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About the world from my 4d perspective.

By samuel okojiePublished 9 months ago 4 min read
I am a man tormented not by my past but by my future.

my name is Samuel Okojie and i have seen the world from a futuristic perspective and i want you to know that it doesn't get better, it gets a whole lot worst, in a world where intelligence and know how is base in an educational system that teaches and encourages things about you that will not do you any favours in the real world is the definition of wasted time and effort, a system that tells you to go to school for half of your life and then get a job from someone that definitely despises you indirectly because his despise comes from his ownself hatred and unachieved dreams, And after acquiring the job then you figure out that you now actually have to learn more and more and keep learning but not for your own will or self improvement but for the self improvement of the companies that you work for, you become a slave to the world around you, to the people but not in a good way, you become the very thing you hate, you become the world, you become someone who looks injustice in the eyes and does nothing, you become someone who hides in the shadows afraid of monsters that are not real because since we were kids we were made to believe that there were monsters under our beds and that the world in it's entirety is a big bad wolf that will devour you if you come close to it and for the longest of times through childhood up to my adolescence years i have always disagreed with this ideas that has been tossed around by the people of this dying world, a world filled with so much hate and so much religious madness that they can't even stop to sit down and think why it is that they hold and harbour so much hatred in their hearts, why so much disdain and uncertainty and why does their emotions always overcloud their judgment and why are they so eager to kill or take another mans life when such man disagrees with their religious ideals and perspective, It's almost as if these people are zombies to the God and ideas that they worship, they believe that they are in the right when in true they are the ones who are wrong and should admit their sins and let the world be the way that it is meant to be, i don't want to wake them up in such a short time cause i am afraid of the damage that it might cause, Telling the world that there is no God would shatter their realities so much that they would feel that there is no law to govern their moral virtue because all their lives they have lived a swinish life, a life filled with nothing but fear and misguided thoughts, thoughts that are not theirs, thoughts that are not real, thoughts that they can't even examine and thoughts that will someday lead them into madness but not from me but from their own self hatred being reflected back at the world, for if you stare deep into the abyss i promise you the abyss will stare back and what it will reflect back will be an alter ego of yourself, a 2.0 version if i should say, This is not a mere thought or belief, this is reality, a world filled with people without love but yet expects love in return, a world where people listen to propaganda without understanding the other side of the propaganda that they are on, a world that will eventually end up killing itself, was ozymandiaz at the right or was he at the wrong? From my perspevtive warshark was right, they shouldn't have compromised, they should have stood their ground and told the world the heinous and demonic act that ozymandiaz committed, killing millions to save billions will never be a right dimension of perspective to me, Doctor manhattan was the worst of all, a God who claimed to be a puppet who can see his strings but yet couldn't do anything about it is insane, which would be worst, to live as a monster or to die as a good man, shutter island, a part of ourselves that we choose to keep buried inside our subconscious mind, a place that will eventually lead us to face the monsters that we are, the part of ourselves that we keep hidden from the world but yet we hate and despise others who are brave enough to show the world who they really are and what they truly hold, i care not about the things of the material plane, not pleasure, not pain, not hate, not gluttony, not sex and not even the grim-reaper himself for i am a man who has conquered light and darkness and hold the whole world in his hands, a man who wishes to be left alone with his PADME, a man who just wants to live a simple and happy life with the woman that he loves CYNTHIA JOSEPH, to be able to apologise for the ways he treated her, how he neglected her feelings, for how i thoughts my feelings and ambitions was more important, i was no different from all the guys she spoke bad about, for in her eyes i was worst and for that i am sorry and i hope someday i can see her again and i can ask for her forgiveness and i do hope she take me back.


About the Creator

samuel okojie

my name is Samuel Okojie and i'm from Uromi edo state Nigeria, i'm 5 feet 10 inches tall and i'm a 4 dimentional being.

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  • samuel okojie (Author)9 months ago

    this world is filled with darkness that most people can't even comprehend.

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