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Sometimes You Have to Create Your Own Plan "B"

By Mike Singleton - MikeydredPublished about a year ago 3 min read


Here's a thing. You are away for a weekend, that's a set number of days. You book accommodation, travel, take enough clothes and stuff you need for the duration, so you are ready for a good break away. Of course this could be work rather than pleasure but then something happens to throw a spanner in the works.

When you have planned your stay there is absolutely no requirement or place for a Plan "B", so you do not make backup plans, but there are times when you have to call on your non-existent backup plan.

So What Happened Here?

A train was cancelled, and the line was closed indefinitely and we were told to travel Tuesday or Wednesday. The thing is, in the queue for the non existent train there were some quite large families with young children, and rightly or wrongly we make the assumption that things will work. I was thinking how expensive it would be to get a hotel room for the night, and maybe people would have to get to work for tomorrow, or maybe they were travelling somewhere for a flight.

In these situations the Plan "B” should be for the supplier of that part of the event or journey, but very often the supplier doesn't do anything leaving the person trying to avail themselves of the service to find a solution for the convenience of the service provider.

This weekend I was slightly inconvenience but I could see many people that this would cause major problems

When The Drugs Can’t Work

When you go away on a short break you take enough stuff for the time away, and that includes clothes, especially underwear and the like. I take a lot of drugs and realised I did not have any for the extra day, and while that is fine for me I know that for others this could be a life threatening situation.

Because of the time of day, if I had needed a chemist it may have been difficult to track down the drugs that I may have needed.

The irony is that because these drugs keep people like me alive , I really need to keep on top of it twenty four seven. In the past I have gone on holiday and forgotten my insulin needles or testing strips (that I need for driving to test my blood sugar), but luckily managed to source the required items without having to go back home.

A Long Conclusion

The lesson I have learned for this, is that you really always need a Plan “B” whether for short or long intensive situations. If you have a car you always have a spare tyre, you never expect a puncture or blow out but they do happen, and this weekend I did not expect to be stuck in Edinburgh especially as I had some important stuff to pick up at work this morning.

I got through this but there have been times in the past where I would have found this impossible to deal with. Apparently trains started running about eight o’ clock last night but that would have meant possibly standing in a queue for over four hours. While I am reasonably fit, I had already walked ten miles so was not feeling up to just standing for an unspecified amount of time.

It's back to the Boy Scouts and Girl Guides adn always "Be Prepared" for whatever unexpected things are thrown your way. Sometimes you are the one who has to deal with it.

Music is "96 Tears" by ? & The Mysterians , because why not? We don't always immediately have the answers , but we can fins them

WorkplaceBad habits

About the Creator

Mike Singleton - Mikeydred

Weaver of Tales, Poems, Music & Love

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  • Cathy holmesabout a year ago

    Good that it worked out.

  • Veronica Coldironabout a year ago

    Glad everything worked out!

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