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High school crush

Embarrassment of ninth grade Bobbie Hudgins

By Bobbie HudginsPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
Me the same year in 9th grade.

My story take s place while I was a freshman in High school in 2001. I am from a small town in Florida called Lake City. If you have heard of it then you know what I'm talking about, but I'm sure most of you are not even aware its on the map and have never heard of it. A little about my background real quick so you can kind of get an idea, My mom and dad met and married in 1998. He is my step dad but that is something you will never hear me say. When they got married I also got new a new brother and two sisters, not to mention I already had a little brother. My dad was a Pentecostal preacher and also was a sergeant at the Florida department of corrections. So you can kind of get the idea that it was fairly strict. My brother Scotty was the youngest of the three of us that lived at home. Heather my step sister is seven months older than me. So we all three road the same bus and went to the same school. We went to Fort White High School in the super small one red light town, so everyone knows everyone and no one ever forgets about anything. I swear everyone is like and elephant... They remember everything.... I was a pretty shy girl for the most part. I had a lot of friends and really thought this was going to be my year. I was finally in high school. I'm not sure how they do classes now, but in my day our classes were all mixed up. Meaning some of your classes you would be in there with 10th, 11th, or even 12th graders. My story starts back in my math class. My math teacher was also one of the football coaches, so a lot of times a lot of the football players would just be hanging out in there. This was the first time I developed a crush. I'm laughing as I write this just thinking of how this story unfolds and the many years after it. I am going to call him John. I seen John come in and out of my math class for weeks maybe even a few months before I got the courage to speak to him. It was nothing special but maybe "do you have a pen?" like I said nothing special. Maybe to him.... To me I just knew he liked me and no one could tell me different. Let me just say that I am a Girl so it's normal for us to think like that sometimes. That day I decided on my bus ride home that I was going to write John a long letter to confess my "love" to him. Well love how I had seen it when I was a kid in Ninth grade. So I got home and wrote this super long ten page letter about how I liked him and really thought we would be great as a couple. He was a senior which I forgot to mention earlier. After wrapping up my letter to John I got ready my stuff ready for school the next day and got myself ready for bed because tomorrow was going to be a big day. One that I knew was truly going to change my life forever. Little did I know what was really in_store for me. I remember praying asking God to please let everything go great and John and me to be happily ever after. The next day I got up and got ready for school. Here's a really big key point for my story... While I was getting ready I made sure to put on my "lucky" panties. You heard me right. They were hot pink with silver sparkly little stars all over them. I thought that every time I wore them good things happened to me. So that's how they became my lucky panties. On the school bus like I have on many occasions I talked about how much I was crushing on John and would even make jokes with some of the girls I was friends with. Well this particular morning on the way to school I was talking to a girl friend of mine. For this story I am going to call her Amanda. Amanda and I were on the bus laughing and talking like usual when I told her that I wrote John a letter confessing my love to him, and I even went as far as telling her that I even made sure to wear my lucky panties. She laughed and I laughed. And that was it. Or so I thought. I even asked her if she would mind giving him the letter because I knew they shared a class. After handing off the letter to her and making my way to class, all I could think about is John and I just knew he and I were going to be an item. Well the day came to an end and on the bus Amanda smiled and I asked her if she was able to get it to him, which she replied yes. I asked what did he say and she was like nothing he just smiled big. I was so happy with my news I had received. I knew he liked me and everything was going to be fantastic. This was on a Friday so we were not going to be at school for a couple of days. That would give him time to write me back and confess his love for me. Or so I thought. Monday morning I was so ready to see my crush and see what he really thought of my letter. On the bus to school it was quite I guess Amanda had decided to stay home. I rushed off the bus to hang out where everyone else does that's cool before school. My eyes searched every inch of the school yard waiting to see my crush, and that's when I seen out of the corner of my eye my crush holding hands with Amanda. I was devastated. I can remember the look on her face as she seen me. They stopped right in front of me and they both laughed as he asked me if I was still wearing my lucky panties. My face turned red and I felt I couldn't breathe. I couldn't believe she had told him about my lucky panties. I thought we were friends. I didn't even know she liked him too, and that me giving her the letter was just giving her an excuse to talk to him. And that my letter helped them to see that they liked each other enough to become a couple. I never wanted to show my face ever again, and I hated her. Many times during my high schools years people would bring it up and I would pretend to laugh it off. When really all I wanted to do was forget it. After high school I ran into John at the store. I had not seen him in 5 years. He asked me if I would like to come hang out and I said yes, because even after all these years I still thought he looked great. We hung out a few times and things I can't mention. Remember me telling you earlier that they are like elephants for they can remember everything. There was a bunch of us hanging out and drinking when he asked me if I was wearing my lucky panties. High school all over again... I hope you enjoyed my story of high school embarrassment.


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    Bobbie HudginsWritten by Bobbie Hudgins

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