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I’m a Daddy’s Girl

But my Mothers Placeholder and Avenging Angel

By Kimmie HitePublished 2 years ago 4 min read

My right brain and left brain at war

My dads spirit won’t let me sleep

I was the little girl that was his confessional

All the secrets of Philly reside in me

BS he endured in Cali

I witnessed before he got sent away from me

The struggles he had in Denver

I rode shotgun till I left on emancipation

So if I ever visit family better act like you know and give me the respect deserved and earned

Cause where were you?

I’m still struggling from that pain during certain times of the year

And you have nerve to say my mother told you to watch over me when my father died

Or say I use my meds to numb my feelings and escape


To the point of murder and insanity

I know not your fault my dad had a lot of say and to do with how I was raised

Force to be reckoned with

Made ways out of nothing

Even in the end when his demons caught up to him he still had morals

Which is why I was quick to defend his honor against petty gold digging bitches throwing dirt on his name and grave

He wouldn’t go there with me drunk out his mind

And I was my mothers placeholder, her spitting image inside and out

Which means these bitches failed their daughters and pimped their kids off for a profit

Fed on lonely men needing love and toyed with hearts like nothing

You see me you see him Remember that shit

Same goes with his granddaughter Sunny in regards to me and her father

However, I’m no longer the little girl y’all tried and failed to save as a child

Road to hell paved with good intentions indeed

Still y’all trying despite my health having me in deaths crosshairs

I’ve been privy to grown shit from an early age

Childhood went out the door the minute I left the Philippines

America a cold world for the foreigners and the colored

Especially for single mothers raising sons and single fathers raising daughters

Sons with absentee fathers left to be the “Man of the House”

Daughters with absent mothers left to be the “Lady of the House”

I said what I said because I saw what I saw

Endured without protection

Until I started doing what needed to be done to protect me, myself and I from the enemy my dad invited home from overseas

My loyalty became blurred and I turned on the only man I loved, hated and respected all at once

Still I was a daddy’s girl while being my mothers reason why she died to protect me from what was to come

All part of the plan

To be a deadly reminder of my fathers demons

And My mothers avenging Angel while being my dads ride or die placeholder

When his second wife left him for freedom to do what she pleased to the next

Upon my fathers deathbed I unleashed the storm of emotions I was holding back

Everything I kept at bay because I did respect and love my elder

Came out in tsunami, hurricane and flood capacities

And I finally got the one thing I ever craved

That he saw me for me and he never resented my birth

Whole time you thought you knew me huh

You thought you had me pegged because now I run my mouth behind closed doors and social media about myself

When whole time I was just like you

I got skeletons in my closet buried deep too

But you fell into America’s trap

Letting them put yours against mine

Not realizing us workers and little folk run this world

We could run the world amd lock it down again if needed

For the benefit of our people


Just look at my kid

Can’t stand my bd but I did love him purely one time

So ten toes down I’m riding till death for our kid

Perfect Lil blend

Best of Both Worlds

Blessed and Highly FLAVORED

Black, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, European

All because an Asian dared to love a African American for the right reasons even though he was wet behind the ears

R.I.P to a single black father who enjoyed the perks of being a military man overseas

Who was young, dumb and full of cum

I reaped the sin you sowed but I’ll be damned if my daughter continues it

My sins will NEVER fall to my children

I’m breaking chains and curses like it’s a Revolution

I’m elevating and flipping the bs hate created

For the benefit of my Queendom and our soldiers locked down here, across the border and overseas

See I wear my scars proud so my Crown stay gleaming atop my big head

My kids will be the dream turned reality

And they’ll build a better future for the underdogs of society

I’m learning not to punish others for MY past

How to live in the moment and pursue my dreams

All the while building a legacy I can pass down to my seeds

I’m growing from the dirt

I’m focusing on better and brighter things

And breathing that in to the next Generation

For a better future


About the Creator

Kimmie Hite

Born in the Philippines as a military brat I grew up as a kid exposed to all walks of life and cultures. Currently, working on releasing self published book while living with lupus nephritis as a single mother waiting for transplant

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