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Loan is not a bad idea for anything that changes regularly like a home loan*

It is time that changes everything.

By Elayer For AllPublished 2 years ago 10 min read
Loan is not a bad idea for anything that changes regularly like a home loan* from Elayer for All

We are people who have a mind that changes our thinking indefinitely.

A loan is a thing that is borrowed, especially a sum of money that is expected to be paid back with interest.

A worried boy met a man with a dog on the ground.

Man: What happened?

Boy: I had a discussion with my parents yesterday, I completely disagree with the idea they shared.

Man: Well!, May I know what's your parent's idea?

Boy: They are trying to take a Home loan and ...

Man: Okay stop, then what's your idea?

Boy: Seriously, Nowadays no one takes such loans...

Man: Okay stop. So you are completely not interested in taking loans

Boy: exactly

Man: so what's your plan?

Boy: don't have any plan but I have options, but parents do not agree with that

Man: Yeah, most of the parents, continue

Boy: option A is to start saving money or keeping money in FD

Man: Well, if you start saving money then in how many years it will take?

Boy: Nearly 3 years for approximately 15 Lakh.

Man: That's fair, What's the next option?

Boy: option B is to start Investing, so we got nearly three years so within that whatever we have money that can be invested and after a few years we may get a higher return.

Man: Ohh, any other options?

Boy: Hmm, No

Well, I will tell you about a situation that happens at a young age. I also faced a similar situation or a discussion.

My parents are interested to buy a plot to build our first house. They started searching nearby lands, places, and areas.

So after that, they listed so many plots some are very expensive as per our budget because they are near to a city and few are inexpensive because they are far from the city and some are not in the clean area.

After that, they found one plot in the middle of the city and also a fine price. But the hitch was the owner wants the full amount in cash. So it was actually nearly 5 lakh.

I requested my parents not to buy it on loan. I said we have time and we can possibly take a much larger plot than this also in upcoming years.

They just said you won't understand.

After a week they took money from the loan for which they have already applied.

So after a month, all the documents cleared. And finally, the plot belongs to us.

At that time the loan is also much for our income so we all tried to work much and reduced savings and repay that loan. A few months did not pay because there are unexpected situations and so after a few years we are able to complete that loan amount with a higher interest rate as per our income.

Then guest appearance so they start speaking with my parents after a moment, they started about properties they owned and my parents also said that we own plot.

Guest: How much did it cost that time?

My Parents: Nearly 5.5 lakhs

Guest: How much it may cost now?

My Parents: it may be around 20 to 25 lakhs now.

I was suddenly shocked starter staring at my parents.

At that time there are lots of questions in my mind. like, How? When? Is that true? and many.

I am just sitting there and waiting for the guest to disappeared from there. So it went an hour after that I quickly run to shut the door and ask my parents to sit here.

I started questioning everything that I've had in my mind so and so they started disclosing.

If you are trying to buy that same plot now it costs around 20 to 25 lacs now because there are many developments in that area and also time is changed.

So everything is so expensive and even that plot that we own. If we did not take a loan and buy that plot. For that, we need to keep working hard, and even so many things we may need to sacrifice.

Just remember nothing costs much higher than time.

The plot or whatever the things are the same things, even same price; only time changes and eventually so it also makes things expensive.

so that's why the time is directly proportional to the things.

In some edge cases,

as anything changes per time, the value of that thing also changes.

that's why many financial and economic things came up. Like loans, investments, savings, and many things.

It is time that changes everything.

Think if you take a loan, you just have to pay for it plus interest. You cannot invest for the same amount + interest, even if you invest, it will not give you that much profit, that thing or plot gives you.

But if you buy things like plot, only need to pay that amount + interest for that. It is going on changing the price that it has previously.

Everyone who has extra things like plots won't sell it until and unless they need money or it is in demand.

Just try to Think, like if production increases the value of that hill also decreases if the production rate decreases the value for it increases because of the need in the market.

The one who is willing to buy, he may buy it for any cost if there are only a few.

If anyone will pay for the same price, the other will pay extra for it to purchase it.

So here is an example if new cars are coming to market if it is good or something it is only available in the market.

Then everyone starts buying it if the production goes reduced or stopped by any means, then only a few cars left some people are buying that for the same price, or for regular price, but if a person wants it he can buy it at an extra price. So the car will be given to that person who pays extra for it, so why it is expensive?

The car owner or distributor can say if it is a regular price 15 lakh if another person coming and if he says I want this car I will give a 16 lakh.

The owner or distributor may sell this car to a new person or there may be a chance so the owner will increase the prices 17 or even there may be a chance that the distributor says no I will sell it for 20 lacs if anyone one interested they can buys.

So this is expensive because it is actually a regular price of 15 lakh but the time changes it and the production is also changed or so ultimately the price he increased.

