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The Fertility crisis is worse than you think

Sulayman Kone

By Sulayman KonePublished 11 months ago 47 min read

I found a lump in my balls a few years


I know that that's a weird way to start

this video but maybe we should jump

right in with an actionable step that

you can take right now

to make sure you don't go through the

same thing that I did

so this is weird but

Grab Your Balls

you should feel both testicles as normal

and each testicle has kind of like veins

attached to it going upwards inside of

you and just kind of very gently feel

those veins

in particular the the left one

because more and more men are developing

a condition

called varicoceles and that's kind of

like when the vein gets enlarged and

almost like entangled you'll feel like

this extra clump of mass which might

feel like a bunch of worms or like like

this kind of like all clamped up


for a lot of men for most men it happens

on the left side

and it's one of the most common symptoms

of men who are infertile who genuinely

cannot have children

I went through

Primary School

High School

and University without even once getting

told how to check myself for men's

health problems like this

the world has not cared about us in that


and so on some random day I start to get

used to this feeling of having this dull

sense of pain in my balls you know it

was something that was in the back of my

mind yeah I gotta get that checked out

gotta get that checked out I've got to

get that check out but then the day

starts again I've got to go to work I

was working a full-time job in customer

service I had to wake up at like 5 30 to

commute there on public transport next

to like other people who look depressed

every now and then there's like some guy

who's shouting who's drunk who's

homeless on the the commute there it's

still dark outside when I get there you

know you're wearing like the tie and the

uncomfortable shoes and stuff working

for eight hours hating my life making

eight pounds an hour

the entire day goes by

come home smoke weed because I hate my

life and then at like 8 PM when I've got

one or two hours left of the day to

enjoy myself

gotta get that checked out gotta get

that checked out gotta get that checked

out gotta get that checked out

thank you

so if you're from the UK

you know what I'm about to say but the

UK's National Health Service the NHS the

free healthcare that we have here it can

be phenomenal in certain areas like for

example in emergencies but for men's

problems for Men's Health it is


because this

the procedure to get that checked out

this lump that I had which could have

been testicular cancer could have been

who knows could have been the thing that

stops me from being able to have

children permanently

the way to go and get it checked out is

to call up the GP first thing in the

morning at 8am and if your call doesn't

get through within 60 seconds you've got

to wait till tomorrow

so 759 everyone in the UK knows this

you're on the phone to the GP the call

ends okay call them again call earns

come on it's eight now come on I really

hope my call ah it's 801. oh sorry it's

too late we're gonna go

to get that checked out gotta get that

checked out gotta get that checked out

tomorrow the day after the day after the

the day after all but you know it's the

weekend they're closed now and I'm kind

of tired and stuff and I'm really high



go by and I didn't really know what this

condition was doing to me if you were

unfortunate enough to just take part in

this actionable step which I've just

told you to feel your nut sack and

you've just felt this clump of veins

most likely on the left side it could be

a very good skill I'm not a doctor maybe

you should go get it checked out get it

checked out

eventually getting through to them okay

they'll book me in you've got an

appointment three weeks from now

so just waiting whilst this thing is

affecting my fertility

just waiting and waiting

um and I finally actually go and see the


and I should point out that I lived in a

major city in the UK at this point he

was probably overworked

and he was so just dismissive

so literally I pulled down my underwear

he's feeling my balls he said yeah

you've got a varicocele on this side but

it's okay because the other side doesn't

have one so you'd still be fine

yeah we can do like a scan if you want

to but yeah it's fine

that's it

okay go home yeah oh yeah yeah baby he

said um you know it's fine because the

other side's fine and stuff and like I

didn't really totally believe him

because I seemed like stupid logic to me

like one of your nuts isn't working


but it's fine because you've got the

other one

so just okay sweet you know checked out

I've got bad mental health I've got

other things to focus on I work a shitty

job so you know I'm just gonna put that

to the back of my mind I'm gonna put my


to the back of my mind

and it was years after this like I

almost got

used to the dull pain that was there

it was years later actually when I was

in Dubai

that then I started to actually feel a

lump on the right side and that's the

point I got pissed I got angry I was

like what the [ __ ] how the [ __ ] have I

just lived for the last like two three

years with this condition and I just

kind of like you know kind of like

forgot about it it's too much now I've

actually saved up like a good amount of

money now I can actually go get surgery

immediately no [ __ ] let's just let's

get this done

go I've got a grade 3 vertical seal on

the left side and a grade one on the

right side go to some Specialists get

them to operate on it do the procedure

and um get it removed

so I got the surgery at the start of

this year


I actually got a sperm test

just about two weeks ago

and the results weren't really looking

so good

you see your sperm have a few

characteristics that you need to be able

to have children

you need the total volume like the

amount of sperm that you have

you need the correct shape of the sperm

so that they can be good at swimming and

you also need their actual swimming in

sort of directional

correctness like their ability to

actually swim in the right direction

that's called motility so

the total volume

the shape and the motility how fast they

move in the right direction

volume was actually for me it was I was

above the upper end that no fat probably

