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Best foods for breastfeeding mothers

A helping hand in mother's nutrition

By Emma AllisonPublished 5 months ago 4 min read
Best foods for breastfeeding mothers
Photo by Junior REIS on Unsplash

The greatest title in the world is the title of mother. It is because of the pain you bear to hurt a child, turning your blood into milk and giving it to the baby, and trying to raise the child to be useful to society in the future. You need to eat right during the very special period of your blood sugar, right? It is very normal for your body to go through various changes after childbirth. Many mothers experience their bodies getting a little bigger. So you might be wondering how to get a slim body again.

However, excessive dieting should not interfere with your ability to produce breast milk. What you need to do is give priority to the foods that include essential nutrition for the production of breast milk and to get the energy you need for your daily activities and the protein, vitamins, and minerals your body needs to survive. The good news is that in our country, natural vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, dairy eggs, etc., which contain all these things well, are common. All you have to do is do a little research and find the market where you can buy such things. That way you can minimize the need for external chemical compounds.

Add variety to the diet.

Your diet should be balanced. Although you should eat more carbohydrates, if you are not engaged in a physically demanding job, it is not better to eat alone. Also, if you can't cut down on "filling foods," use vegetable salads, fruits, etc. to fill the void you feel because of the carbohydrates you eat less. It's also important to get meat and fish substitutes if you don't eat them.

Eat whole grain rice/cereals

Eat as much variety as possible to get carbohydrates. Also, try to avoid refined sugar. It is advisable to drink fruit juice at lunch and afternoon tea time instead of sugary and floury foods. Unfortunately, many people in today's society are reluctant to eat red rice. If it is very unpleasant, there are foods made from grains in the market, buy them and add them to the food from time to time. If taken as grains, for example, you can mention corn, oats, millet, buckwheat, etc.

Fats should be chosen carefully

Saturated fats should be limited. These are abundant in palm oil, coconut oil, butter, chocolate, cheese, sausages, meatballs, etc. It is advisable to use only the necessary amount. You can get those proteins by eating fresh fish instead of sausages and meatballs. Avoid fried potato chips, deep-fried foods, margarine, instant pancake mix, fried chicken, and other meats as much as possible.

Did you know that fish are extremely valuable?

Essential for your baby's development vitamin D, Vitamin B12, and Vitamin A The compound is most commonly found in fish. All you need to do is to do a little research and identify the market that brings good new fish and buy them. Adding this fish to your diet twice a week is enough. Do not stick to the same type of fish and eat a little bit of each type throughout the week.

If you don't eat fish or cannot easily find the above fish, be sure to take supplements containing these compounds. These capsules are made from omega-3 fatty acids.

Milk is a nutritious food

You should remember that milk and milk-related foods are foods that provide your body with a large amount of nutrients very easily. Proteins needed for muscle growth, calcium, and vitamin C needed for bone growth are generously given to you by dairy foods. It is advisable to have milk-based food at least three times a day. For example, if you can have a glass of milk in the morning and in the evening, a cup of yogurt in the afternoon, etc., it would be great.

Iron-rich grains and vegetables are a must

You know that blood is essential to carry all the energy and nutrition throughout the body. So don't let the blood that is carried like that run out. Foods containing iron are necessary for blood growth. For those who eat only vegetarian food, it is important to eat more spinach and other greens. Not only iron but also many other nutritional components, so don't forget mullein. But if you are not averse to eating meat then get a little "red meat" (this is not essential if you eat spinach and other vegetables/vegetables/fruits) and add cowpeas, mee, country mee etc to the diet.

Fruits are rich in vitamins

It would be wonderful if we could find fresh, unripe fruits instead of those that have been sprayed with artificial medicine. Even though fresh fruit grown in our village does not shine as beautifully as the imported fruits on the shiny shelves, it is not lacking in the benefits of the body! In particular, it can be accepted that the herbicides and insecticides of pineapples, avocados, mangoes, watermelons, etc. are reduced from these fruits. However, do your research and buy from a trusted source.

drink water

You might think that water is not a nutrient compound, right? But drinking water properly is something we often underestimate. Even if you eat all the above vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, eggs, etc., if you don't drink enough water, it will hinder the proper production of mother's milk, which is the greatest resource in the world.

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About the Creator

Emma Allison

Look at everything optimistically, it leads to success in your life.

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