till you have nothing left. Countless people have and continue to suffer financial setbacks because of ignorance.

Pain & Mistakes

The most common price to pay are the pains generated from our ignorance. Just look at it this way, when you come to a crossroad, and you choose to go left, it’s a gamble on ignorance which can lead you to either good or bad as compared to being informed and smart which allows you to choose with certainty the road which leads you to safety. With ignorance, we are basically taking a gamble with hopes our luck sees us through.


Everyone isn’t ignorant about the same things, and ideally we want to be complementing each other instead of preying on our gaps of knowledge as a means of fighting with each other. Ignorance leads us to division and unnecessary conflicts, which could have been avoided if only we had the right information. Think about all those conflicts which started from a misunderstanding, a knowledge gap or simply a bad communication. Literally, the wrong pronunciation of a word could start a whole conflict.

Slow motion

Being ignorant also gives us a lot of latency in our actions and thoughts. Without concrete methods and strategies, we are left grappling over the comprehension of new information and circumstances. It’s like going to a new town, you can’t just be speeding through roads you’ve never seen before, but you’ll have to slow down and take your time for every landmark to sink in to your memory before moving forward, but when you are knowledgeable about a place, you speed through without even thinking about it.


Education isn’t the opposite of ignorance so don’t get this wrong, this isn’t about you going to get the best education possible to avoid being ignorant, its definitely a part of it but not a major one. One easy way of learning and getting rid of ignorance is gaining the wisdom from other people, with an open mind which is willing to learn and grow you are quickly going to get rid of your ignorance, but when you are full of ego and pride thinking nothing is above you, unfortunately you will remain ignorant.

Thanks for reading ☺️

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real Jema

If you could say one thing and be heard by the entire world, what would that be?

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