did that I had a very high seminal

volume so that's right bro

the the shape was it seemed about

average like so a lot of sperm like you

can visualize sperm right now it's like

this weird little egg thing with a tail

like a lot of sperm can actually be

deformed but when you think about it

that's like a normal thing that

scientists will say these days like oh

yeah you know like 50 of your sperm will

be deformed maybe they've got two heads

or two tails or it's a bit wonky or


really think about that like why the

[ __ ] is your sperm deformed why is that

so common these days and we're going to

talk about it and the third one and one

of the most important is motility its

ability to swim and my motility was

actually quite low only about 10 of my

sperm were like essentially good enough

to be able to like impregnate a woman

which isn't terrible because at least

it's 10 but the goal you want to get to

is like at least 40. but having got that

result it's like I didn't even feel bad

about it at all because I have total and

utter conviction that I can reverse that

and actually make huge progress because

before I got this sperm test I was doing

none of the things that we're going to

talk about today and trust me

we're gonna go deep today

we're gonna go

I know I'm usually quite dramatic in my

videos but

I believe that we actually have a new


I think

that together

as a movement of young men around the

world that we can have a mission

and that is to reverse this fertility

crisis that's happening in men

because this is affecting each and every

one of us and you might right now kind

of find this interesting but it's not

really something that's really hitting

you because you know what is what is

fertility what does it act like you

understand what it means but I don't

think you've you can relate

I don't think you can relate to the

problem that you might have soon because

chances are you're probably not like

ready to have children right now you

probably want to make more money first

and develop a bit more and maybe you

want to travel or you're probably

thinking about having children what

maybe a few years from now maybe up to

five ten years from now so but most


you are quite sure that you want to have


you're sure that you want to pass on

your bloodline

at some point five ten years from now

right Max right

I don't think a lot of us can relate or

even visualize

that you might not be able to

but a few years from now you might

actually meet like a really awesome


and you know one step at a time you end

up really liking her traveling with her

having an awesome time with her and she

has that like beautiful wholesome

natural personality and everything and

you really bond with her and it seems

right to start thinking wait like let's

have children like what are we waiting

for we're not going to get younger we

may as well

and so forgive me if I'm like butchering

the this real science of this

but the way to get your woman pregnant

is to inseminate her so for you to

essentially like to have sex unprotected

and to not pull out when she's ovulating

which is let's say it's it's once a

month it's like this perfect time that

you've got to be able to have sex and

sometimes it can take couples like a few

months because they're only like you

only get the opportunity kind of like

once a month

so let's say you actually want to have

children now you've prepared let's say

you went out and bought the cot let's

say you've set up the baby room in your

house you've moved in together your

parents love her maybe you got married

and you've literally got the cot for

your baby there you've researched to

make sure it's like the right one it's

cute and everything your wife is like

buying the little baby clothing and


and you're just trying to get her

pregnant now now it comes down to like

your your

semen your sperm some Primal [ __ ] and so

one month passes okay now she's not

pregnant she's taking a test her periods

come so she's not pregnant okay the

second month okay yeah so it's on the

26th that she could get pregnant okay

let's do it

not pregnant again

and the next month nope missed the

opportunity and the next month nope

missed the opportunity and the next

month imagine six months in you actually

trying to have children imagine your

woman taking six pregnancy tests imagine

a woman experiencing six periods that

she didn't want

and you see this is actually a normal


that you can't be considered even

struggling to be like to

um have children up until it's been a

year like this imagine every month

you're hyped up thinking okay she's

ovulating right now right now she could

get pregnant

by a guy who had healthy sperm

and it might not even be you

and so month by month by month by month

by month by month

it's some I don't know if it's hitting

you the same way that it does for me but

if you when I start to imagine like the

you know that the look of a sperm and

you start to think that they're like

[ __ ] up inside of you because of

something that's happening in the modern


it starts to disgust me and its thoughts

that piss me off there's one moment in

specific when I looked at like some

sperm research and I ended up reading

this random post on Reddit and I don't

know how scientifically Arctic like um

realistic it was but it was just like

this post which was comparing like the

ideal sperm results you know the the

load the volume this the shape and

everything the motility to like the

people who are kind of struggling and he

was just kind of saying like Okay how to

analyze your your sperm sample and he

kind of says okay well if you've got

like you know kind of abnormal weak

sperm then the load might be like very

low whereas like a donor sperm of a guy

who's like very fertile will be up here

and this is the kind of guy who's like

donating his sperm to people who who

kind of like need healthy sperm and I

was just reading him give these examples

of it okay so for the motility men who

struggle with motility have like an X

percent rate for their you know like the

healthy sperm which is like swimming

correctly into the right direction but

whereas the men who've got the

healthiest sperm the donors the guys who

are really fertile who could get a lot

of women pregnant theirs is like really

really high up and it was like some

Primal [ __ ] where I was getting a bit

like [ __ ] insecure thinking like [ __ ]

