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White Roses

Chapter 1: A Day In The Life

By J.B. RagePublished 5 months ago Updated about a month ago 6 min read
White Roses
Photo by Laura Chouette on Unsplash

Chapter 1: A Day in the Life

Dylan Arther, known to his friends as Dylan or D-man, was jolted awake by the sound of his mother's voice. "Get your ass out of bed right this second; you're going to be late to class!" she yelled from the other side of the door. Rubbing his eyes, Dylan glanced at the clock. It was 7:30, and he had another hour and a half before his college class started.

"I can’t wait until we move out of here," he muttered to himself before turning to see Rebecca, his fiancée, still asleep beside him. Leaning over, he kissed her forehead gently. "Time to get up my beautiful fiancée" he whispered. "Alright Dylan, todays the day."

Then with a sigh, he got out of bed and made his way to the bathroom. The warm water of the shower helped wake him up, and as he dressed, his mind wandered to the day ahead. He had a feeling it was going to be a long one.

Downstairs, the smell of coffee greeted him as he entered the kitchen. His mother was already there, sipping her morning brew. "Morning, Mom," he said, grabbing a mug from the cupboard.

"Morning, Dylan. You're up early," she remarked, glancing at the clock.

"Yeah, got a class to catch," he replied, pouring himself a cup of coffee. He glanced at the clock again. 7:45. He had time for a quick breakfast.

As he sat at the table eating his cereal, Rebecca appeared in the doorway, her hair mussed from sleep. She reached into the cupboard and pulled out a coffee mug with a white rose printed on it, a stark contrast against the dark surface. “Morning, sleepyhead,” Dylan teased, smiling at her.

“Morning,” she mumbled, pouring herself a cup of coffee.

Dylan finished his breakfast and stood up. “I better get going. I’ll see you later,” he said to his mother before turning to Rebecca. “You want a ride to campus?”

Rebecca shook her head. “No, I’ll drive myself today. I have some errands to run after class.”

Dylan nodded and kissed her goodbye before heading out the door. The day was off to a start, but little did he know that it was about to take an unexpected turn when he met a new student named Patrick in his first class of the day.

As Dylan settled into his usual spot in the back left corner of the classroom, he noticed a new face taking the seat next to him. The young man had an easy smile and a friendly demeanor that immediately caught Dylan’s attention.

“Hey there, I’m Dylan,” he said, extending his hand. “What’s your name?”

The new student returned the handshake with a firm grip. “I’m Patrick,” he replied with a bright smile. “Just got accepted here. My mom said this is one of the best schools in the country.”

Dylan nodded, impressed. “If I do say so myself, it is a pretty amazing school. And it’s nice to meet you, Patrick. What made you choose this college?”

Patrick leaned back in his chair, considering the question. “Well, I’ve always been interested in Oceanography and this college has a fantastic program for it. Plus, it’s not too far from home.”

“That’s great,” Dylan said, genuinely interested. “I’m majoring in biological systems maintenance, and I’ve found the professors here to be really knowledgeable. I think you’ll like it.”

As the conversation continued, Dylan found himself enjoying Patrick’s company more than he had expected. There was something about Patrick’s easygoing nature that put him at ease, and Dylan found himself opening up about his own interests and aspirations.

After the class ended, Dylan and Patrick walked to the soccer field for tryouts. They chatted along the way, and Dylan couldn’t shake the feeling that this year was going to be different for the soccer team. There was something about Patrick’s presence that filled him with a sense of optimism.

As they reached the field, the coach was organizing the players into different drills. Dylan and Patrick joined the group, eager to showcase their skills. The drills were intense, but both Dylan and Patrick held their own, impressing the coach with their agility and teamwork.

During a particularly challenging drill, Dylan found himself passing the ball to Patrick more often than not. There was a natural flow to their game, a synchronicity that seemed to transcend their brief acquaintance. Patrick’s skills on the field were undeniable, and Dylan couldn’t help but admire his dedication and talent.

the tryouts came to an end and Dylan was thinking There was something different about the way he interacted with Patrick, a shared understanding that went beyond words. Dylan felt a sense of connection with Patrick that he couldn’t quite explain, and he was eager to see where this newfound friendship would lead, both on and off the field.

After tryouts, Dylan was in the locker room gathering his things when Patrick entered, looking for his water bottle. “Hey, Dylan, you heading out?” Patrick asked, glancing around the room.

Dylan paused, zipping up his sports bag. “Not yet. I need to go back out on the field for a bit. I’m gonna blow off some steam, you know? Clear my mind,” he replied, his tone reflecting the frustration he felt.

Patrick nodded understandingly. “Mind if I join you? I could use some extra practice too,” he offered, a hint of concern in his voice.

Dylan hesitated for a moment before nodding. “Sure, why not? The more, the merrier,” he said with a forced smile.

As they made their way back to the field, Dylan felt a mix of emotions. He was grateful for the distraction of practice, yet he couldn’t shake the thoughts that had been plaguing him since his encounter with Patrick.

As they practiced on the field, Dylan and Patrick’s competitive spirits emerged. They engaged in a series of drills, each trying to outdo the other.

As they continued to shoot the ball back and forth, the sun dipped lower in the sky, casting a warm glow over the field. Their movements were fluid and effortless, each one trying to out maneuver the other.

Suddenly, they both went for the ball at the same time, their bodies colliding with a thud. They tumbled to the ground in a heap, the impact knocking the wind out of both of them. For a moment, they lay there, stunned and breathless, their limbs tangled together.

As they caught their breath, Dylan felt a strange sensation wash over him. He looked at Patrick, their eyes meeting in a moment of shared confusion and surprise. Without thinking, their faces drew closer, and their lips met in a brief, unexpected kiss.

It was a fleeting moment, but it sent a surge of electricity through Dylan's body. As they pulled away, both of them were left speechless, their eyes locked in a moment of shared confusion and curiosity.

Dylan frantically gathers his things and heads to the locker room, his mind reeling with confusion and a myriad of emotions. Once inside, he takes a moment to collect himself before getting dressed and leaving the locker room. As he steps out onto the field, the sun is setting, casting a warm glow over the grass. He takes a deep breath, trying to calm the turmoil inside him, and heads towards his car, ready to leave for the day.

As he drives home, the events of the day replay in his mind, each moment more bewildering than the last. He can't shake the memory of the kiss or the way it made him feel. It's all he can think about, and he's not sure what to make of it.

Finally, he arrives home to find Rebecca waiting for him. She greets him with a smile, but he can't bring himself to return it. His mind is elsewhere, consumed by thoughts of Patrick and the unexpected turn his day had taken. As he tries to engage in conversation with Rebecca, he can't help but feel distant, his mind still caught in the whirlwind of emotions from earlier.

As the evening wears on, Dylan finds himself unable to shake the feeling that his life is about to change in ways he never anticipated. Left with more questions than answers, Dylan knows one thing for sure that things will never be the same again.


About the Creator

J.B. Rage

the elusive wordsmith, dances on the edge of reality& imagination. Born in shadowed alleys of forgotten libraries, His ink-stained fingers weave tales that defy gravity& logic. His typewriter hums secrets, As his quill whispers to the moon.

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Comments (1)

  • Test5 months ago

    This was a great story !!

J.B. RageWritten by J.B. Rage

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