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To Be or Not to Be a Feminist?

Why Should You Not Be a Feminist and Why I Am Not One

By ShinyPublished 6 years ago 4 min read

For me personally, the brand that modern feminism has been serving isn't my cup of tea. Here is why:

1. Women and men are equal.

We are. We can work, we can pretty much do whatever we want (Within the law) and not be told no. Is that always fair, not really but that's life. Sometimes life kicks you in the butt and serves a side of ice cold "I told you so." However, the equality part has already been achieved. In the business world you are looked at as an individual, your skills are weighed and your worth to the company are evaluated. Based on what you do for the company, determines your pay. That is why our good old America is equal opportunity. You have the equal right to fail or succeed just as much as that redneck dude who keeps tearing down your feminist posters. While mean, completely free.

2. I don't believe women are superior and should rule the world.

I think it would be fine for a woman to be in office, president or the like. However, when I go to the voting booth I'm not judging my candidate based on whether or not they are male or female, gay or straight or religious. I'm basing my vote on the policies, the smartness of the individual and their plan moving forward. Being a woman should not be something that pushes you to the head of the line. That's cheating. Women can earn their place in higher pillars if they work hard and convince others of their worth. A determined soul goes a long way. Also, I myself am usually looking for someone who won't back down in an argument, or crawl away just to save face. Not that its wrong to do that, but that's personally what I look out for.

3. I don't believe in demeaning men.

I am grateful to have men in our lives. Not only do men serve such a wonderful companionship purpose, but men just like women, are more minds with creative ideas. No one cares whether a woman has an idea or a man, as long as it benefits others we're happy. Men are the puzzle piece to women. We fit together like cogs in a machine. You take away a cog, a vital piece of the machinery, and the machine won't work anymore. For women to say they don't need men, is kind of like saying you can drive a car without an engine. We propel each other forward, constantly working in unison. Now sometimes, we get a defective part. Lord have mercy on the souls of men who have taken a wrong turn and treated women horribly. Women can be horrible too. Everyone is seduced by evil, many can overcome it and fend it off. Some give in and commit horrible acts. That's life, it wouldn't be without light and dark.

4. I believe in free speech, period.

A lot of feminists, not all... believe that if a man has not been raped then he has no right to comment on that topic. I disagree. I know nothing about what its like to be on the battlefield, the horrors it does on your mind and what soldiers go through on the daily. However, it won't stop me from talking about how our soldiers should be supported. I've been a victim of abuse, some of my friends have not and just like me, they have the right to talk about what happens to people who have been abused. While it's not always smart to talk about something you don't know, its totally and completely free. A white person has no idea what it's like to be black, but she/he can talk about how difficult life is for black folks. It's ridiculous. Free speech means, speech without borders. It's not awesome to be mean, racist, rude or unsupportive, but its a freedom given to all.

5. I don't believe that the LGTBQ community is special.

What do I mean by that? I mean they are people- that's it. Why do they need special treatment for a life choice they made? I don't use pronouns other than he/she, his/hers and they/theirs to describe a group. I will not call a man "she" and I will not call a she a "man.". It is my freedom not to. Just as it's your freedom to hate Trump. I don't hate him, I voted for him, but it's within your rights as a human being to hate him, love him, rant about him, disagree with him, challenge his policies and question his methods. Please do so peacefully though. Too many people get angry or frustrated when they find out someone supports Trump. I don't flip my lid when I meet a Bernie supporter. Or Hillary for that matter.

I don't support Feminism because every feminist I have met has resorted to calling me names, demeaning me, bullying me and making me feel, in general, extremely horrible about myself. Not my moral choices, just my outer self.

For a group that is supposed to be supporting women and empowering women, they really aren't doing that except for liberal and democrat women. So in my opinion, they aren't really for ALL women, are they?

That's why I'm Anti-Feminist. Now, please think freely, use your free speech to comment, or decide how you feel about what I've written.

God Bless!


About the Creator


I am a writer, author and painter. I have a Master's degree in Creative Writing and love writing about all kinds of topics.

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