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Eye of the Beholder

By Andrew SmithPublished 7 years ago 3 min read

This one is for the people who struggle with how they view themselves on the outside.

I'm no Channing Tatum. In fact I have a hard time with regulating my weight, I'm starting to need glasses and you may not be able to tell it but I'm also losing my hair, like a lot of people. I almost said "the average person" but the word average has become a negative word in our society. No one wants to be average because it's less than perfect (remember this word, because I'm going to use it later on).

I know a lot of people who feel about the same way. That if they don't have muscles, tall with a tan, or are thin and tall with long hair then they are not pretty, beautiful, handsome, hot, sexy, whatever word you want to choose. Then I know people who love how they look and these people are not your supermodel bodies either but they have come to love themselves for who they truly are and are happy.

I was talking to someone who I know earlier, and she may come up in my blogs several times along with other people who I know. Sorry everyone, I promise I won't use names. But we were talking about cookies. She likes pumpkin chocolate chip cookies. I was giving her a rough time about pumpkin cookies because I'm a regular chocolate chip guy. Well she ended up making plain chocolate chip cookies and then joked saying cookies without pumpkin for the fake veggie value was sooooo my fault. I told her cookies were not supposed to be healthy. She then told me that the fake veggie value with the pumpkin made it so she didn't feel bad about eating them. First of all, no one should ever feel bad about eating some cookies. They should be a comfort food and should be enjoyed without guilt, which I told her.

But what I told her and wanted her to really hear and what I want all of you to hear is this, "I know that you focus on your weight. But as a friend, I don't think there is anything wrong with your size and anyone that thinks otherwise is a moron. Everyone comes in different sizes and shapes and colors, so who is to say what beauty is? Advertisements like to present beauty as someone thin and tall, but that isn't what beauty is. It's more than that. It's about every little flaw and scar, every beauty mark and mole, it's about every size, shape, color and until people realize that, realize it's ok to be different, then the advertisement industry will always control the way people think."

It's not just the advertisement agencies either, it's Hollywood. You don't normally see the bigger, chubbier guys as the girl every guy wants to be with, unless it is a comedy. The same is also true for the bigger girls. Most action movies feature the muscle men but they can also move over to the other genre of films as well. So is that really all the bigger guys have to offer is comedy? Is that the only way we can get the girl, is to be funny? I have to tell you that I've tried the comedy bit and it didn't work out for me.

The influencers of society have put this image in people's mind what the perfect (there's that word again) person is supposed to look and act like. But that isn't how people always look or act. So don't worry about looking a certain way because of how the influencers of society say you should look. Remember that you are beautiful or pretty or handsome or sexy or whatever makes you feel good and there is someone out there that is going to love you for the way you look today and the way you will always look. Because remember if we all looked the same then we would all be pretty average.


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