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The Roar of Love

It was a different

By Moharif YuliantoPublished 13 days ago 3 min read
The Roar of Love
Photo by Victoria Strukovskaya on Unsplash

The roar wasn't the thunderous kind that shook the earth. It was a different kind of roar, a symphony of a thousand beating wings, a sound that resonated deep within Anya. She stood at the cliff's edge, hair whipping in the salty wind, eyes fixed on the spectacle before her. Below, a colony of dragons, magnificent creatures with shimmering scales and leathery wings, surged and swooped in a mesmerizing aerial ballet.

Anya wasn't supposed to be there. Dragon's Rest, a secluded island shrouded in mist, was off-limits to humans. Yet, drawn by an insatiable curiosity and a thirst for adventure, she'd stowed away on a supply ship headed for the Dragon Riders, the elite warriors who trained and bonded with these mythical beasts.

Suddenly, a shadow fell over her. Anya whipped around, heart hammering against her ribs. A dragon, unlike any she'd seen before, stood on the cliff path behind her. Its obsidian scales shimmered with an otherworldly sheen, and its crimson eyes, like molten lava, held her captive. Fear threatened to paralyze her, but a primal curiosity warred with it.

"You shouldn't be here," a voice rumbled. Deep and gravelly, it seemed to vibrate through the very rock beneath her feet.

Anya, finding her voice, managed a shaky, "I… I knew I shouldn't be."

The dragon lowered its head, coming closer. Anya could feel the heat radiating from its massive body. Despite the fear, she was mesmerized by the creature's intelligence shining through those fierce eyes.

"Who are you?" the dragon boomed.

"Anya," she whispered, surprised by her own bravery.

"And what brings a human to Dragon's Rest?"

Anya told him her story, of a life spent poring over dusty scrolls and yearning for the fantastical creatures they described. She spoke of her dream, a dream considered foolish by most – to become a Dragon Rider herself.

The dragon remained silent after her confession. Then, a deep chuckle rumbled through its throat. "A human rider? Foolish indeed."

Anya felt a sting of disappointment. But before she could reply, the dragon spoke again. "But your courage intrigues me, little human."

His voice held a hint of an unfamiliar emotion – amusement, perhaps?

This unexpected turn of events sparked a flicker of hope within Anya. She spent the next few days learning from the obsidian dragon, whom she discovered was named Kai. He wasn't used for battle like the other dragons, considered too powerful and unpredictable. Yet, his wisdom and understanding were unmatched.

Anya spent her days cleaning stables (which turned out to be a surprisingly large task) and watching the Dragon Riders train. She learned about the bond between rider and dragon, a connection forged in trust and mutual respect. It was a bond she desperately wanted to experience.

One stormy night, during a violent thunderclap, the stables caught fire. Panic erupted – the horses were trapped! Anya, without a second thought, rushed into the burning building. The smoke was thick, the heat searing, but she pressed on, her lungs burning.

As she finally coaxed the last horse out, a deep roar split the air. Kai landed beside her, his presence a shield against the raging inferno. She climbed onto his back, clutching onto his rough scales as he took off into the storm.

They soared above the chaos, rain whipping their faces, the wind howling in their ears. Anya clung on, exhilaration battling fear. When they landed, safe from the fire, a new understanding dawned. It wasn't just about riding a dragon. It was about trust, and Kai saw that within Anya, just as she saw his hidden wisdom.

The Dragon Riders, impressed by her bravery and her bond with Kai, offered her a chance – a grueling path towards becoming a rider herself. Anya, fueled by a newfound purpose, started her training. It was difficult, pushing her physical and mental limits. But Kai was a strict but patient mentor, teaching her the secrets of dragon communication and forging an unbreakable bond.

Finally, the day of her trial arrived. She and Kai faced a series of challenges: navigating a treacherous mountain pass, calming a raging dragon, and demonstrating their understanding of each other. Every test pushed them to their limits, but their bond held strong.

As Anya stood triumphant, the roar of the crowd erupted, but it was the low rumble from Kai that resonated the most. He had accepted her, not just as a rider, but as a friend. Their love wasn't human love, but a deeper connection forged in shared adventure and trust.

Anya, the human woman who dared to dream of becoming a Dragon Rider, stood as a symbol of what could be achieved when courage met understanding. And as she soared through the sky on Kai's back, the roar of anya.


About the Creator

Moharif Yulianto

a freelance writer and thesis preparation in his country, youtube content creator, facebook

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    Moharif YuliantoWritten by Moharif Yulianto

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