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How does it feel to be flat chested when you're in a family of Cs and double Ds

Big or Small

By Ali SPPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
How does it feel to be flat chested when you're in a family of Cs and double Ds
Photo by Dainis Graveris on Unsplash

One thing about femininity that I most looked forward to was the day that I would be blessed with breasts. I often admired the women in my family which included their womanly figures and I definitely admired the size of their breasts. I wanted breasts too and big ones at that. I walked around with my mom’s bras wrapped around me with dreams of filling them up one day. I’m sure that there are other girls who played dress up too.

Once I entered puberty, excited can’t even fully describe how I felt. As the months continued to go by, I woke up every morning and examined them in the mirror in anticipation of when those mosquito bites on my chest would get any bigger. Yes, they did grow but not by much then suddenly the growth seemed to have stopped. It took me some time to accept that their growth spurt was done. Squeezing them or massaging didn’t make them any bigger. I had to also come to terms with the fact that I would not be able to join the other women in my family in the big “titty” club.

No woman wants to be told that she has a boyish figure and I definitely did not appreciate those words. I have come across different names that have been used to describe flat chested women. A few are aunt Jemima, bee sting or just plain old flat which may be accompanied by flat as a pancake. Yes we all know that we as humans have the potential to be very mean. However, even though I wanted my breasts bigger, I’ve also realized that bigger isn’t always better. Here are some issues that I have come across that women with bigger breasts may potentially experience.

1.Some women complain of neck and back pain.

2.Some women may even develop chaffing in the crease formed between both breasts.

3.Larger breasts due to their inherent weight and the fact that they can’t defy gravity can lead to possible sagging.

4. Larger breasts can at times lead to numbness and tingling sensations in both upper and lower extremities.

5. Larger breasts can get in the way when running or jumping and finding the right sports bra can be a hassle.

6. Bras that come in larger sizes can be very expensive.

The above helped me realize that smaller breasts aren't that bad after all. I will admit that are first I in no way wanted to stand out from anyone. It took me sometime to realize what the true definition of beauty was. I realized that despite the every now and then jokes or the comparisons between myself and other members of my family, I had to accept who I was and I made it intentional to live in my own skin.

It may sound cliche when someone says that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I tend to ask who’s eye is that? To me beauty should first be defined by the eyes within the body that seeks a description of what their beauty truly means. Their verification should come from within. That of course is easier said than done I know.

People including both women and men have been shamed based on their weight, height, sexuality, breast size, butt size, penis size, baldness and the list goes on. The media especially with the increasing use and popularity of social media has had so much influence on how we think and feel about ourselves. The constant feeling of being unsatisfied or the quest of having cosmetic surgery to “perfect” certain aspects of our bodies. I have learned that those very same imperfections are what make each and everyone of us imperfectly perfect.

For those of us who have been blessed with a smaller chest, I celebrate you as I celebrate me. There are pros and cons to everything but it is our individual differences that all make us unique. Continue to keep falling in love with you. As for me and my small breasts, I’m going to keep loving them too.


Thank you for reading! Don't forget to press on the heart of you like it.

Information about the possible negatives that can be associated with larger breasts were in part referenced from


About the Creator

Ali SP

Ali has found a renewed passion for reading and creating. It is now a form of expression for her– another creative outlet which she works to improve upon.

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