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Take Me Serious;


By #KristinaWritesPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Mental Me on a Good Day :)

I do not work in so-called corporate America. However, I am over some pretty hefty decisions in my career. I work in customer service for a nationwide 3PL company, and I have my own writing company #KristinaWrites where I handle social media/blogging for an array of customers. Where it feels as if I make upwards of 30,000 decisions a day; why is it so difficult for some to accept my decisions over a man? I am seeing this firsthand far too often; and it is irritating. Is it that my decisions that are respected less than a mans or is it me that is respected less than a man? Either way, I need to talk myself off this cliff right about now.

Apparently, there is an overall belief that women take too long to make decisions, so their decisions are prematurely ticked as not valuable. Well, that is not me! I put forth effort to make valuable and long-standing decisions that will make a positive impact on many. Do you think people want to hear that? No way! They want to continue to follow stereotypes and lump women into a category of not being of sound mind and unable to make big decisions. Therefore, women’s decision-making abilities are constantly questioned.

The only time I can really agree with this theory is when age comes into play. I can believe that teenage girls versus teenage boys will have a huge discrepancy. I mean, face it, teenage girls are more indecisive than mice on caffeine! They have no idea how to decide on the fly. However, that is what the growth process is for, growth! Teenage girls grow and mature at a faster rate than boys and in the adult world prove it over and over. But then, society looks at this as a weakness instead of what it truly is, a strength.

I have personally witnessed several occasions that women do make better decisions when under pressure. It appears that when women are under stress, we, for whatever reason, become much more analytical and can process events better. Men do not handle stressful situations with a calm decorum, this is most definitely a woman’s territory.

As a decision-making woman there are a few things I do to ensure I make decision making fun and not overwhelming at all. Anyone who knows me personally knows I detest stress and try to avoid anxiety as much as humanly possible. I often make silly names for hard decisions. Maybe instead of saying I have anxiety or stress over a situation I have images of floating blue balloons about decisions. Mentally I cannot be stressed if I am thinking of something that will purposefully make me smile!

Some people look at their ten-year plan and make decisions on that, not me. I do everything on a five-year platform. Granted, it is a bit different than most, that is for sure. I just ask myself a few things: am I going to be ok with this decision five minutes from now, five hours from now, five days from now, five weeks from now, or even five years from now? If the answer is no to any of those questions; time to rethink it. Might as well rethink it now and not regret it later.

Another thing I personally do is I never limit my options. Why would you? If I am trying to plan, I invite others to give input. I can take it or not. There is nothing saying I am strapped to their decision. Some people say they put a decision in one hand and one in the other; and then whichever they choose, well, that is the one you get. Why?! Why only two choices. I want several choices. The more options, the better. Simply because every choice is going to have a different outcome and it is really the outcome you are choosing.

I guess in the big scheme of things; why do women limit themselves? Quite frankly because we are so used to being hushed or limited by so many. It is clearly what we are accustomed to. It does not have to be like this anymore. But the only ones that can change it; is us! Women need to forever have another woman’s back, always, no exceptions.

Until Next Time;

Kristina @ #KristinaWrites


About the Creator


I love life & everyone in it! I have realized what I really want to do with my life; Write!

So, I'm an Ghost Blogger, Content Writer & Generalized Creator based in Texas and I write about...Life!

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Website: KristinaWrites

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