me like they're like there's guys out

there who are fertile as [ __ ] you

know the modern world hasn't affected

them as much in this one area maybe

they're affected in others and it

started to just like play like [ __ ] up

my mental health a bit reading this post

thinking like bro I'm like one of these

guys who [ __ ] like [ __ ] up sperm

who can't even have children like your

bloodline looking down at you in shame

right now thinking how the [ __ ] can you


defying the one purpose of your being

which is to just pass on your bloodline

and make sure your children survive

because there isn't

is there another mission for

a living creature

we can add meaning into our life but

when you strip back all of these

societal influences and these culture

norms and all this [ __ ] you want to like

distract yourself with if you sit there

no no

if you walk

or you take a drive

specifically to a point where you can

see vast Horizons

if you go into the mountains

and you just OBS like you visually see

vast Horizons you can see from miles


that's when thoughts of fatherhood will

really come into your mind I know what

I've just said sounds cryptic it's

really not

you see your thoughts and your your mind

and your focus

it's very narrowed in when you're sat at

your computer chair in your normal

environments you're in school because

your eyes can only see one meter five

meters here maybe you go for a walk and

there's a park and you can see you know

300 meters that way it's not big enough

when you're really broaden your horizons

and you look and you can you know you're

on top of a mountain you can see miles

and miles away or you're in some parts

of like the countryside roads where you

can literally see miles away

that's when your brain especially if you

detach from technology that's when your

brain will really start to tell you the

message and this is something I do

regularly and it's something that I

would recommend you I didn't expect to

give you this piece of advice and I know

that 99 of guys will never take this

because it requires you to get up off

your computer chair and actually go take

some action

only watch my videos if you actually

want to improve your life if you just

want to like mentally masturbate and

just not change anything

you can go watch all the other [ __ ]

