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Seven Tips On How To Deal With Mean Girls

I am here to help you. Each person has a unique story to tell.

By Feven GPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Mean girls can sometimes be stuck in a bad mood, thinking they're better than everyone else. The following tips will help you deal with mean girls.

1. Pretend they're invisible - When I say invisible, I mean, pretend they don't exist. Don't react to them; mean girls want a reaction from you. That's their only purpose of being mean to you. So when you treat them like their invisible, it shows your the bigger person in the situation.

2. Separate yourself to calm down - Mean girls can quickly cause negative emotions like anger and sadness in you when they are mean to you. Get away from the situation for 5-10 minutes and go for a walk. By doing this, you won’t react in a way that lets her know you’re upset or mean back to her.

3. Distance yourself from the mean girl - If you spend time with the mean girl, you might benefit from taking a step back from the friendship. Take some time to do things you love with friends who are kind to you and take a bit less time available to them

4. Problem solve - Avoid stooping to this person's level when trying to fix the issue. Can you find common ground to bring you closer, for example, if you work or volunteer together? If not, can you bring in a third party to act as a sounding board? Document your interactions in both cases so that you have a record in case you ever need it

5. Stand up for others - Don't let bullies keep you from helping others. You should call out anyone who engages in mean girl behaviour. To stop bullying, even saying "No one thinks you're funny" or "Don't mess with her" can be effective to stop bullying. Keep your head up, and don't give in to peer pressure. If someone is already being picked on, don't pile it on.

6. be kind - When I say be kind, I mean to be kind to everyone. It is also helpful to be polite (but not too kind or fake) to tell girls. If you do not give them ammunition and are pleasant to them, they will not have any reason to pick on you. You never know what someone is struggling through outside of work, so understand that their unkind behaviour might not have anything to do with you.

7. Don't fall into a trap of a mean girl - What I mean by this is, that the mean girl might have some tricks up their sleeves, so be aware of the trick before it gets you down. We all have it in ourselves to gossip and be catty towards each other. I even feel guilty about it sometimes, especially when it comes to girls who have been mean to me in the past. All of us have been on the receiving end. But, I'd like to say we're a better hen that, we don't need to be catty or gossip. instead, change the energy into something more effective. We should all think clearly and make a vow to stop hating on each other, but instead, be there for each other. We don't have to like every person, but we also should talk behind someone's back. Talking behind someone else's back is a little immature, so let us reframe that. We all have a choice on whether to be polite or not and make a better choice today.

So there you have it, my tips on mean girls. Please remember that you are not alone in this situation. If you or someone close to you is being treated unfairly, these tips may be useful. Tell me about your experience with mean girls if you have any.

FriendshipSchoolSecretsTeenage yearsChildhood

About the Creator

Feven G

Hi, my name is Feven, and I am an Eritrean Canadian living in Toronto, Ontario. I am a creative individual who enjoys writing and creating content. If you want to know more about my experiences, I would be happy to share them with you. ☺️

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