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Dear John

Unspoken Letters

By MoonlightPublished 12 months ago 3 min read

Dear John,

I find myself at a loss for words whenever I am near you. The way you effortlessly captivate my heart and mind leaves me spellbound, unable to articulate the depth of my feelings. It is in this unspoken letter that I hope to convey the emotions that have silently consumed me, as I dare to reveal the secrets locked within my soul.

From the moment our eyes first met, a spark ignited within me—a spark that grew into an inferno, engulfing my thoughts and illuminating my world with a brilliance I had never known. Your presence has become a force of nature, a gravitational pull that draws me closer, even as I try to resist.

In your company, I find solace and understanding. Our unspoken connection transcends the boundaries of mere friendship, resonating on a level beyond words. The way you see through my pretenses, unravel my complexities, and accept me for who I am, fills me with a warmth that cannot be easily explained.

It is in the silence between us that a myriad of unspoken thoughts dance, like butterflies in a garden. They flutter, seeking release, yearning to be set free. My heart aches to share these thoughts, these desires, but fear wraps its icy fingers around my voice, stifling the words I long to speak.

I have often caught myself stealing glances, secretly hoping that you might see the reflection of my emotions shimmering in my eyes. I have held my breath, praying that you might sense the unspoken words hanging in the air between us, waiting to be acknowledged.

In the depths of my heart, I dream of a future where our unspoken desires intertwine and find their voice. Where we can explore the vast landscape of possibilities that lie before us, unburdened by the weight of silence. I long for the courage to break free from the chains that bind me, to reveal the truth that beats in rhythm with my pulse.

There are moments when my heart rebels against this silence, urging me to take a leap of faith and share my feelings with you. Yet, the fear of losing the connection we have, the fear of disrupting the delicate balance of our friendship, keeps my words locked away.

But for now, I will cherish the stolen moments, the stolen glances, and the stolen dreams that reside within the realm of the unspoken. I will hold them close to my heart, treasuring the fragments of a love that exists beyond words, knowing that even in silence, our connection remains steadfast.

With each passing day, I gather strength, slowly chipping away at the walls of fear that separate us. I hope that one day, our unspoken letters will cease to exist, replaced by the spoken words that will bring clarity and depth to the emotions that reside within us.

Until then, know that you hold a special place in my heart, an irreplaceable presence in my life. And as I continue to navigate the uncharted territory of my emotions, I cling to the hope that the day will come when our unspoken letters become a symphony of shared expressions, filling the void between us.

I am content to love you from the back, to silently support you as you pursue your dreams and find happiness. And if the day ever comes when you seek solace in the arms of another, I will stand by your side, swallowing the bitter pill of unrequited love, for your happiness is of utmost importance to me.

Yours, in the unspoken depths of love,



About the Creator


Hi I'm Je, short story writer with vivid imagination and a penchant for crafting compelling narratives.

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