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Dear me

To the innocent

By Jen PhillipsPublished 7 months ago 3 min read
Dear me
Photo by Joice Kelly on Unsplash

If it was a possiblity to go back in time just for a moment to find the most innocent version of yourself, what would say to yourself? To be honest i don’t think I even know what I would say. Yet, I’m the one writing this letter….

Dear baby me,

I’m not sure how to even start or where to begin but here goes.

Can we start off with I’m sorry. You had very high hopes and dreams of where and what the future held for you. You have such big dreams in life and that great! The one thing i will tell you is too keep dreaming big and reach for the stars little girl. Because no prince charming will be coming to take you to the moon so you can grab all of those stars.

No, you need to be you‘re own prince charming. Lets make our own happy ending. I understand this journy you will be going on isnt going to be easy but I promise you it’ll be worth your while.

Don’t listen to what other people have to say about you or the way you live your life; not that you did much anyways. But they will get in your head and tear down your thoughts, feelings and dreams. Why would they let you do usch thing? When its an inconvience to them? Guess what baby girl it’s an inconvience to you by listening to them. Go on that road trip and change careers. Keep on going until you find what you are looking for.

Be you’re own prince charming. Take yourself to dinner and see that movie. Why wait for someone to take you, when you have a much better time going. Besides I promise you can go to Starbucks and the bookstore. Get lost in the pages and forget about the world. Just making it to the film with your bag of popcorn and mountin high of books you do not need right now. We both know they’ll all be read over night or with in a few years.

I know we don‘t have too many friends if at all but as you get older you stop wanting to impress people and stop trying to fit in. That is okay because as we get older we seem to enjoy our own company. Which actually helps with our day dreaming. Being able to grab the dog, jumping in the car for a random road trip for the day and finding a cute little town to adventrue through is actually more enjoyable anyways.

Oh! how much we’ve explored and seen without having to wait on others to be ble to do it has to be one of the most healing things someone can do for themselves. It is nice every once in a while to meet up with friends but personally I much rather enjoy own company and the company of the dog.

There will always be dark times in life but at the end of every storm there is a rainbow. They say there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. One day you will get to the end of the rainbow and find a pot of gold.

Whatever that means to you and where ever that is always follow the rainbow. This means you do need to get your nose out of a book long enough to be able to go find your path to the end of the rainbow baby girl. When you do, I promise you it’ll be the most magical thing you’ve ever seen.

Mind you, you are the most magic creature that has walked the earth. Maybe one day others can see how magical you really are. Espically you.


About the Creator

Jen Phillips

Having a creative imagination has no limitations. My favourite past time is just dumping all my thoughts on to paper and seeing where it goes.

You can follow me on Instagram, Twitter

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