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Stress Zits...UGH

Dealing with breakouts as an adult and all the skin care routines

By Crissy CornwellPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Stress Zits...UGH
Photo by Megan Bagshaw on Unsplash

Ugh...hormones, stress, food and oil, all the things that cause breakouts. Growing up, I was under the impression that once I became an adult, all of these breakouts would stop happening and that I would have flawlessly clear skin...HA! Turns out that in order to get that clear skin, I would actually have to do a lot of work and adopt a rigorous skin care routine, which no one actually WANTS to do. I have tried so many products that I am actually surprised I haven't done more damage to my face than good. I am literally so sick of the breakouts though, that I am writing this story about it.

1. STRESS: This is on of my biggest reasons for breakouts. Between being a single mom and working 40+ hour weeks (from home), it is easy to get stressed out, especially when bills are involved. I have been a single mom for my daughter's whole life, so the stress of that is starting to lessen, but I got a new job; granted, working from home is probably less stressful than having to go into the office everything, but my whole job is answering phones and having a roommate(my brother), a kid, a dog and 4 cats, the background noise can get a little intense, even when they are trying to be quiet.

2. HORMONES: Being a human comes with hormones, being a female human comes with even more hormones which mean even more breakouts. If your hormones get thrown out of balance even a little, your skin goes crazy and zits come around for the party. Birth control, if you do not have the right kind for you, can throw off your hormones in a big way and could give you too much estrogen or progesterone which is not a fun experience; other medications you are taking can mess with them too. Sex can also throw off your hormones, and so can eating the wrong kinds of foods.

3. FOOD: Let's face it, everyone LOVES food. Chocolate and sweets are often the downfall to most. Most foods now have many preservatives and hormones in them to keep them better longer, which is another thing that throws of your body causing you to breakout. Oily, greasing foods often cause break outs on your chin and around your mouth.

4. OIL: Oil from your hair can make forehead breakouts, oil on your nose can cause nose and cheek breakouts, and even your pillows can cause breakouts if you don't change your pillow case often enough from the face/head oil that gets on them when you are sleeping. It is best to change all of your bedding at least once a week, though most people don't especially if they don't have more than bed set to put on their bed. I, personally am obsessed with having multiple sheet sets, pillow cases and comforters for my bed because then I can take a little extra time to.

So many factors go into why you would have a breakout and there are so many different routines that can help, but you really just need to find what works for you and your skin. I typically just use a charcoal facial cleanser in the shower to wash my face and a moisturizer for the dry areas and call it good. I still deal with breakouts, but if I do have a breakout, my charcoal face cleanser typically speeds the breakouts along so they don't last as long and they are usually gone in about 2 days. This is what works for me, what works for you?


About the Creator

Crissy Cornwell

Single mom, writer, singer, cat lady

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