self-improvement YouTubers the finance

YouTubers like pretty much most modern

YouTubers these days if you actually

want to have real results in your life

that you should be watching mine because

I'm going to give you some actionable

steps and one of the ones that you can


see what happens to your thinking when

you want detached from technology but

specifically two you go to somewhere

where you can specifically Your Eyes Can

See For Miles Away I know that this

sounds weird but go and take a hike and

get to the point where you can literally

see a mile away and just sit there

no phone no no one else maybe by


and then those real questions will come

into your mind and you'll realize that

focusing on these tasks and duties that

you've had you'll realize that these

micro thoughts of like what this person

has said to you that comment that you

got on your your YouTube channel all of

that insignificance and every single

time I do this I can't help but realize

the importance of fatherhood that that's

the only thing that really actually


it's been deeply powerful for me to do

this practice every now and then every

couple of months to just refresh David

data says this in his book to refresh

the transcendental part of your life

to not get lost in tasks and duties

because sometimes you need to refresh

the bigger picture of your life and it

probably is fatherhood day by day when

you're watching Andrew Tate videos and

you're scrolling on shorts and you're

checking up on Twitter and you're

watching my videos and you're replying

to the group chat you forget these

things are distracted

I don't expect

most guys to do it but if you wanted to

be like some top tier man and you wanted

to impress yourself and me

broaden your horizons

this video is going to be dark by the


because you've heard the statistic

that men's testosterone and sperm counts

go down by about one percent a year

you've heard that before right men's

testosterone dips down by about one

percent a year and sperm count is about

the same

those were the old numbers

you see there's been new research done

and that old number that you've seen

that people talk about on testosterone

videos on YouTube that's the outdated

number that men's sperm and testosterone

has been going down by one percent a


that's not what it is anymore

you see the newest research has shown

that from the year 2000 and onwards so

for the last 23 years men's sperm count

has dropped by 2.64 every single year

2.64 every year

this is a bigger problem than it seems

as always I'm quite an extreme guy

and so when I tell you that this is the

genuine end of the world potentially

you probably won't believe me you

probably think oh yeah I'm just he's

just you know he's oh he's saying

something for to get YouTube views or


it's not as dramatic As It Seems

we're going to discuss


something called population collapse

it's something that Jordan Peterson Elon


Andrew huberman Tim Ferriss is something

that very very intelligent people are

talking about these days

you know the other things you've been

told about the issues with the world

like global warming or maybe the AI

takeover those things maybe

could be could be catastrophic World War

III nukes the new covet strain whatever

it is you know that everyone's focused

on like climate change and all these

things and I don't hear enough people

talk about population collapse because I

think this could be the genuine end of

the world

remember I made that video which is on

my channel it's titled how to increase

testosterone naturally it's like it's

the thumbnail is just a picture of me


and inside this video I talk about

endocrine disruptors and I talk about

Mass levels and of infertility that

people aren't even realizing

if you imagine you and your high school


a couple of guys

one of you genuinely will it will be

impossible for one of you to have


their wife would be able to maybe your

wife would be able to her eggs are fine

but your sperm are deformed and you

wouldn't be able to

maybe let's say it's about one in five

right now 20 percent

for our children's generation it's going

to be a lot worse it compounds every

single generation that means that if you

imagine your future son and his friends

like a group of like four or five boys

that he really likes and have grown up


probably more like two or three of them

will be infertile

they will not be able to pass on their

bloodline you do realize

if you imagine like that your ancestors

if you imagine literally from the

caveman times DNA has been passed with

every single generation in your ancestry

every single one from the cavemen

to the adventurers to the hunters to the

the Pirates and the merchants and the

Warriors and the soldiers and then you

and then it stops with you

because of this modern day problem

this is a violation of our human rights

when you realize what's causing this to

us because this is not genetic this is

not natural

I think we need to get a little bit

pissed off because this is not a normal

healthy problem for us to to face

since it's a rising problem and it

correlates perfectly with the modern

times with these companies pumping out

chemicals with the the huge use of

pesticides and we'll go over all of the

reasons and and a lot of them will

surprise you

because there's a lot of things

affecting you there's probably things

you're touching right now which is

lowering your infant which is lowering

your fertility and also your

testosterone I'll say that again there's

things that are touching your skin right

now you can probably tell what they are

maybe it's the phone that you're using

maybe it's the computer mouse that's

plastic maybe it's the chair that you're

set on which is which is called PU

leather PVC leather it's plastic maybe

it's the clothes that you wear

millimeters away from from your [ __ ]

from your balls

which is polyester

and how about the polyester clothes that

you wear to the gym and you start to

sweat and warm up

which is plastic and it's literally

touching your balls

and how about the food that you're about

to eat or the water that you're about to


you look in any direction and all you

can see


lack of testosterone [ __ ]

