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500 Pieces of Me

Milestone Mumblings on reaching 500 pieces of Vocal

By Paul StewartPublished 7 months ago 3 min read
Top Story - November 2023
500 Pieces of Me
Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

So, although I have been working on NaNoWriMo and still posting here regularly, I still didn't really notice until tonight that I was hitting another milestone - 500 published pieces on Vocal. That is during the last two years, with the bulk being this year. So quite the achievement, in my mind.

As someone who welcomes others recognising and celebrating their milestones, no matter how small or big, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to take a moment, pause, ponder, mumble and reference my 500.

I thought I was going to do something weird, wacky and strange for my 500th piece. You know...like maybe write a story that consists of words beginning with each of the 26 letters of the alphabet, just you know something simple like that or a rap where I mention all the lovely people who have ever bothered to read my insane takes on fiction, satire, non-fiction and of course, poetry.

As before, came death

Ethereal; fatal

Gravestone holds inscription

"Justice Kept Laughing.

My Name

Oh, purity questioned.

Raise swords triumphantly

Under velveteen waterfalls

Xanthic, yielding zen"

Maybe a story about a story within a story in a poem or something equally daft and head-mashing like a poem all about Drake the rapper.

Instead, I'm at a loss.

I almost wrote a poem called "I Give Up" that was meant as slightly sarcastic and humorous, but based on very real feelings I have of humilty everytime my favourite creators on this platform release another piece of beautiful poetry into the world.

I am not just fishing for compliments when I say things like that, and I am aware I say it a lot. It's from a very real place...maybe a lot of it's genuine and maybe a lot of it's imposter syndrome, but it feels real enough and it's always meant with real heart and truthfulness.

I just try my best, though, to be me and that's all I can be. I take inspiration where I find it and it's not easy to find it here. It's incredibly easy.

Even with my first win under my belt, which I am enormously proud of, there is still a bit of me that thinks "bet you can't do that again!" We will see, voice in my head, we will see!


There I sat

sat there I

thinking, pondering

pondering, thinking

as I put pen to paper

paper to pen

and fingers to keys

keys to fingers

writing about

the art of writing

about writing


Oh Aubrey of chiseled looks

Smooth dance moves and

smoother voice

Not a fan

or casual observer

I merely know you exist


Existence is everything


So, what's happening next?

I need to start putting together my forever threatened, but yet to be delivered, first self-published book of poetry. I have the title - Accidental Poet. I just need to figure out the 100 pieces that will go in the first collection. When it's done and up and ready for human consumption, I shall inform you all.

Other than that, I have another piece I am working on in my head for the Arid challenge and will be running another challenge again after the enormous success of my last one. It will be a poetry challenge and will be a lot of fun, I hope!

So, as they all say, when they say it, here's to another 500!

Thank you for all your support and encouragement, all of my friends and followers. It really is very much appreciated. I cannot name you all this time, but know if you have ever left a comment, had an interaction, gave me a shout-out or anything inbetween, you're one of the people I am talking about.


Thanks for reading!


About the Creator

Paul Stewart

Scottish-Italian poet/writer from Glasgow.

Overflowing in English language torture and word abuse.

"Every man has a sane spot somewhere" R.L Stevenson

The Accidental Poet - Poetry Collection is now available!


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Comments (27)

  • Test7 months ago

    Great job! Keep up the fantastic work—congratulations!

  • 500? Wow! You have invested such a huge part of yourself into your efforts here. Congrats on TS and your accomplishments!

  • Kendall Defoe 7 months ago

    I am getting close to the 5-oh-oh myself... And I wonder if I will make it soon!

  • Real Poetic7 months ago

    Congratulations on the win again!! AND on reaching 500!!! That’s a wonderful achievement! You SHOULD be proud! 🩵

  • Sir Paul, this lowlife parasite has plagiarised this piece of yours. I've reported it. You should too. I've leave his link in the comment

  • Donna Fox (HKB)7 months ago

    Wow... 500 pieces is insane!!! Congrats on all the success you've seen and all that is to come! I love all the bits and bobs you were able to encapsulate into this, it feels very you and I love that you got recognition for it in the form of a Top Story!! Congrats my friend! 😊

  • Test7 months ago

    Congratulations on your Top Story, well deserved 🙂

  • Congratulations on all the effort you've put into putting together 500 pieces of work! Time certainly does fly by when you're having fun, doesn't it?

