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The Blogless Slumber ends !

I had grand plans for a triumphant return to blogging, complete with a witty opening statement to let the world know that 'The Crowded Head' is going to be bustling once again!

By Smart MarketingPublished 10 months ago 3 min read
The Blogless Slumber ends !
Photo by Slumber Sleep Aid on Unsplash

I had grand plans for a triumphant return to blogging, complete with a witty opening statement to let the world know that 'The Crowded Head' is going to be bustling once again! However, as you may know, I'm not the best at sticking to my plans, so I'll skip the dramatic excuses and excessive apologies for my absence on the blog. Instead, I'll just let you all know that I'm BACK! I've awoken from my blogless slumber!

It's 11:56 PM, and I climbed into bed almost an hour ago. But as usual, it takes me about an hour to calm my "head" before I can drift off to sleep and enter the realm of deep slumber. If you haven't guessed already, my head is quite an extraordinary entity. It houses my brilliant brain, among other things. If you don't know me well, let me take this opportunity to remind you that I'm the person who believes her hands are separate individuals and engages in conversations with them. So, it's no surprise that my head is also personified. If you're the type of person who meditates, contemplates the "bigger picture," and believes in energies and vibrations, I must warn you to run away now! I am utterly incapable of any of that. Instead, I navigate each day by conversing with my "head." Did you just call me a psycho? Well, I can't argue with that!

This morning was particularly challenging, with my head juggling a million thoughts simultaneously, making it impossible to savor the cup of coffee I was sipping. Frustrated with the constant influx of thoughts, I stared at my head and blurted out, "What am I supposed to do with you?!" I said it aloud, mind you, in a room full of people who, thankfully, were engrossed in something truly captivating on TV. That was the tipping point! I had to share some of these profound thoughts on the internet and ensure that I'm not the only one burdened with these crazy ideas.

So, here I am, in bed almost an hour ago, trying to quiet my mind, when I'm reminded of my other "head" – 'The Crowded Head.' Well-meaning friends have been reminding me of its existence through empty emails with subject lines like "Why isn't the head crowded anymore?" These emails served their purpose, prompting me to log in and check what's happening on my blog at least once a day. I noticed from the tracker that people who searched for Arvind Swamy, monsoons, and life ended up on my blog. (I feel sorry for those who Googled "life" and found my blog – how disappointing that must have been!) The occasional comment here and there kept my blog alive. And now, I've reached a point where I deeply miss writing here! It's like my lifeline, my path to sanity, and my emotional outlet (insert Bollywood-style expressions here). It only makes sense for me to continue writing and give Google a better opportunity to share my wisdom with the world.

So, ladies and gentlemen, thanks to a persistent head that refuses to sleep, I find myself wide awake at this late hour, making a promise to write on my blog every day for the next month. I need to impose such strict measures on myself because... well, because sometimes pressure brings out the best in me (Oops, I'm revealing my secrets here!). With this self-imposed discipline, I assure you that you'll be treated to small doses of nonsense every single day for the next month. Stick with me; it's like a vaccine, you know. By the end of it, you'll be immune to nonsense. I promise!

Here's to clearing my actual head and filling up the Crowded Head once again! Amen!


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Smart Marketing

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