gynecomastia just everywhere

with the influence that I have of my men

this is what I want us to make progress


not only for ourselves but as as a

movement of men together

we can start to reverse some of the

damage that's happened with the

fertility crisis we can start to put

pressure and we'll explain literally

step by step like specific ways we can

do this but we can put pressure on the

companies that are actually causing this


first it starts with us improving for

ourselves which we'll discuss and then

we can start to think about the wider

problem and start making some huge

impact right because we've got a massive

audience here and this is something

wholesome you know I could spend some

time right now telling you about my

products or doing a little sponsorship

and telling you yeah I buy this thing

with my affiliate code I'm not even

gonna try and sell you anything in this


I would rather you just actually make

some real progress in this area of your


so let's do an actionable step right now

we're going to do kind of like a little

questionna 21 things that you need to


to make sure you've still got healthy

sperm and testosterone levels

so answer yes or no to each one of these

questions I'm about to ask you to make

it easy what we can do is I'll copy and

paste this into the description of the

video below and you can just copy and

paste that and select your own notes

page or your notion page or whatever or

you can write it out on paper and the

idea is you're going to answer yes or no

to every single question here

and then you're gonna count how many

guesses you have the more yeses you have

the worse your score is question number


do you ever keep your phone in your

pocket yes or no question number two do

you keep Wi-Fi and cell service and five

or 4G on your phone so literally just do

use your phone like a normal person your

Wi-Fi is on

which 99.99 of us has to say yes to

right like you probably couldn't imagine

a different way where you're telling me

to keep Wi-Fi and my cell service off

what's the point of my phone then well

if the answer to this question that your

Wi-Fi and the cell service is on

right yes

how about your laptop or your computer

do you use Wi-Fi

yes or no

do you wear a smart watch for maybe more

than an hour a day write yes or no do

you have Wi-Fi or self-service enabled

in that smart watch right yes or no if

you don't have a smart watch input no

do you drink tap water yes or no do you

frequently touch Plastics

do you frequently drink or eat out of

plastics like water bottles or meal prep

or plastic packaging like literally if

you imagine right here right now you

walk into the supermarket and you can

say but I eat healthy

what are your vegetables what are your

vegetables wrapping do you really go to

the supermarket and buy one single Apple

like this or is it in a pack of apples

wrapped in plastic

what's the water bottle like the water

container that you drink from usually do

you have a metal one like this or don't

don't [ __ ] yourself do you actually

just have a normal plastic one but how

often do you drink from plastic water

bottles do you have some kind of meal

prep service that sends it in those

disgusting plastic trays that you're

supposed to microwave

do you smoke Vape weed


a lot of [ __ ] tape Fanboys are really

loving cigars these days do you smoke

oh but it increases my testosterone no

it doesn't

it decreases your sperm makes you less

of a man

write yes if you do including Vapes and

all that [ __ ] disgusting Chef do you

drink alcohol at all right yes if you do

you use deodorants or perfume or


yes or no do you sit next to women or

men who wear fragrances so if you're in

school for example and you go into the

changing rooms of the sports class and

you can smell the [ __ ] links

deodorant spray or you go to the gym and

there's always the smell or maybe your

girlfriend always is wearing like that

pretty perfume that she puts on those

things are endocrine disruptors we'll go

into the research and I'll prove every

one of these to you but let's just see

what your score is and don't [ __ ]

yourself don't just start skipping this

part of the thing because you're

actually being held accountable to your

lifestyle choices thinking oh well you

know none of this is actually oh this

guy's just being extreme

when it comes to your ability to have

children I think you should be extreme

right so write yes or no with truth do

you use deodorant do you spray deodorant

normal like if you don't stink then yes

probably right so write another yes down

do you kiss women who wear makeup

yes or no

do you use any product to style your

hair gel or wax for a very long time I

did right I use gel and wax and stuff do

you use any of that as this is giving me

flashbacks of how disgusting it used to

feel to put like gel on my hair when I

was in high school like every morning

it's got that cold like kind of feeling

to it it's like makes your head shiver a

little bit turns out all of that is an

endocrine disruptor and it's [ __ ] up

your hormone so write yes or no

do you use normal toothpaste but the

kind of one your parents buy it's just

Colgate it's in the plastic tube and

it's got disgusting ingredients in it do

you use that be honest because you've

got to put yes right the only way that

you should be putting though is if you

specifically have already found like a

non-endocrine disrupting toothpaste have

you be honest have you Googled that

before probably not so write yes for

this if you use normal toothpaste

shampoo body wash yes or no do you just

use the normal shampoo you go to the the

store The Links little little set that

everyone gets you for the Christmas

birthday party or some [ __ ] like the

normal body wash just unless you've done

like autistic research for for which

shampoo doesn't have estrogenic like

compounds in which you probably haven't

right under the yes down


do you wear normal clothes which you

haven't checked the material in I'll be

honest up before this point when you

were buying some clothes were you

checking the label to see what

percentage of it was polyester or cotton

don't lie to yourself or did you just

think okay does it look good or fit good

99.9 of guys doesn't look good or fit

good maybe some weird guys are looking

at the labels thinking wait I'm not

gonna wear anything that's not organic

we're probably not him right

yes or no

do you wear plastic polyester clothing

but if you didn't know by the way most

gym clothing is polyester

that's estrogenic

do you sit down for more than four hours

a day

huberman talked about this in his

fertility podcast when you sit down for

guys especially if you've started

training legs your thighs are actually

start getting bigger and bigger and when

you imagine the mass of your thighs kind

of like when you sit down they kind of

like spread a bit

it's lots of warm up your testicles too

much it squeezes them and warms them up

too much

so it actually decreases fertility when

you sit down for too much so do you sit

down for more than four hours a day I

right yes

do you take hot showers or baths or

saunas saunas are really healthy right

yes or no

are you fat yes or no are you

underweight yes or no

tally up all of your yeses and write a

score down how many did you get

I scored 17 at the start of the year

the only ones that I said no to at the

start of this year

was the smart watch I Didn't own one

then that's the second question for the

smart watch it was like you know do you

have Wi-Fi enabled I didn't have a

smartwatch I wasn't fat and I wasn't

underweight I scored 17 at the start of

the year

and I even smoked

you know I want to sell you a quick


so I smoked weed feet for over a year

when I was in like University and stuff

and then I stopped it it was disgusting

habit I think weed's just a horrible


and you know when I got to Dubai Tate's

famous and everyone's talking about Arte

and you know Tick Tock and like oh

cigars are really good oh you know

cigars are kind of cool bro and I was in

Dubai pretending to be a high value man

like everyone else there and like just

I remember I had the the surgery for the

varica seal the next day and I ended up

inviting like

10 guys and girls to come over to my

place and pay play poker and smoke

cigars and you know we had a good time I

think we I think I'd be drunk a little

bit as well I think I drank alcohol that

day which I usually don't but literally

the day before I had surgery on my balls

I smoked and I drank

and I had like a full-on surgery they

put me to sleep I woke up and I promise

you like imagine you know you're going

you get to the hospital and you get a

little bit like like traumatized a

little bit scared of you okay you're in

the hospital I was wearing the [ __ ]

