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Peace of Mind

By Shadaé BrownPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Representation of ataraxis

Ataraxis is the term used to describe the absence of mental stress or anxiety. And I feel both stress and anxiety, pretty often. Change, lack of control, uncertainty and pressure are the few contributing factors that trigger some of the stresses and the worries that will consume me. For what can feel like forever, and then some. But just as Zou Yan- an early philosopher believed within the good there is bad, and within the bad there is good. Balance is what I need to make up for the instability within my life and music is the equilibrium. Classical, jazz, rhythm and blues, roots reggae and korean popular music are the prominent musical genres that bring me to the state of “ataraxis.”


“Change” is a frequent source that links to the stresses in my life. When change occurs in my life I organize my environment. The differences that change brings within my life become balanced with the things that I know, the things that I am familiar with. I am able to channel the peace that lies within me as I start to gain control of aspects in my life. I begin to gain control as I organize the things that I am surrounded by whether these be clothing items, creating to do lists or meal- planning for the upcoming days. As organization alone does not balance out the disproportions in my life I turn to music, to balance all the imbalances. “Je te laisserai des mots” by Patrick Watson is the type of song that you listen to and feel the weights of the world lift off your shoulders in an instant. The song that brings you so much peace you forget that you have ever known distress. Along with the soft tones that Patrick incorporates within his song he puts a focus and an emphasis on the piano which is used as this song's prominent instrument.


“Agnostophobia”- the fear of the unknown. Chest pains, hyperventilation, muscle tension and sweating. These profound physical features consume me at the times that I worry about the things that I do not know, the things that I am uncertain about. Feeling uncertain has caused me to become overwhelmed by feelings of stress and anxiety which have essentially prevented me from reaching the state of “ataraxis.” In the midst of the chaos and emotional turmoil that I tend to feel surrounded by, I write. Writing helps me focus on the things that I know, the things that I am certain about. The pen that I hold, the keys that I type with, the thoughts that are reflected through my words they ease the uneasiness. As I write I listen to varying genres of music to help keep me relaxed. A personal favourite being “instagram” by DEAN the melody, the rhythm, the instruments, the harmonies, the tempos and the lyrics that construct this song hold such transformative power that causes me the brief escape from reality that I need.


“Perfectionism” is the refusal to accept any standard less than that of perfection. As a perfectionist myself I constantly feel an immense amount of pressure from others, society and myself to be “perfect.” It is important that I establish healthy habits and routines that will draw me closer to feeling tranquil and for this reason I take walks. When I am walking it is essential that I listen to the song “Transform” by Daniel Caesar and Charlotte Day Wilson. The natural slow tempo that this song has causes me to feel soothed and relaxed. Coincidental to the song's title “transform” this song does just that same thing to my body. This song boosts my endorphins as the hormones and the chemicals throughout my body release. Which ultimately reduces feelings of pressure and re-establishes peace.

My therapeutic soundtrack helps me to tune out the excess noises that are present in my life. The songs on my soundtrack bring me balance, and with balance comes peace. As the seconds in each of my soundtracks songs increase the stresses that I hold decrease. As I briefly escape reality I grow closer to the absence of mental stress or anxiety - “ataraxis.”


About the Creator

Shadaé Brown

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