  • Grz Colm7 months ago

    Oh wow! I knew you were getting up there! But that is cool! I think I’ve only been following you for five- six months or so.., so likely about 300 pieces I’ve missed! Might have to get that book! 😁 Anyway, congrats my friend and also loved your little poems in here. ☺️👏👏

  • tarun bhatt7 months ago

    500 in 2 years is great achievement. I have been writing for 5 years and barely have 150. That's for inspiring

  • Addison M7 months ago

    500 stories. That's time in the writing trenches well spent. Congrats on the epic milestone.

  • Kristen Balyeat7 months ago

    C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S, PAL! What a massive achievement! 500! That is unreal. 500 pieces of incredible work is something to be very proud of. Sending you big cheers on this accomplishment. Thank you for blessing us with your words. Also love the title Accidental Poet for your book. It's perfect. Looking forward to owning a copy. If you'll autograph it for me I'll pay the shipping!

  • JBaz7 months ago

    Huge congratulations and well deserved. That is a milestone. Keep up the great work and do not worry about imposter syndrome. As a person who once played a Dr. in the theatre, I proclaim you healed, and I prescribe more writing to keep it in remission. :)

  • Lamar Wiggins7 months ago

    Awesome sauce!!! Wait, that's a little corny. Let me try that again... Congrats, Buddy! You consistently crank out gems that we all appreciate. Second congrats on the book idea. It's a great way to utilize the hard work you've done on Vocal. Here's to another 500 🍻🍻🍻

  • So many milestones recently, we now have 100 and 500-post celebrations on the front page. This feels like an arms race—or maybe that’s my recent stories biasing me, lol. Either way, waiting for the first person to share “My First 10,000 Pieces on Vocal.” Now there’s a headline.

  • Cathy holmes7 months ago

    Yay! Congrats on 500, and the TS. Well done, buddy.

  • Caroline Jane7 months ago

    Congratulations Paul - I like the title of your ensuing book. Sounds good - all the very best to you.

  • J. S. Wade7 months ago

    Wow. A grand 500! I’ve been on vocal just over 3 years and at 236. You are prolific! Congratulations Paul.

  • Zara Blume7 months ago

    1. Congrats. As writers, our challenge is not to write well. That naturally occurs with practice. Our challenge is to write often, no matter what life throws at us externally, or what doubts arise internally. And our second greatest challenge is to share our work with the world, an act of extreme vulnerability. Writing and sharing 500 pieces is quite the milestone. 2. I love me some Aubrey Drake Graham — as long as we’re talking 2017 and earlier. More Life was his last great work. 3. LOL I hope you don’t seriously feel humbled by other creators on Vocal. I won’t say what I think about the overall quality of writing here, I’ll just say I only comment when I feel moved to. I frequently feel moved to comment on your work because it’s special. 4. Let me know when the book is released, because I’ll be ready to buy it and review it. 🤍🤍🤍

  • Wooohooooo congratulations on hitting 500 pieces! I know for sure that you'd place again in many more challenges! Keeping my fingers crossed! 🤞🤞🍩🥐

  • Congratulations, Paul, all the way around. (Cool poem btw.)

  • Donna Renee7 months ago

    Congratulations!! Keep smashing it! 😍🍩🍩🍩🍩🍩🍩

  • Heather Hubler7 months ago

    Amazing achievement! Congratulations on reaching that number!!

  • Lana V Lynx7 months ago

    You and Mother Combs on the same day. Congratulations, this is a remarkable achievement!

  • Sara Wilson7 months ago

    Wow!! 500 stories is an incredible milestone!! Congratulations 👏👏

Paul StewartWritten by Paul Stewart

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