gown and [ __ ] women coming in poking me

with the arm like with the needle okay

putting this thing in putting this thing

in doctor has one one last like look at

me says okay you're all good and stuff

take me to this room inject me with this

take me to this room and check me with

this I'm in the full-on like surgical

room with like you know all the guys

wearing all like the [ __ ]

um blue suits and everything with

glasses on or whatever it was and big

light shining on me okay they finally

put it in and then boom I'm just out and

then I wake up

you know I'm really Dazed and Confused

and I promise you I woke up

I struggle to breathe for 10 hours

what was supposed to be a simple surgery

they literally put me in ICU because I

struggle to breathe they had a doctors

just sat in my room just watching me

expecting me to like literally suffocate

because I started to I decided to like

struggle to breathe

I was spitting blood I was literally

like fully spitting blood and everything

you're supposed to be able to the

surgery that I got you're supposed to be

able to leave within one or two hours I

was there for an extra 12 and the doctor

really wanted to keep me overnight just

to keep watching me and I insisted that

I wanted to go home I was there at in

the morning I was supposed to go home by

about 1pm

I literally got to leave the hospital at


but before that in that space that I was


genuinely it was it was as if someone

was choking me and I was breathing like


and I was you know I'm trying to act

like a big man and I was you know not

showing much to them saying Oh yeah I'm

fine I'm fine

genuinely coughing up blood and I had

all this phlegm [ __ ] in my throat and

the doctors bring me like these toys and

these um kind of like these tests to see

my oxygen levels you better like blow

into this toy and it shows you like what

level you get into and I was getting the

same level as like [ __ ] elderly


I smoked the day before a surgery and

I'm so embarrassed by this I swear to

God what you know what made me so

embarrassed my surgeon walks in and he

looks at me like like as if I'm an idiot

and he goes like Hamza why don't you

just breathe this like we see this with

like 60 year olds why don't you just

breathe and I'm like I'm there croaking

like you know I partied yesterday and I

I smoked a cigar and I drank alcohol and

stuff and he's look he just looked at me

he was like he looked at me and said as

if I was like a [ __ ] child like a

dumb little drunk frat boy

that hurts my identity so much when I

thought to myself I am here in ICU the

Intensive Care Unit because of the bad

habits that I did yesterday the day

before my surgery I was so embarrassed

that day thinking to myself why the [ __ ]

did I just like what pleasure do you get

out of this [ __ ] I don't need any extra

stimulation or feelings inside of my

body I already have like the natural

high 24 7.