Likewise, there are many plots which are near to a city or if only a few plots are left or if it is less price but as the plots are started selling so there are only a few left so again the plots may get a higher rate.

if the plot is outside or far from the city then people don't stop buying it because they think one or another day or after a few times the area will expand and the City may expand, even people also start building their house.

If it is too much outside of the city and everyone came into place or starts marketing their so it is a plan of investment or also you buy it or not but the time and anything it will get expensive.

Let's say the price is the same but only the time makes it too expensive just like if the price is 5 lakh for the plot after three years it will multiply some ratio of time so let's say it is a three-time. Then it would be again 15 lacs after 3 years (5 lacs * 3 = 15 lacs).

These are the strategies we need to take look at, so be careful or be estimated everything in our surroundings. No matter whatever changes but it's time that changes everything.

In other ultimate words, if you have pressure or some sort of motive, goal, running behind something, then only you start to work harder or do things in a lot better way.

Otherwise, sometimes, doing the same things, again and again, may lead to boring without any worry's, or you may be busy or you may be not thinking or focusing on the future; likewise, they may lead to laziness or need any type of relaxation. Because you don't have any others things or something that makes you awake and helps you to do more things.

For example, there is only one good example, a loan, assume if you have a loan you need to pay within time. Otherwise, it will increase the interest and it may cost too much or even lead to selling your properties. So this is the thing that you keep making awake and work seriously.

Somewhere in your mind, it says,

Try focusing to pay as early as possible, they sanctioned loans because they are agreed to something. We need to work hard either today or tomorrow, if we finish work today(as soon as possible), tomorrow will be tension-free. No loans, no worries, and only a happy mind.

It means if we have a loan, the mind will remind us every time until we pay this amount back.

so it is just some precious pressure for work. If you have such a precious awesome goal or mindset or someone running behind you then only you work properly. Otherwise, there is no thing like you cannot work, some other day you will get bored or even easily lazy.

A man replies to a boy so this is what happened at that time. Now you think or discuss again your plan.

Let's consider your options so you have an option to save money. Once you start saving it may take much time because there may be some circumstances in which you need to pay. Even it is not you may get the chance of being lazy or something you get an unexpected situation where you need to your savings.

Sometimes not trying to save it; you may spend some time so your option B is good but there is a chance of getting no returns or getting into losses.

The investment plans are better when there are no options or no losses.

If it is sometimes okay to get what we invested in; but not less than what we invested.

Investment is to get higher returns means it may be a higher risk also.

Plan for everything, only you need to step up if that step is really good, some or other way if you step up the previous step or main step may be destroyed by someone or maybe it is out of your concern. Some people don't know why are stepping up and down. Just remember you just need to step up only.

So this is right the time you to think about what you want to do.

Nothing is going good until you do best with the pressure on your mind and the cold.

For example, everywhere it might be a factory or office or it may be some other industrial area or anything or even in our family or school colleges; there is at least one member or a superior or supervisor or a boss; who gives the order to us and we follow the same.

we co-operate with words and work. It is systematic if they say we need to do this, that within this time. We need to do it a lot in much better.

So like a teacher gave us homework we all do it. The teacher also has a superior, a principal, or headmaster so they do whatever the headmaster or a principal says. The principal may have also their chairman or management team, that he want to follow or agree with.

If the chairman requests, we need a much better result than last year. He put some kind of pressure on principles, so he put pressure on the headmaster or teacher, he puts pressure on students to get full or good marks exams.

Clients also may put pressure on the CEO in the company, then he put some pressure on the manager, he puts pressure on the team lead, he may put pressure and motivation on employees or the team. they all need work as the boss says.

This is the scenario you will need to understand so any plan you take just think about it and start doing with some kind of pressure or motive or aim.

So again another person may have a good investment strategy and also a good savings strategy then he may get that price for build home;

In some cases, after 3 years even if there is no change in the price of that land or plot. If you start building a home after three years that might cost you expensive. Because there is a lot of change in time, also there may be higher costs for materials like iron, cement, and its materials, doors, etc.

All those things may become a higher price and at that time you cannot build your home or a house for the same price that you can have in the last three years.

So we cannot say, taking a loan is a bad idea or a good idea; it depends on why we take and how we pay and what purpose we take it, how it is useful, and documents or a policy like (you need to pay back within this time or years).

For loans, we need to pay with interest in time. Before you take it try to estimate the purpose, the purpose must need to bring more revenue to repay the loan with interest, plus some income in terms of profit.

Previous: Savings

A man with a Goal vs A man without a Goal

personal finance

About the Creator

Elayer For All

 Edu - Tech - Learn- Invest - Grow

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    Elayer For AllWritten by Elayer For All

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