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Side Swiped

an unexpected uncovering

By Arianna Silcott-Lo, MBAPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Side Swiped
Photo by Fa Barboza on Unsplash

It all came crashing down for Samantha at one unfortunate moment in time. She had never expected what would happen next as she and John were approaching graduation after being together for over two years at college. One ordinary day while scrolling through her phone, something caught her eye - a notification flashing on John's phone, luring her into investigating further. What she discovered next rocked her world: messages from another woman in his life who appeared to be more than just friends with him.

They were set to embark on their shared journey through life soon after graduation, but now everything seemed shattered beyond repair because he'd been cheating behind Samantha's back with his ex-girlfriend! Samantha felt ill, as if someone had punched her stomach - how could he have done this? As brave as ever, Samantha confronted him about what she found out and initially got nothing but denials as John tried to pass the messages off as nothing more than friendly chatter. Finally confronted with undeniable proof by Samantha, John could no longer maintain his innocence and confessed everything.

In response to this shocking revelation that someone so familiar could be such a traitor, Samantha felt incredibly distraught and disillusioned. Still grappling with these raw emotions as graduation drew near, Samantha wrestled with a difficult choice: should she call out John during their public ceremonies or simply try forgetting it all? Samantha found herself at a crossroads – realizing it was no longer feasible or healthy for her life journey to continue the way things were with John. Summoning immense courage and fortitude, she once again confronted him, but this time made the heart-wrenching decision that they could no longer be together.

Samantha thought her relationship with John couldn't be any better until an alarming discovery turned her world upside down. The weeks ahead saw Samantha attempting to find solace by investing in career advancement & strengthening bonds with close companions; yet despite the effort expended trying to forget about him, thoughts of John lingered. As several months ticked by – at last, Samantha felt she could finally move forward into new territory until one day, there arrived an unforeseen knock upon her door: it was John, unexpectedly seeking another opportunity to be part of her life. Though dubious at first about allowing him back in after past transgressions committed against their relationship, as they talked further under one roof - their deep conversations brought back old feelings, and soon enough, Samantha agreed to give love another shot. This time around, though, reaffirmed trust proved essential if they were ever going to make things work together long-term.

A message on John's phone bore suspicious similarities to one she had seen before—only this time it wasn't from the same sender; a sickening feeling took over as doubt crept in: did John cheat again? He adamantly denied any wrongdoing when confronted about it but eventually confessed when Samantha provided concrete evidence of his affair with someone else. The betrayal shattered Samantha's heart as she recalled how they'd already given their relationship another chance after his previous unfaithfulness—but now enough is enough! Despite being a difficult decision, Samantha knew ending things with John for good would bring closure and prevent further emotional turmoil from haunting her thoughts in fear of another cheating episode. Clichés exist for a reason: they're true. For example, 'You don't really know someone until you've been through the wringer with them.' She experienced this firsthand. But another important lesson she learned was that making tough decisions can be uncomfortable at the moment but ultimately beneficial for our well-being in the long run.


About the Creator

Arianna Silcott-Lo, MBA

Just a Doctoral Student & Writer trying to help better the world through my thoughts and skills.

Instagram: @becomingdrlo

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