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Cassper Nyovest Testimony

Refilwe AKA Casper Nyovest shares his testimony...

By Koko BK NtsasaPublished 3 days ago 12 min read
A South African wrapper shares his testimony

Certainly! Here's the transcript organized into paragraphs for better readability:


[Applause] This is crazy. I greet you all in the name of Jesus Christ. I've always wanted to do this. You may be seated. For those who don't know me, I go by the name Refilwe, also known as Casper. And I would like to start by greeting the leaders of the church, Apostle Lomo and Prophet Iro, sorry, Prophet Iroris. Prophet, and I heard everyone saying Prophet. I say I don't want trouble. I should say prophetess. Thank you so much for inviting me to share my testimony.

I would also like to say, Sister Pat, what a word. Amazing word that you shared with us. I'm sure everybody was moved, confront your prison. When I was invited, I did not know if I should accept or not. I mean, as you should know, I'm not a pastor. I'm a rapper. I'm sure you can see. I was like, what am I going to do there? I mean, I'm a rapper. Like, what do they want me to do? And I was like, man, I need to just be myself. Which brings me to my topic today. I don't know if you guys can do this, but I just want you to write, "Who are you?" on the screen. That's my topic, that's what I want to talk about, that's what happened to me.

You know, one day I woke up, it's a normal day, I didn't have any trouble, I didn't have any problems, and I woke up, you know, from a crazy party, and I was on my way to the bathroom, and I heard a voice, and this voice said, "Who are you? Where do you come from? And where are you going?" And I got freaked out, and I just looked around, I'm like, "What was that?" And I mean, if someone had to ask you who you are, I mean, that's a very easy question to answer. I mean, "Who are you?" I mean, "I'm Ref." "My parents are Mookie." But like, it was crazy, because this voice, when it asked me, it was sort of like, it asked my soul, like, "Who are you? And where do you come from? And where are you going?" And it shook me.

I spent the whole day just messed up, you know? And I was even coming to Durban that day, I was here to perform some picnic. I also saw my son, and I was like, "Now, you know, when I see my son, I'm going to be good." See, you, I'm going to be happy. And then I saw my son, and he was running to me, "Daddy!" And I felt nothing. And I was like, "What's going on with me?" Like, I mean, I love this guy. Why can't I, this voice, like, these three questions, "Who are you? Where do you come from? And where are you going?" I'm visiting here from Reba Bible Church, as you've heard, uh, my pastor, Cabell, my Balan, is the guy called in that time. And I'm like, "Yo, man, I'm going through this thing. I don't know what it is. Um, I don't have any, I'm going through, I don't have problems. I don't, uh, ow, text, uh, but I'm not okay, you know?" And he's like, "No, don't do anything permanent in a temporary situation. Just calm down. You're going to be cool." And I was like, "All right, cool."

But in that time, I also went to the hospital, and, you know, to figure out what was going on. And I was diagnosed with depression, and they gave me pills to drink. And, um, I mean, they made me feel good in this little moment of time. I would literally feel these pills work, and then I would feel them leave, and I'd be back in the same place. And I said to myself, you know, "This is not sustainable. Can't be drinking pills every day, you know? Something is wrong. And I also don't think it's this thing." So, um, I went to church, and when I got there, there was a scripture on the screen, Philippians 4:4, and it says, "Rejoice in the Lord always." And then it says again, "I will say rejoice." And I'm like, "Rejoice? I mean, I'm depressed, you know what I mean?" But I'm like, "Okay, rejoice. Okay." I started rejoicing. "Ah, Jesus, you're Lord."

And then it says, "Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is at hand. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be known to God." I'm like, "I haven't been in church for six years. May, and the day I come to church, the scripture on the screen says, 'Be anxious for nothing.' I'm like, 'It's not a coincidence. Like, that voice, that was God who was speaking to me, and that is why I couldn't leave, you know? It's different when God speaks to you. It's different, you know?"

