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'Traditional Ghanaian Family Values' Apparently Means Rape, Beat, Kill, Cheat As Far As Women & Girls Matter But Kill The Gays

Women get no respect in Ghana and it shows everyday

By IwriteMywrongsPublished 3 months ago 4 min read
Photo Created by Author @TB Obwoge

Friday, 9 February 2024

By: TB Obwoge

On Friday, 5 2024, Ghana's Parliament approved a measure that would jail so-called LGTBQI supporters for 3 to 5 years.

This an African created derogatory word "gayism" which means forcing or promoting people, mostly children to become gay. As if someone can convince children or adults to do acts that they don't want to do with the same sex.

However all across the African continent people swear by this, makes you wonder why there is so much fighting and violence on the continent. If you can convince people to change their sexual preferences then what's actions are making them behave badly? Surely if humans are so easily swayed, then everyone on the African continent should be the most peaceful humans on earth.

Yet in countries like Ghana, Uganda, Kenya and Nigeria women are being murdered and beaten at an alarming rate. The sad fact that no ones really doing anything about it, with the exception of Kenyan women who took to the streets for a protest against rampant femicide in the country.

In a display seen worldwide, Kenyan women who are tired of the murders and want something done about it. However since this display, Kenya's President William Ruto has still refused to speak on the country's murders.

In Ghana, 2023 was a rough year to be born with a vagina, men raped girls and women, while killing over a dozen women publicly. One man beat his girlfriend to death with a huge brick, he was seen dragging her around the road by her hair. No one did anything to stop him from eventually killing her.

Another woman who filed for divorce for her husband was chopped to death with a machete, her father tried to help and was also cut severely but survived. There were several others as well, not only did Ghana's gender minister ignore these murders, apparently so did all of the law makers in Ghana as well.

Their main focus, passing the anti-LGTBQI bill, not actual family values, unless beating, killing and raping their girls and women are their values. It really is starting to appear that way, more and more everyday. Even Ghanian women are applauding this recent measure that was passed.

In a small Ghana group of a few hundred Ghanian wives, women share ways to behave in order to receive less beatings from their spouses. I was going to share some of the comments but don't want to ruin the integrity of the group where women share personal information.

In Ghana only 14% of government officials are women, Ghanian women who have tried to run for political offices have reported being threatened and victims of intimidation. Some of these accounts are recorded in Ghana's annual human rights violations.

In this video below a Ghanian woman, MP says something about the adding mothers to the pledge of Ghana. Men can be heard laughing and mocking her in the background.

This is the same behavior that the male Ghanian political leaders also did to another woman during a sitting of Ghana's parliament. This is an example of how men behave in Ghana towards women, imagine these are wealthy and educated men behaving this way.

The behavior gets worse when the people are not educated and living in poverty or in the many undeveloped rural areas of Ghana.

The long standing and ignored rape culture in Ghana is something that most Ghanians know, women and girls don't even speak about he rape and sexual assaults that have happened to them. It is a culture where you are not allowed to speak about it, some mothers and even fathers teach their children not to shame or insult those who've raped them.

Ghanians will even lie about their culture being so protective of their women and children. It is not until you live, talk and walk with women about rape and sexual assault.

When I was sexually assaulted in Ghana by a police officer, I was given advice to not report the incident to anyone. People thought this was funny, people laughing at rape and sexual assaults of children almost make you hate Ghanians.

It was so hard for me to not have such hatred in my heart for such a vile response to rape.

In many parts of Africa, Muslims are having funerals the same day that a person dies, how are these deaths recorded? Is anyone checking to see if the women or children were abused or murdered?

Ghana has no digital recording of police reports, data base for collecting information about rapes or abuse. However from time to time data and statistics are spit out but where are these numbers and records stored and kept?

This violent culture towards women, girls and children in Ghana gets almost zero attention from government officials. It is almost like they're trying to pretend it doesn't exist.

The crimes against women and children in Ghana would take more than one article to list, even the ones in 2024 and it's only February 2024.

Thank you for reading 🙏🏽 Please consider buying a coffee for Lacey’s House efforts in Gender Equality & Children’s Rights as it tries to move international.

©️TB Obwoge 2024 All Rights Reserved

familyrelationshipspoliticslgbtqiaCONTENT WARNINGactivism

About the Creator


I'm the president of a nonprofit. I've lived in 3 countries, I love to travel, take photos and help children and women around the world! One day I pray an end to Child Marriages, Rape and a start to equal Education for ALL children 🙏🏽

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