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How I got into my work as a vigilante

By Silence is goldenPublished 3 years ago 15 min read
My journey on how I got into my work and my adventures that came along

I am a high school drop out, in fact dropped out of school twice. I was not a bad kid who partied, done drugs or was lazy. I suffered from physical disability and many mental illnesses. The teachers where not accommodating either and I would often act as the class clown and rebel against authority.

I got arguments a lot with the teacher and staff but all this was to cope with the unbearable amount of pain I dealt with day to day. Humour was like an escape and I hated the way the teachers treated me. In the past in my earlier middle school years; I was known as the outcast always ignored and treated like an alien just cause I was in disability class. I actually was a good student at one point who got near perfect grades and was a teachers pet.

But all this changed over time as my mental health deteriorated. In a way it felt like I was breaking free from the cage I felt confined to for eternity. I never really knew who I was and just felt like a slave to the system obeying everything like a damn sheep. Strange how my mask of extroversion actually got me popular. I escaped my pain with humour and friends yet inside I still felt broken.

My first time I dropped out was in grade 8 after I threw scissors by mistake at a staff member. I did not mean to hit her and she was actually the one of the only good staff members. Not to mention she was not even involved in the argument with me and the teacher. I meant to throw the scissors at the wall because I was mad at the teachers telling me to use "kiddie scissors" despite me being 13 and was sick of being treated like a helpless child along with always been bossed around and made to follow unfair rules over the most stupid things.

Moral of the story is, I was sent to the office and nearly suspended. I remember my favourite staff member visiting me in the office.(I wont give out names so lets call her "Ms. Audino.") I told Ms. Audino that it was a mistake not meaning to aim at her.

I felt so bad, not for what I done but for Ms. Audino. She was the only person who actually made this miserable year tolerable. Ms. Audino was very understanding towards my explaination and like a bomb everything all came out. I told her everything and my feelings towards school and what I go through day to day. I will never forget her acceptance and empathy towards my situation. However after what happened I knew I reached my limit and could not take anymore of this hell I had to endure everyday at school; putting on a mask of happiness yet broken inside void of any ounce of pleasure and trapped in my own mind. Not to mention the lack of support and discrimination I faced by the staff.

I returned to my life of binge gaming, when I played video games I felt like I was in another world. A better world where I can be who I want. Not this broken person who doesn't have anything to look forwards to in life.

My parents where very understanding about what I was going through so they let me binge on video games. I would play GTA, call of duty, skyrim, WOW, bioshock and pretty much every popular great game. One day when I ran out of games to play after experiencing all the best ones at that time period. I thought of which game should I get? I remembered this one called "watchdogs". I knew nothing about it so when I was at the game store I decided to ask the cashier on what this game was about. The cashier said "it's a hacking game that is really good." And I did mention to him that I liked GTA V as it was my favourite game at the time.

To which told he me this game was like GTA but with hacking and in his opinion it was better. I did not know much about hacking at the time but thought. Hacking and GTA sounds like a cool combo. So I got the game. It was pretty much just released and was spanking new at the time. I played the game for a little while and at the time I was not the biggest fan but the concept of hacking intrigued me. The fact you could control so much with commands and code fascinated me. I wanted to learn all I can about hacking.

Ever since then, I would study for 9 hours a day. Trying to learn as much as I can despite the crippling mental illnesses I faced. I eventually became very good in the eyes of others and my cousin even said I was better then many of the 4th year students in his university studying to be ethical hackers and I was just 14 years old. I made many friends in the hacking community as well and we would hack stuff together. Doing jobs for each other.

One day I discovered something interesting. It was someone on my friends list in fact. I won't give out names so lets just call him Steve. Steve would post some of his exploits, knowledge and say relatable cool quotes about life. I was super impressed. Steve seemed like such a cool guy who was very knowledgeable. I was to shy to reach out to him due to me not being confident in my own skills thinking Steve would brush me off as meerly another script kiddie.

Eventually I decided, "fuck it" I will message him. So I did just that. Steve seemed like a very nice guy and we would talk about our lives as hackers, what we learned and done. Steve was just 2 years older then me yet so experienced. His older brother who passed away due to gang related violence was his mentor and thought him everything he knew. I was intimated by Steve because how good he was and it made me feel bad about my own skill set.

Especially because Steve was only 2 years older then me. I was the type of person to be open about my feelings so I told Steve this. To my surprise Steve understood saying he felt the same at one point and that to him I am really good. I made such a good impression with Steve he made me the co leader of his group which we will just call 505.

It was really nice working in 505, I made lots of good friends and had many people to talk to with my interests in hacking and how different systems worked. In 505 I did many hacking jobs which many where targeting people like pedophiles, rapists and exposing them. It was tons of fun and just then I knew I found my calling in life. Steve and I were best friends for 3 years always having each others back. I was 16 now and decided to study and try and get a CEH. Steve encouraged me telling me I will nail the exam and do great. I would study very hard everyday and I loved learning about many different methods of pentesting and how different systems could be exploited.