People like my best friend here, we've been friends for a long time. He's like, "What is this thing? God spoke to you? Like, how does he speak to you? I mean, I want him to speak to me too, like, you know?" "How did he speak to you? How do you know it's God? How do you know it's God?" And I knew, you know? And he said, "Be anxious for nothing." And I'm like, "Okay, cool." So, alter call comes, and they're like, "Do you want to give your life to God?" And I'm like, "I mean, Casper, you've done it six times." So I'm like, "No, I'm going. You know, I gave my life to God. Maybe six. I'm lying. Maybe it's eight or ten. I don't know. But I always say six. Maybe it's six, six, six. I don't know. But this time, I knew what I was doing. I knew what I meant by, 'I am dying to self.' I knew what I meant by, 'I'm giving my life to God.' I knew what I meant by, 'I am surrendering, 'cause I didn't have no other solution. I didn't know what I was going to do. I didn't want to drink these pills. I didn't have any other solution. And, you know what's crazy about life? We're already in it. There's no check-out. There's no, 'Okay, this is too much.' No, you're already in the middle of it. So, I go to God, and I'm like, 'Dude, I messed up. I'm a rapper, you know? This happens at a time where it was so difficult. It happens at a time where I remember one night I came home and I had my car outside, and I was with my friends, and I was trying to convince myself that I'm okay, my life's good. So, I go to my car and I say to my friends, 'Look at my car, man. Isn't my car amazing?' Like, 'Look at this.' And I'm not like that, so my friends look at me like, 'I mean, you're telling us about your car, and it's weird, right?' But I'm trying to convince myself, like, 'I've got the materials. I'm sure I'm on the right track.' But I didn't. So, you're speaking to someone who wasn't going through something financially. You're speaking to someone who has, I'm sorry to say this in church, I wanted to say this earlier on, that I don't know who you invited here, but you invited a very hectic human being, and I'm asking you to be myself so I can relate to someone.

So, this is someone who has slept with so many women, because that's what I was chasing at that time. It felt so amazing, the idea of conquering another human being. The lies I told, you know, things like, 'I love you,' and the women, women are so smart, like, they'd be like, 'I know you, you just want to sleep with me. I don't want to sleep with you. You're special.' Yeah, but you got a girlfriend. Don't worry about dead persons. Is she here, married man, B? But you're married. This thing, just this thing, it's just a band. You know, those are the things that I would say to women. And let me tell you something, after this act, I felt nothing again. It didn't give me the satisfaction that I wanted or that I thought it was going to get. And it's crazy because it feels the same every single time. It always feels like it's going to be different. It always feels like it's going to be better.

So, I was chasing this. I was living a life that was crazy. I would leave my house at 3 a.m. Everyone is sleeping in my house, and I would go somewhere. There's things I would never tell anybody

. But the truth is, because of this chasing, this thing now, it's too much. I mean, the chase is over. This thing now, it's too much. So, I'm like, 'I've got to just run away. I mean, if you go to the doctor, and you drink the pills, and you go to the church, and you find Jesus, you're not going to find Jesus. No, you're not. So, I'm in the club, and I'm having a good time. And I was invited here, and there was a secret, 'You invited me. Come to the stage.' And I'm like, 'I'm not going to the stage.' I had a break. I was already a normal human being. So, I'm trying to come to the stage. I'm like, 'Let me just tell my testimony. Let me just speak to someone and tell them, 'I'm a friend, and I don't know. You want to be here. You want to be there.' And I'm telling you, you know, I'm out there

[Applause] This is the best decision I ever took in my life. This is your opportunity. I know there'll be something that will stop you, they'll judge you, but you came last week. But today, we're doing it for real. If you're not sure, raise your hand. That's the first group.

The second group is if you've given your life to God but backslid, got it wrong somewhere, and you don't feel close to God, please put your hands up. Today, I want to give you rest. Everyone must walk out of here restful and sure in the work of Jesus Christ on the cross. If you would do this with me, please take your belongings and come to the altar call. I need everybody to clap their hands and encourage everybody who decided to do this. Please come forth.

I just want to say a little prayer. Please carry on clapping, carry on clapping. This is your moment. Hallelujah! Please don't let this moment go. God created this moment for you. Glory to God! Hallelujah! Glory to Jesus! Glory to God! Oh, glory to [Applause] Jesus! Oh my God, this is amazing! Come, all of you, come! Glory to Jesus! Please keep clapping, they're coming. Please keep clapping, they're coming. Hallelujah! Amen! Oh, glory to God!

