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Promethean Star by Power Flower

Meet the emerging artist

By David OlsonPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Promethean Star by Power Flower

I am not sure I actually believe him.

He told me he was born millions of years ago on a planet on the opposite side of the Universe. He claims to have lived thousands of lives on the Earth over the past million years or so. As I said earlier his claims are really rather fantastical and mystical.

I for one certainly don’t believe everything he says. I can’t prove it yet, but I believe he may even be a liar and a charlatan. Perhaps I am too harsh. I can be a difficult master at times. As I said I don’t believe everything he says but he is super, super sweet and he’s funny too.

Power Flower likes to be silly which is positively undignified behavior for an entity who claims to be billions of years old. You would think that someone that old would have a little more common sense...but I digress. It seems awfully childish to me for someone who is so old and so wise to be so god damned silly all of the time. It is ridiculous.

He’s continuously running around the house yelling at the top of his lungs: “Heart over head and not head over heart.” Another one he’s been into saying lately is: “There is no failure in trying. The only true failure is never trying at all.” Personally I think his second saying is wiser. I am not so sure where he is going with the whole ‘hearts over heads’ thing .... but like I said earlier, he sure is pretty sweet.

I think it is mostly true that hearts over heads is better than heads over hearts, but it is not ALWAYS true. I think I am less of an extremist than himself. (🤣 I called The Great Power Flower an extremist. I guess that makes me a radical🤣👍.)

I do think it is extremely important to listen to what our hearts tells us and not pay attention to the brain who only thinks he know everything. Everything is not in the brain. A lot of it is in the gut and the heart. I say that’s where the real hardcore thinking is actually done. It is not really the brain as much as everyone thinks it is.

Power Flower does know an awful lot of stuff about history. I am willing to give him that and from our conversations I know he knows more than any other person I have ever met IRL (In Real Life) 🤗.

Lately he’s been saying he needs to “branch-out” - that was the term he used. I don’t think he should use modern words like: ‘branch-out’. It sounds way too undignified for an old man of his stature.

I told Power Flower I would do him a solid and help him meet some new people besides myself. I like to read, so I am happy wherever I am as long as I have something to read. I’ve read every single ingredient on every single food label of everything I’ve ever eaten. I just can’t help myself. Words are my drugs baby. Words are my drugs and the internet is my candy store. Power Flower however doesn’t feel like he needs to read any more. He says he is ready to get out and “boogie”. I guess it’ll be him and Mick Jagger Dancin’ The Night Away. So undignified - IMHO (In My Humble Opinion).

I was telling Power Flower about some of my famous friends that I have all over the world these days from displaying my artwork on the internets. Of course he wants to take ALL of the credit for our current success. He doesn’t give me any credit for being his hands. Sorry if I sound like a whiny little bitch, but I have to tell someone.

See up until very recently I’ve always thought of Power Flower as merely a fictional character or an imaginary friend I had created because I was sick and lonely. I created him to soothe myself and keep myself safe. Power Flower told me I was wrong.

He is kind of weird. He likes to collect things that are broken and subsequently repaired with gold dust. He says it is an old Japanese tradition that he picked-up during one of his many Earthly incarnations.

(The Japanese art of repair using gold dust in the cracks is called: ‘Kintsugi’. By repairing the item with gold it highlights the value of the object to its’ owner or custodian and thus the reason it was repaired rather than merely discarded.)

Power Flower is always talking about how he is so in love with the idea of “broken beauty”. I don’t fully understand it, but I guess it sounds good.

Anyway I told Power Flower I would help introduce him to the thousands of fans of his artwork from all over the world who have fallen in love with at least one of the 427 digital paintings he has produced so far.

Power Flower has a fairly small fan base as far as life on the planet or the internet goes, but a large proportion of his followers are fellow artists (a few famous ones) with a smattering of A-list Hollywood celebrities, super models, billionaires and Heads-of-State. I am not one to drop memes, but it is a pretty impressive list.

There are also a fairly large contingent of handsome young men in India who may be using their interest in Power Flower’s artwork in order to impress the ladies. I am just saying fellas that I know how your minds work. I must say ladies that any gentleman sensitive enough to appreciate one of my paintings will also be a kind and gentle lover with a high intellect. Definitely a fine catch.

I wanna to give a shout-out to all of my friends in Italy, but especially Milan. The love I received from you guys was amazing. I think Italy looks like one of the best places on the planet with the most pretty girls imaginable. Italy is definitely on my list of things to see before I die. The food looks absolutely incredible in Milan.

Thank you so much to everyone for their support. It has truly been a blessing to me.


Dave Olson (pwrflwr)😘💕


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