Another year passed but this year was different. This was the year things all began to change.

I an operation coming up due to a birth defect I was born with. This broke me and crushed my motivation to work since this was the first time I was ever going to go through something like this.

It was also the time Steve's girlfriend was going to move far away from him. This changed Steve for the worst, the once kind and supportive guy I once knew vanished before my very eyes. Steve's mental health began to deteriorate and he became more and more withdrawn. This caused him to be a very bitter person and more angry at the world.

Somehow I suspected something more was going on then just his gf however I did not want to ask knowing he was like me. A private guy who kept lots of secrets from the ghosts of his past.

Steve started acting different with me, saying stuff like "that he has to worse then I do and I don't know what struggle is", leaving me as a friend for no good reason then wanting me back and acting cold towards me. This behaviour pissed me off especially because Steve had no idea what I going through in life. I myself was like him that's why, I put on a mask of happiness yet inside I hide many secrets.

Yes I get it Steve came from an abusive background, his brother died, sent to military school, suffers from many mental illnesses including paranoid schizophrenia and I believe he likely been abused by a pedophile one point in his life. Judging my the fact he kept many stuff in, had this strong vengefulness against pedophiles as if he been abused by one himself and suffered from the many symptoms people with rape trauma suffer like hiding his body and being to traumatized to ever be intimate with his girlfriend.

The closer the moving date the more distant and cold Steve became. He would act apathetic towards me and like he lost care. He became the very opposite of what he once was.

One day things turned for the worse. Steve had an episode on me and accused me of betraying his dead brother. Which in fact I had nothing to do with.

I did not know the guy and I could care less about him. What happened was that triggered Steve's episode was I was ranting to one of my so called co workers about that Steve wasn't running the group well like he once did.

The co worker told Steve because all he cared about was staring up drama. Either that or he was jealous of my high ranking in the group. Therefore wanting to throw me down. I did not even bring it up to the co worker in the first place. Adam which we will call the co worker was oddly with obsessed to talking to me. I felt suspicious of him due to this and felt something was off about the guy from the start. "Damn it! I knew I should not have trusted this guy. I really let my guard down..." I thought realizing my friendship will Steve was coming to an end.

If you readers are wondering why this relates to Steve's brother it's because Steve's brother was once the founder of 505. Because of Steve's paranoia he took what I said as a secret threat to overthrow him when in reality I was just disappointed at how he was running the group. Therefore was considering leaving.

I tried explaining to Steve what I really meant. But he did not believe me no listen. He just ended up making more accusations about me. I had no choice but to leave the group and end our friendship. This really broke me and once again in my life I felt like had no one.

Except at least I did have someone another best friend in the hacking community who I knew from the very start. Even longer then I knew Steve. In fact I introduced them and they became close as well. But Mark lets call him that never joined 505 and preferred to work on his own. Anyways I told Mark everything and he was very supportive saying "he will always be there for me."

The operation was coming up and the pain from Steve and my 3 year friendship hurt. The day before the operation I got a messaged from my bully, he was bullying me again per usual. I had it and stood up to him. This did not go over well and he threatened to stab me. I told him to "bring in on saying he's to weak to even try this." then blocked him leaving it at that knowing he wont keep his word. Eventually operation day came, but to my luck it went smoother then I thought with no complications just crippling pain at one point for about an hour and the fact I threw up because I was under so long. Thankfully recovery was literally a day and I felt good as new. However the trauma from my past and things that happened to me was yet to heal.

I would pass time coping with my depression by reaching out to new people on this chat site. No one stood out to me; however I met this one girl who we will call Destiny and she seemed quite smart judging by her profile and love of coding. I messaged her and we talked about coding and computer science. I told her what I did and she said "it was cool". We exchanged social media accounts and would sometimes text and call since then. When I talked to her I felt empty not because she wasn't a good friend but I felt so numb to anything positive in my life to the point I could not even talk to people anymore. This caused me to one day ghost her and all my friends out of the blue.

The two years I ghosted all my contacts; I was a mess and tried many forms of drugs that just made things worse. I was withdrawing from one and the side affect was anger. Therefore I was more aggressive then usual, but I despite what people where telling me. I don't think it was just the drugs but what I was going through as well mental illness wise. I won't go into details about that due to it being personal to me. I did many bad things this point in my life; things I will never forget nor forgive myself for. I was even deemed a threat to society and was going to be locked up in a mental hospital if I did not shape up. I really did not want that because how terrible they actually are which caused me to quarantine myself isolating my self from society for months.

