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10 Ways To Keep Your Teeth Healthy

Every person needs to have healthy teeth in order to maintain a good quality of life. While it’s true that brushing your teeth twice per day and flossing on occasion can go a long way toward keeping your smile looking great, there are plenty of other factors that contribute to healthy teeth. In this article, we discuss the ten best ways to keep your teeth healthy, so read on!

By Athisham UlhaqPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

1) Floss daily

Dental flossing is essential for keeping your teeth healthy. Flossing removes plaque and food particles that stick to your teeth, preventing bacteria from building up, which can cause cavities or gum disease. In addition to flossing daily, brush your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste. Make sure you choose a soft-bristled toothbrush—medium or hard bristles will be too harsh on sensitive gums and teeth.

2) Brush your teeth twice a day

Brushing your teeth twice a day is critical to maintaining healthy teeth. Brushing stimulates blood flow to your gums, which in turn helps keep bacteria out of your mouth and healthy teeth. A comprehensive oral care routine will include using fluoride toothpaste and mouthwash, dental floss, and an electric toothbrush every day. These steps can help make sure you have healthy teeth for years to come.

3) Eat a balanced diet

It’s no secret that you should be eating a healthy, balanced diet to keep your teeth and gums in good shape. While you should be doing it anyway—you don’t want cavities, after all—there are also a number of important vitamins and minerals that will help keep your teeth healthy for years to come. Eat more calcium, vitamin D, iron, and fiber to keep your smile bright and white for life.

4) Visit your dentist

Dental professionals recommend visiting your dentist every six months. If you have gum disease, for example, it’s very important to catch it early. If you’re experiencing any oral health issues or strange pain in your mouth that doesn’t go away after a few days, visit your dentist immediately—early intervention is often crucial in keeping these issues from getting worse. There are also a number of regular dental visits that can help maintain healthy teeth and gums, such as cleanings and checkups.

5) Limit sugary drinks

According to research, sugar is a major factor in tooth decay. Sugary drinks like soda and fruit juice can be harmful because they contain a lot of sugar (the worst culprit) which over time leads to deterioration of your teeth. Limit your intake of these types of beverages if you want healthy teeth for life.

6) Use fluoride toothpaste

Choose a fluoride toothpaste that fits your budget and needs. If you have dental insurance, take advantage of it! There are prescription toothpastes on the market that offer stronger benefits than over-the-counter brands. Whichever brand you choose, make sure to read and follow instructions on how to brush with it properly. Most importantly, don’t forget to brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes each time!

7) Use mouthwash with fluoride

Fluoride is proven to help prevent tooth decay, which is why mouthwash with fluoride can be a useful tool for those who want to keep their teeth in good condition. Mouthwash with fluoride has been shown to reduce cavities by 31% and tooth decay by 20%. When used in conjunction with regular brushing and flossing, it can help you achieve healthier teeth and a beautiful smile.

8) Keep your mouth clean by chewing sugar-free gum

Chewing gum doesn’t just freshen your breath. It helps remove plaque that can lead to tooth decay, too. Studies show a correlation between people who chew gum and healthy teeth. Although scientists aren’t exactly sure why, they speculate that it might have something to do with chewing stimulating saliva production, which in turn clears bacteria from your mouth. And if you're worried about calories, don't be: Most sugar-free gums contain little or no calories at all.

9) Avoid too much salt in your diet

Consuming large amounts of salt increases your risk of gum disease and tooth decay. The less sodium in your diet, the better. Cut back on salty snacks and processed foods, as well as fast food. Just by keeping an eye on what you eat, you’ll be surprised at how much sodium is hidden in items like bread, canned soups and frozen dinners, not to mention chips, crackers and other processed snacks.

10) Eat healthy snacks between meals.

Snacking between meals can be an easy way to maintain good oral health, but there are things you should avoid. If you snack on unhealthy foods like candy or other sugary treats, you may run a higher risk of cavities and tooth decay. Instead, try healthy snacks like raw vegetables. You’ll help keep your teeth clean while also promoting healthy digestion and nutrient absorption!


About the Creator

Athisham Ulhaq

Future Psychologist | Self Care And Mental Health Educator | Helping People To Understand Themselves More | Author Of The Book "Holding On To You" (One of the most read books on Wattpad)

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