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Miscellaneous Banter

Part one.

By Kasey WalkerPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Miscellaneous Banter
Photo by Taras Chernus on Unsplash

Thank you for confiding in me,

I was never to be trusted.

I made myself as warm as a freshly baked treat, really it was just a trick.

I made myself as quiet as a mouse,

As humble as could be,

I listened when you poured out your deepest secrets to me.

Respectfully, never trust the most trustworthy.

We are just human, we have our own mental battles and yes,

you are a pawn in everyone else's game.

He who says they are not playing, are losing in a game they never approved of, but also, never rejected upon invitation, this is one of those cases where no reply means you've been automatically opted in.

I can see through your garbage lies yet here I am, allowing you to lie to my face to see how far a single human can believe, in their own mind, that they are ahead.

Sit, fool. Act under surveillance. Someone is always watching, and if not I, it is the I that is someone else.

The start line was fresh. It was clean, and good, like it always is. There is something so evil about time. Time reveals the ugly side of people. I can see you looking out for me as if I am your parent and you have to sneak talk behind my back.

All I really want is to do things with you, and be with you, and that is simply not the way it works.

I am not yours like you are not mine. I do not own your heart, your eyes, your mouth, nothing.

Whom you share your secret likes with, your fetishes, your desires, as hard as I could wish that you only have eyes for me, as clear as day, you eat with your eyes and put more on your plate than you can handle.

You are literally full,

of yourself.

Of the person I forge into your mind so that you can have enough confidence to go out into the world a strong man.

Secretly, no one is rooting for you.

Everyone wants to see you fail, to watch you fall, all of the moments that you chose the wrong path, all of those moments that you chose the wrong one, that you chose red rather than blue, all of the moments you chose lies over truth.

Thank you for allowing me to study you.

Study you to learn that man will always bite more than he can chew, and the weak, those are the strong. The ones who sit back and watch the show. The spectators always learn more than the actors. The actors act, play a part that is not them, they play characters that are found in the audience. Actors play the spectators when the spectators act in their minds. If they ever seem to lack as much action as the actors, remember they are acting, simply on a different level. A level that you cannot see, therefore you may not ruin with your lies.

What shall I do with you…?

Be honest? Tried that. You take advantage.

Betray? Done that, it hurts me more than it hurts you.

Lie? Everyone's doing it. In my face, in your face, it is so easy to lie to others because we lie to ourselves each and every day.

Look at you, lying right now.

I can see you in the middle of a sneaky lie. You take a sneak peek at me while your snake self slithers out of my sight.

I still love you, because I understand that you are human, but I don't like the smell of betrayal in my house, it stinks and it is attracting flies.

Could it be you are just weak but not in a good way? Could it be that you simply do not love me?

What is it? I know it is not about me, it is about you. It is always about the man.

A second away from the man is a second too long spent not talking about or thinking about him. I see you.

You want to be wanted, at least that’s what the last one confessed…mid drunken rambles are the most honest conversations I ever had with anyone.

That is just sad.

The time you spend on them, they too, spend on me. The way you want them, the others want me. I reject, as you follow like a puppy behind a juicy steak, real or fake, they are all nice.

Women are lovely, that is why I like them too. I give you opportunities time and time again to do things together, as a team. Because I like what you like, but the difference between me and you- you want it all for yourself, no sharing. I am more than willing to share.

Where is the love? I have displayed it to you in more than a few ways, however, do not mistake this as the cry of a victim. Women are as evil as they are nice. We have had to hide our anger, hide our secrets, hide our true emotions to make everyone around us feel more comfortable.

A truly honest woman is single for a reason- Honesty is a dish everyone wants to serve but no one wants to eat. It is a medicine everyone wants to over dose others with but refuse to be in the same room with it if it means they must play the patient.

I hate honesty, because it is never to be found in times of need.

Honesty is the guest everyone personally invited, who couldn't show up to the party until everyone's had a few.


About the Creator

Kasey Walker

Writing too, is vibration.

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