I was so embarrassed that day and I

wanted to I genuinely wanted to go home

I was in this like it was the longest

[ __ ] few hours of my life I was so

bored I wanted to go home I was so

hungry as well I couldn't eat before the

surgery like I wanted to bulk as well

you know you know I literally couldn't

like eat much they gave me like a tiny

little sandwich but you couldn't eat too

much because you might be sick or

something and my friend was there with

me he was just staying like me and him

had a plan that you know would go back

home and order some food or something

and he's just there bored with me like

he didn't want to leave me there which

was not really nice

I was so embarrassed of like my my

habits and my behavior so at the start

of this year I scored 17 on this

including smoking and drinking which I'm

so ashamed to tell you that

now my score is three

it's Plastics in my environment for

example my computer mouse is still

plastic my keyboard is still plastic

fair enough

I sit down for more than four hours a

day whilst I work I do have a standing

desk now as well and then finally

I still take like hot showers and I

still use the sauna as my score is now

three out of 21 of the list that we went

through the question list

and you might think to yourself oh

that's a huge progress time so you

should be proud of yourself three is

awesome that's fine so like you don't

need to like really care that much

a hot bath

taking a bath that's hot and the sauna

and showers they have been shown to

decrease to kill

up to 50 of your sperm

to annihilate your sperm because of the

heat that comes from the bath or the

sauna right

so even though I've only got three and

you can think to yourself oh yeah well

you can relax now you've you know you've

got rid most of them

I genuinely think

to be healthy we need to go extreme with

this because once again is this not a

topic that we should take to an extreme

seriousness of fertility of your manhood

to be able to pass on your genes and

have children so you can think that even

with the fact that I've only scored

three in this question uh one of them is

still so significant that there's

research out there that shows that it

kills 50 of your sperm and even a short

bath I don't take normal bath so it's

probably not as bad as that but I assume

sauna and hot shower is still like still

destroying a lot of your sperm

the goal is to get to zero

you're not gonna get there fast

I'm what five months later I was at 17

five months later I'm at three that's

like a fast progress still maybe it

should take an entire year to be able to

get to the point where you just have

zero or maybe you've still got one

so whatever one that you see yourself

you know you've just done this

actionable step you should do this right

now by the way you shouldn't just keep

continually listening to me go and get

that little or go and ask the answer the

questions or I'll copy and paste it

below just go and get it and just answer

it should take you literally 30 seconds

and have your score

not only should you have your score

maybe you can comment it or tell it to

someone else who you know is watch this

video and ask them what was your score

in the random question here the Hamza

did but also look at exactly where you

did write yes for which question and

before you cope and think oh but I

couldn't change that though I wouldn't

be able to change that because no that's

just weird I wouldn't change that

just ask yourself like okay but hamza's

changed it and it sure happens is quite

an extreme cat or whatever but like sure

like I mean if I I'm an athlete you

probably do consider yourself to be an

athlete now right because you're not

you're not a normal person anymore bro

when you're tracking every [ __ ] like

grain of rice when you're [ __ ]

weighing out your Macros like you're not

a normal person when you're meditating

and reading you're not normal anymore

right so let's be honest so at this

point it's like why not just go for the

extreme result because you're doing that

in business you're doing that in your

mental health you're doing that in your

physical health you want the extreme

results right you want to be the outlier

right you want to be the like the one

percent man right

well then you need to go quite extreme

so there's going to be a bunch of times

where you've wrote yes for some of these

questions but you're going to look at

them and say like oh no I wouldn't be

able to change that break whatever

limiting belief you got inside of you

and think to yourself you can say no to

every single one of these you can

genuinely say no to every single one of


maybe that's the ideal to get to maybe

you don't want to live a life where for

example you say no to the nice Gym style

clothing which is all polyester when you

imagine like rugby shirts or football

shirts or gym clothing which has like

kind of that breathable material it's

all polyester maybe you genuinely would

hate to live a life without it so that's

going to be the one that you really keep


the idea is to just get your score as

low as possible preferably zero

let's give you a quick overview of what

the fertility crisis actually is and it

seems to be largely

conducted by this one researcher called

Dr Shana swan

the paper is called temporal Trends in

sperm count a systematic review and meta

regression analysis

so Dr Swann published a paper in 2017.

