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Amir and Evelyn Sitting in a Pear Tree

Chapter 1 (Teaser): Amir's 1st Girlfriend

By Elijah DavisPublished 3 years ago 6 min read
Amir and Evelyn Sitting in a Pear Tree
Photo by Dan Gold on Unsplash


Amir once again folded then unfolded the small square lined paper that had been neatly removed from Evelyn Grahm's 3rd-period science composition book. Amir took the folded note and placed it back into his pocket. Amir's very large, dark eyes peered anxiously at the clock. He watched it tick, tick, and tick. Then Amir's arm went right into his pocket and he promptly pulled out the small square of lined paper that had been meticulously removed from Evelyn's composition book. Amir unfolded the letter then folded it again. Amir was actually aware that his behavior was completely irrational, he knew that her message had already been etched into his memory. Amir had read her note, at least 90 times since Evelyn snuck him the note ever so discretely in 3rd-period. Amir knew not to open the note at all during 3rd-period, he didn't even dare to glance her way ONCE, after their secret interaction. The contents of the note revealed that Amir had played his cards right by playing coy with Evelyn.

After 3rd-period, Amir's usually balanced demeanor had turned to an extra reserved demeanor. The change was due to Amir's personal dilemma. He was completely consumed by the note Evelyn had passed to him.

The note was neatly ripped as well as perfectly folded when Amir received it. UPON opening the note he discovered that Evelyn had practically perfect handwriting. Just the condition of the paper and the handwriting was enough for Amir to be overwhelmed by his feeling. The message that Evelyn neatly wrote for Amir, made him feel even more nervous. Her note read:

We need to talk. Let's meet after school by the peach tree!

For the rest of the day on the outside, Amir appeared to be cool, calm, and collected, maybe too cool for the teacher's standards, but Amir did not say a single word out loud after receiving the note from Evelyn.

It was only the third day of the 5th grade at Cauzmics Elementary School in Luxuryville, and Amir had not acclimated to his new environment. Amir's entire life was flipped upside down, just a week ago when his mother announced he would be moving to a new state to live with his Uncle and Aunt.

Before last week Amir had been living with his single mother in a low-income neighborhood in California for about four years. Before that Amir had lived with his mother's sister and her son in a better, safer, and more expensive neighborhood in California. All that time Amir was unaware that his mother was a young single mother having A difficult time going to school and taking care of her son. Amir was just happy to be with his Auntie and his cousin who turned into his favorite people. Even after Amir moved in with his mom he spent the summers with his favorite Auntie and favorite cousin. When living with his mother Amir thought nothing of their small old place, that on the inside was empty. Amir didn't mind not having any furniture in the apartment, it created more space for him to play. Amir also didn't mind sleeping on the floor with blankets, he thought it was a cool fort vibe.

It was not until his mother dropped him off at his Uncle's house without indication of how long she would be gone that Amir had finally realized his life was different from what he had thought. Amir had believed himself to be a very happy, lucky, and loved boy. He thought that he was the center of the universe and the center of his mother's world. Little did he know he always had been the most important thing in his mother's life, she just needed some TIME to create a better life for them.

Nonetheless, moving to his uncle's made Amir feel very unsure of himself for the first time in his young life. Amir had always felt confident and had lived a charmed life. Even moving was evIdent of Amir's good fortune. Amir's mother's brother was living in Luxuryville, the most expensive city in the safest state. Rojizo was the safest state in the country and Luxuryville was the richest place in the United States. Amir had his mind and emotions wrapped around his mother's absence and could not see what an amazing opportunity living with his Uncle would be. Cauzmics Elementary was an elite school and some of Amir's classmates were the children of governors and elite business people. But there was no business person more elite in profits, reputation, and stature than the wife of Amir's uncle. Amir thoroughly enjoyed the massive TV's, video game systems, loudspeakers system, and all the yummiest food. But Amir had grown upset by the news that he would be attending the 5th grade school year in Rojizo. Amir did not understand why the choice was made for him, he loved California and was bummed to be away from his mother. The truth was Amir's mother was sad to be away from Amir too but asked her brother to take him in because he was bright and athletically gifted.

Amir's mother could already tell that Amir was special and needed a safe and healthy environment to cultivate his extraordinary skills. Amir was a bright, social young man who was very talented at using his body. He was the best football, basketball, soccer, and overall best athlete in his neighborhood in California. Amir's Uncle was a retired professional basketball player and his wife was the highest-paid corporate executive in Rojizo. Not to mention Rojizo was the safest place in the United States. It was easy for all the adults to see that this move would benefit Amir greatly, but Amir was a child and remained upset.

That is why Evelyn Grahm wrote a note to Amir to meet her at the peach tree. Amir was new to Cauzmics elementary, he was going to be living with the most prestigious couple in Luxuryville, and most importantly to Evelyn, all of her classmates said he was tall, dark, and handsome. Evelyn could see clear as all the fifth-grade girls that Amir was tall, dark, and had a cute smile. But what interested Evelyn most was his balanced demeanor, specifically, how he wasn't extremely talkative or show-offy. That alone made him the perfect prospect for her plan. But if she was honest her plan required an individual with a balanced temperament, which was in short supply when it came to the fifth-grade boys. The fact that Amir was indeed cute and had caught the eye of all her friends was a cherry on top for Evelyn.

He was truly her saving grace considering she had spent many nights at her Summer camp in Large Rock, trying to deduce which classmate she would use as her popularity pawn. Unfortunately, this was actually an assignment that was encouraged along with other rather radical classes and activities. Truthfully this is not the summer camp that Evelyn's parents believed she attended, nor the camp they dropped her off or picked her up at.

For the past three summers, Evelyn had been waving goodbye to her parents and watching them leave her at the front of an elite ballet summer camp, then she would be picked up by a van and traveled three hours away. During the summer she would only return to the ballet camp on parent day and the last day of camp. The ballet school that sponsored the summer camp had a "strong" relationship with this "other" camp that Evelyn had been attending.

The summer before the 5th grade school year started Evelyn was advised by a camp mentor to consider her success with "dominating the social hierarchy" of her classroom. Evelyn admitted that as a leader of the most popular girls in the classroom and a member of the most popular girls in the school group, she did have shortcomings. Evelyn told her mentor that at the start of 4th grade she WAS the most popular girl in her classroom and the whole school until a 4th grader and a 6th grader had boyfriends for a few days. The sixth-grader was going to middle school, but the other girl was in her class. Evelyn realized after her "dominating the social hierarchy" lesson that, the members of the group value the experiences and advice from the girls who have already experienced what the other members wish to experience. This lesson piggy-backed off of the "leadership 101" adage that a leader knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way. A true leader must be able to do all three to be effective. Evelyn left the "other" camp and returned to Ballet camp to be picked up by her parents knowing that she would "dominate the social hierarchy" of her school.

She wasn't sure how on the first day, but by the third day of 5th grade, Evelyn had a full plan and was ready to execute step one. Meet with AMIR by the peach tree after school. Amir already had the note and all Evelyn had to do was wait, and get ready to meet with him at the pear tree.


About the Creator

Elijah Davis

Instagram: authorelijahdavis

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