If you're still in your seat and you're not sure, please, this is your moment. Don't let this moment go. Please come, even if you did not raise your hand, just come. We're going to say a short prayer. Please come. Don't let this moment go. I know it's hard. Everybody's looking at you. You'd rather do it in the corner. Come. You know, they say when one soul is saved, all the heavens and angels rejoice in heaven. So, one person,

If you're still in your seat and you're not sure, please, this is your moment. Don't let this moment go. Please come, even if you did not raise your hand, just come. We're going to say a short prayer. Please come. Don't let this moment go. I know it's hard. Everybody's looking at you. You'd rather do it in the corner. Come. You know, they say when one soul is saved, all the heavens and angels rejoice in heaven. So, one person, one is enough! Hallelujah! [Applause] [Music] Come! Thank you! [Music] Jesus! Yeah! Yeah! Glory to God! Come!

There's a scripture. My uncle was saying to him, "You know, I'm saved, I'm saved." And he says, "What does it mean to be saved?" I'm like, "Yeah, I'm saved." "Like, what does it mean? Where's the scripture?" And this is how I... The scripture, Romans 10:9, it says, "Jesus is Lord." It says, "If you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth..." So, you have to say it with your mouth that you believe that Jesus is Lord and he died for your sins, with your mouth and believe it in your heart.

Now, I want you to understand something. As a young person who's been through what you've been through, this is not about perfection. It's not about being a perfect Christian. Nobody is. Those you look up to, pastors, preachers, they're not perfect. And that's why they make mistakes and you find big headlines about some pastor who did 1, 2, 3, and 4 because they're human beings. And I'm not saying it's okay, but I want to relieve you of the pressure. You giving your life to Jesus is not about you. It's about Him. The pressure is not on you; it's on Him. You're not going to change because of your strength; it's His.

Okay, so we don't walk out of here trying to be perfect. We walk out of here trying to learn about Jesus. Because if you lose Jesus, you're going to have a problem. That is your sole responsibility: to keep learning about Jesus, His grace, His mercy, His teachings. You're going to mess up a lot of times, but I want you to know that this, you only have to do it once. You don't have to do it again and again and again. You can never lose your salvation. You can't. If we believe that we can mess up to a point where God does not want us anymore, then we don't believe in the cross.

So, I want you to be assured when you come out of here. Can we close our eyes? "Lord, I come to you today. I don't know what I'm doing. You've called me here to your children." Repeat after me, "Lord Jesus, I am a sinner who needs a Savior. I believe that you died on the cross for all of my sins, past, present, and future. I believe that you are the Messiah, the Son of Man and the Son of God. I surrender my life and I give it to you. Lead me, use me so that I can live your will. In Jesus' holy name, we pray. Amen."

Let's give glory to God! Glory to Jesus! [Applause] Hallelujah! Glory to Jesus Christ! Remember, it's not about perfection; it's about Jesus. You don't have to be perfect. You know why? Because Jesus was perfect. So, I need you to learn about Jesus. Don't ever lose your Jesus. Don't ever. That is the most important thing you could ever do. Don't ever lose your Jesus. You're going to be called uncool. You're going to be called names even by Christians. Don't ever lose Jesus. He will do a thing with you. He will transform you. It's not on you. You don't know what happens tomorrow, right? But He does. So, it's all on Him. Put the pressure on God and rest in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross. Thank you.

Now, to me, I am a child of God. Come on, you can do it! [Music] I'm... No, yeah! We can stand down and declare it, I am... I am a child... The yoke is broken, I'm no longer... Come on, give me the way! W! I am a child of... [Music] God! God! I'm no longer... [Music] No, I am a child... God! Come on, everybody, do it with joy in your spirit. Come on! I'm no longer... [Music] Who are you? Who are you? I am a child of God. I'm saved by the blood. To be... I am a child of God.

DatingStream of ConsciousnessSecretsHumanity

About the Creator

Koko BK Ntsasa

I'm an innovative,eloquent Man with many talents such as music,great communication skills and a community activist.

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