In this period of time I reflected on my life a lot and thought about things. After awhile I slowly began integrating myself into society when my symptoms started to get better. I gradually reintegrated into the world then eventually started working again. However I needed one thing... friendship because I pretty much lost all friends at this point. Except Mark he always stayed by my side supporting me through what ever happened.

I logged into my old Instagram account which wasn't used for so long and messaged my contacts cause why not. Most moved on and forgot about me but Destiny did not. Still till this day I don't know why. We never talked much back in the day and I felt cold, withdrawn and distant. Anyways I did not really know how to communicate with people after so long so it was just small talk. But Destiny and I did have something in common, our love for watching other vigliantes expose wrongdoers.

One day Destiny brought up Dahvie Vanity and how he got away with so much yet was never caught. For those who don't know who Dahvie Vanity is; he is the lead singer of blood on the dance floor/botdf who got away with raping a bunch of under age fans.

Despite us being both adults at the time Destiny also brought up a pedophile in her dms who assumed she was younger then her age because she sometimes likes to dress young. I told Destiny my past as a freelancer sometimes targeting these type of people then she told me I should target him. This gave me an idea, because I was struggling to get work done because issues with depression. I thought we should create a pedohunting account and bait pedophiles then catch them, I felt little motivation to do my hacking work and this would constantly give me targets, honing my skills and providing motivation to catch these fucks. At this point of my life I felt like I had no purpose then remember all the fun times and how much I enjoyed being a freelancer hacker. I really enjoyed investigation and going after these kinds of people. "Maybe this was my calling" I pondered.

I told Destiny my idea and she agreed to join me. We set up the account and choose some images of a model who wasn't well known and could pass as underage. In minutes we got so many dms from men who thought this was a 14 year old girl. Many fell into my trap, clicking on links and logging into phishing pages. I reported there information and exposed these freaks. However some where quite clever and seemed like they been doing this for awhile. Targeting someone can be a process and I was worried these degenerates would get away if worse comes to worse and they escape my grasp before I could do anything.

Destiny and I created a Instagram account exposing these people. The account wasn't viewed much at first and was bullied by script kiddies since they tend to like picking on small accounts. But over time I started gaining popularity. I was even recognized by some of the best hackers and viligantes. I even joined up with some then formed my own group at one point with my new found co workers. The account skyrocketed in popularity in a short period of time.

Destiny and I continued our work. The targets kept on getting harder and harder as the more gullible of predators we have already worked on. One time I made the foolish mistake of tagging one of my most hated predators so they know they are in deep shit. However this resulted in him reporting my instagram and instagram actually listening. My account was banned... One of the predators friend even mocked us for not being real hackers but a bunch of wannabes

I was so mad and it felt like they won. I logged into my bait account in order to let my friends know. They supported me and told me I am not the only one and that instagram has been doing this to vigilantes since forever. This pissed me off and got my wondering why does instagram keep on taking us down yet many predators and bullies get away with stuff. Nothing I could do but write an appeal to instagram explaining my situation. I had no choice. But to do that and feared they would want my ID because I heard stories of people getting banned and in order to lift the ban the had to submit personal info on them such as there face holding a sign. All that was left now was to wait. Hours passed and nothing happened. I thought all was lost and instagram made there decision. Destiny and my co workers I will call them decided we should get off instagram since it isn't secure for us anyways and that we should set up a tor link exposing these people. I thought so as well.

To my surprise soon after instagram listened to my appeal explaining why I do what I do and what happened. Then the ban was lifted, I was not even shadow banned or anything. I still contemplated whether I should get off Instagram making a tor link and a website on tor for our work. This seemed better for many reasons, but I could not leave all my work behind and the people who depended on me on instagram. So I stayed.

With time I did manage to catch those predators who got my account banned and they are targeted without even knowing. Yet live in a life of fear knowing I am always watching.

My account continued to grow in popularity and I learned more and more as time passed. I even had many kids thanking me for the work I done and many requests from people. We got so well noticed that even Dahvie Vanity himself saw us do to Destiny checking his account for recon. He even blocked us because we suspect he is still after kids till this day and seen signs. In fact one of my followers claimed they been molested by Dahvie on tour. Destiny was shocked he blocked her, and I knew this confirmed this man is hiding something.

After time due to it being a relic of my past and how my hacking journey all started. I played watchdogs again after years. I actually ended up really liking it this time exspecially because the protagonist does similar work to me. The game felt very relatable and me. Unlike my opinion at 13 this game became one of my favourites and I really liked it. I see it now as a symbol of my journey.

I do this work, not for the clout or money. But because I like making a difference in the world and creating a safer society with time. If you finished till the end of my story. Thanks for the support :)

I know I don't really write so my writing is not the best and please ignore the grammer errors haha.


About the Creator

Silence is golden

Freelance writer looking to earn some money to support my work. Will write anything by request for free.

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    Silence is goldenWritten by Silence is golden

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