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Single mother of 3

Single mother of 3 children, who works 3 jobs, trains for Olympics and goes to school for her Bachelors

By La-Starr SneedPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Single mother of 3
Photo by Ethan Sexton on Unsplash

Single mother who never wants to mingle. I was abused so bad where death looked me in the face daily. I was beat every single day for 3 months straight. I still didn’t allow that horrific situation of my daily beatings and the kidnapping of me and my children build up hate. I was in so much pain. From getting my head bashed on toilet bowels, on microwaves, on car door panels and raped. Choked unconscious, phone thrown so hard at my stomach to cause a miscarriage, I constantly wondered my fate. My nose bit to the point my nose swollen so bad (3 times my normal size) that it look like I was in some kind of a fight with a animal, but this animal was not animal but a actual human. Bit into my right vein down deep in my arm, because I told him we need to separate, and that I was tired of being beat on and threatened to be kill everyday if I told anyone. Where my arm turned blue and purple and then red. I literally didn’t even know that was possible to see all those colors turning in my arm one by one by one as I was fighting for my life. Screaming for anyone to save us even while get cursed out and beat and laughed at and told me “no one will save you”, said by my abuser and kidnapper, while burning me with his cigarettes. All while him hearing me beg and scream for mercy and for help to rescue us. I have most definitely given up on love after my 3 months of straight abuse.

When I was 7 years old I desired to have a family later in life and dreamed of that day since at that young tinder age of 7. I daily looked up in the sky in the heavens, to bless me with a love like my grandparents shared. 60 years until there deaths. My grandmother passed and 2 years later my grandfather prayed to go because he had a broken heart that my grandmother was gone and he never was the same without her. He was 96 when he passed and my grandmother was 84 when she passed.

I am a mother of not 1, not 2 but 3. Three beautiful brown children in different shades from the MOST HIGH’s earth realm. My oldest son skin tone so smooth like a piece of dark chocolate. Taller than me and his other 2 siblings and he is only eleven years old. This I have another Leo baby who is 3 years old and very smart and bold. Color like a creamy hazelnut and intellectually intelligent beyond his years. My oldest always speaks on her fears. She says she is ugly and I tell how beautiful she is and as a 13 year old angel on earth who is blessed to have the beautiful full figured body she has. Beautiful carmel skin tone and she does her own hair and has braided others hair so well. She cooks even so amazing and it’s so shocking because she taught herself and she is like a mini chef. Making I her mother look like I am her little sister that came from another Mr. because of my petite frame.

Single with no help in sight. Yet daily I still fight this fight. Currently homeless and not letting this get me down. I even work 3 jobs and show up with a smile daily and never frown. I do so much what people call crazy. That I work 3 jobs and train for the Olympics and the fields I have chosen don’t pay money. I speed skate on ice and I am current 1 of 3 black woman in the entire world who do this. I also currently do track cycling and am currently the only black woman in the United States who is training for Olympics. I was training 6 times a week 4 times a day. Yet have had to put some of the training on hold to work my 3 jobs and going to college for my bachelors, to get my children and my self out of our homeless. situation.

I am no victim, but a victor because I have the victory and I hope you enjoyed and were touched reading my story.


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    La-Starr SneedWritten by La-Starr Sneed

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