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Double Chin: Do You Know How to Get Rid of It?

A double chin can make you look older than your age, but it’s easy to get rid of it if you know how to do it right. For instance, some people believe that diet pills or herbal supplements can help reduce double chin. This might seem like a good idea at first, but it’s really not the case because the only way to get rid of a double chin is through exercising and eating properly.

By Athisham UlhaqPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Chin Exercise

Exercise is another great way to eliminate a double chin. If you don’t want surgery and aren’t sure how else to get rid of it, try exercising your neck muscles. Strengthening them will help fill out your jawline and make it look smaller. Try some basic chin-ups for starters! Exercise, in general, is good for you, so do whatever exercises work best for you and enjoy yourself while doing it!

Eat Clean and Cut Calories

To get rid of an extra chin without a neck lift surgery, you’ll want to follow a diet that limits calories and is primarily composed of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean protein, whole grains, and healthy fats. Eat at least one large salad per day with lots of leafy greens like kale, spinach, arugula, or romaine. Include lean proteins like beans and chicken on top. Use some olive oil or flaxseed oil for excess fat. Don’t forget water!

Use a Massage Ball Regularly

The fastest and most effective way to reduce double chin is using a massage ball. Find a massage ball that works for you; it should be between 2 and 4 inches in diameter, depending on your comfort level. Apply some lotion or cream on your chin and start rolling it up and down at least 3 times per day. If you can't roll, try tensing your muscles while applying gentle pressure with one hand.

Mesotherapy (Kybella)

If you’re looking for a faster, more reliable, and less painful option for reducing excess fat under your chin and neck area, then Mesotherapy may be right for you. In fact, Kybella is FDA-approved and has been used by dermatologists around the world in clinical settings to produce results with minimal downtime. But, it can be costly upwards of $5-6K.

Train Like an Olympian

Olympians train every single day, even when they’re not preparing for an event. Their training is designed to strengthen their bodies and muscles while increasing endurance, cardiovascular health, flexibility, and body tone. The same exercises that help Olympians win medals are also helpful in reducing your double chin, or any other part of your body you’d like toned.

Look Down in Pictures Instead of Up

Double chin is not just a problem in photos; it's definitely a problem when you look down in pictures. Double chin in photographs looks unappealing and unattractive. Looking down may cause a double chin, so avoid looking up or sideways for a better picture. If you are doing weight training at home, have someone take your picture from below instead of above to avoid a double chin.

Practice Good Posture Every Time You Eat

If you notice your chin appearing larger, it’s probably because you’re slouching over when you eat. A good rule of thumb is not to sit or stand with a rounded back and sit upright at all times. Even if your overall posture is great, sitting with a rounded back for extended periods can cause you to lose muscle mass in your face, which leads to saggy skin and saggy jowls.

Avoid Drinking with Meals (Water Only!)

Drinking with meals is a guaranteed way to increase your total calorie intake. The liquid in your stomach not only makes you feel fuller but also keeps your mouth busy. So you tend to swallow more frequently, unintentionally consuming even more calories than if you had eaten alone. In addition, while alcohol doesn’t have much nutritional value, it’s loaded with lots of empty calories.


How much does a neck lift cost in 2022?

A neck lift costs about $10,000-$15,000. This procedure involves lifting the skin and underlying tissue to give the jawline a smoother appearance. There are several different techniques used to perform this surgery. Some surgeons prefer to use a technique called “submental lipectomy.” Others opt for a technique known as “SMAS facelift.” Both procedures involve removing excess skin and tightening the underlying tissues.

Can you lose fat cells?

Yes! Fat cells are very sensitive to exercise and diet. Exercise stimulates the release of hormones that trigger the breakdown of stored fat into energy. Dieters often try to burn off fat through strenuous workouts and fast-food diets.

Are surgical procedures or double chin surgery is necessary?

Double chin surgery such as liposuction and laser treatments are effective ways to remove stubborn areas of fat. However, these procedures require extensive recovery time and will leave scars on your face. For some people, there is no alternative to surgery.


About the Creator

Athisham Ulhaq

Future Psychologist | Self Care And Mental Health Educator | Helping People To Understand Themselves More | Author Of The Book "Holding On To You" (One of the most read books on Wattpad)

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    Athisham UlhaqWritten by Athisham Ulhaq

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