it was a meta-analysis so they looked at

185 different papers themselves over a

50-year period with a with over 40 000

men so this was a huge huge analysis

right they looked at so many different

studies with so many participants just

to see the rate and this this one went

viral by the way because everyone

started talking about it they found

through this massive study that men's

sperm counts and testosterone was

dropping by about one percent a year for

a total of 59 over the last 50 years so

you've heard that statistic before men's

sperm color and testosterone has dropped

by 50 in the last half decade in the

last 50 years half century

but then they published new data five

years after their first study Dr Swan's


and it was even more frightening

from the year 2000 and onwards men's

sperm count had dropped by 2.64 every

single year

we have an actionable step right now you

need to do this right now

stand up

just like I've done stand up don't sit

down for longer than a few hours a day I

will link everything below and so maybe

after this video you can watch the bit

with human talks about sitting down and

your thighs can kind of compress get

closer and closer to your balls and

create too much heat what I've got which

just which the camera is on right now is

a stand-up desk

look at that

and it was automatic because I just

pressed one button goodbye

you want to go see you want to see my

balls bro

I'm not wearing any shorts bro

yeah yeah

well I've got a stand-up desk and for at

least a few hours a day I will

um I will press this button and it'll

rise up and I'll literally just end up

standing here like air my balls out a

bit and I don't know if I'm just being

dramatic but honestly like

they told you not to man spread but it's

actually probably healthier for you

there hasn't been a study which I've

seen which has shown that someone who

man spreads either has higher

testosterone and that's why they man

spread or maybe they have higher

testosterone because they man spread you

know what I'm talking about where like

you open up your legs and people online

a few years ago used to say that it was

like you know toxic misogynist or

whatever it turns out that just having

your balls warm will actually negatively

affect your sperm and even your


so the actionable step right here right

now is just to stand up for a part of

this video maybe the rest of this video

if I get tired obviously we'll just sit

back down together but also just just to

keep that in mind and just to consider

you should probably sit down less you

should probably have your balls heated

up less

stay stood up for the rest of this video

now I mentioned before that what we're

talking about could be the genuine end

of humanity and I know that that seems

really dramatic but it might not be

because infertility is just one issue

inside of perhaps the biggest problem

that we're all actually facing right now

which is population collapse

you see population collapse is when our

current generation are not replacing

ourselves with children you know most

people's views on children these days

what do most people think about they say

children are too expensive why would you

bring a child into this like unhappy

world the world's already overpopulated

these things are all wrong

they're actually all wrong

oh I'll just wait till I'm older

but when you're older the children have

a 10 times more likely chance to be


this is what you're thinking aren't you

maybe let's let's say you're on average

my viewers are 20 years old you're like

18 19 20 21 right

your idea is you'll have children in

about five years maybe 10 years from now

right that's what all these red pill

guys are telling you yeah wait yeah yeah

or wait till you're 40 yeah then maybe

have children go and live your own solo

life first what bro what tell me what

[ __ ] masculine man through any of our

Generations has ever waited till he was

like a lit like older

when you see like the top tier men that

you look up to not like not the modern

day [ __ ] influencers who are just

[ __ ] like like almost like women just

you know on Tick Tock and Instagram like

I am right this [ __ ] like modern day

business when you think about those old

school gentlemen I'm talking the guys

who are now 50 60 maybe even older maybe

they've passed away

all of them got married and had children

at age 18.

I say this in so many of my videos

imagine what your life would have been

like if it was just normal to assume

that you would have gotten married and

had children at 18 years old now you

might think well I wouldn't have been

ready for that but like don't add your

own bias to it imagine that you were

literally going through life as a boy

knowing that that's about the time that

that you would have had children right

imagine how much harder you would have

worked you really think you would have

had that porn addiction that video game

addiction when you were to 10 11 12

years old when you would have known like

I'm probably gonna have a wife like six

seven years from now I'm probably gonna

have my first child eight years from now

you would have already been like that

that 12 year old who was actually

working hard and developing himself

rather than just wasting away like a

Jeffrey so like following the the new

modern world where we're supposed to be

little boys for a longer period of time

it hasn't served us well and so this

this advice that's given out by

influencers Like Me by men in my space

that you're you should be like a solo

guy and you should go travel the world

it's feminine it's disgusting it's it's

lazy and weak

there I think there's one duty for men

which is fatherhood and to delay that

now if you're like now you might say oh

but you know like I'm not rich enough

we'll get into those that line of


but if we're delaying it till we're

older and older and older

that just means that you've had more

years of your life where you didn't

actually get to be a father and develop

yourself in that area

there's a guy that I really like he he

did a podcast with Iman so the guy I'm

talking about his name is Sebastian you

can go find him he's like a finance

YouTuber I think he's got about 1

million followers if you search like

Sebastian and Iman podcast and

Sebastian's like a very base guy he's

rich and everything and he ended up

talking to eat so iman's like almost

like the stereotypical red pill kind of

guy yeah I'll wait till I'm 35 or 40

till I have children and I was very

pleasantly surprised to hear Sebastian

this other guy who's you know this in

the space of like young and Rich and

everything say like oh no black I want

to have a big family so I'm going to

have I'm gonna start having children


because no one online is like this type

of influencer who's actually telling you

that like yeah it'd be actually kind of

cool to have children everyone's saying

yeah wait and go and live your solo life

like that to me just sounds so [ __ ]

feminine go and travel Europe first and

go find yourself like you have a purpose

and a duty to pass on your bloodline

and you're gonna wait whilst like you've

heard some of the things that are

happening which is decreasing your

testosterone and your sperm count and

just gonna wait and wait and wait and

wait and give yourself a 20 chance at 25

30 45 chance that you might not even be

able to have any children at all

population collapse I think is stemming

from this current narrative that

children is like having children is a

bad thing

that's something that oh yeah you know

it's something it's like this foresight

of like yeah I'll go and I'll go and

travel the world first I'll go on

backpack across Europe

sound that's like something that a

little [ __ ] 16 year old girl might

find excite I don't know if I'm I'm just

different on this but this idea of like

yeah go travel and find yourself I don't

like that I think like go and become

successful and then travel for a good

reason and not just [ __ ] like hostile to

hostile like oh yeah but you just want

to meet people bro like you go into a

[ __ ] night out and oh but the drink

that the beers like in Thailand like the

beers are only like 75 bro like what the

[ __ ] are you doing with your life


maybe I'm just different

maybe it's just


you see when you've been watching all of

this content of mine you wanted to

become more masculine more purposeful

sometimes you have to make some

sacrifices and you have to realize well

yeah well

one of the most masculine things I can

do is fatherhood and so why would I

delay that and potentially make it my

chances of it either worse or the

ability to have children even less

if I'm just delaying it and delaying it

and delaying it

because this is exactly what the problem

is with population collapse

most couples these days are just waiting

and waiting and waiting whether it's

because you feel like you're not ready

or it's because you feel like you don't

have enough money for the children

there's always going to be a reason to


and that is a massive issue because on

average in most countries a couple like

like yeah a couple they're not replacing

themselves what this means is four like

a couple to replace themselves and for

our population to remain stable

on average couples need to have 2.1

children that the point one is just in

case there's like a child dies every now

and then or something

most couples around the world


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