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6 Ways to Cut Overhead Costs

Every business has to spend money in order to make money. Here’s how to keep those ongoing expenses from getting too high and impacting your bottom line.

By MrKarthikKNPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Looking for ways to minimize your business expenses? Read this article for practical tips and strategies to cut your overhead costs, from analyzing your expenses to embracing technology and optimizing your business processes.

Take a fresh look at every single expense

Chances are, some of them have become a habit but can now be either eliminated or achieved in a more cost-effective way.

Re-negotiate supplier and vendor contracts

  • There may be things in there you don’t need anymore.
  • On the other hand, you may find that buying more services from one company costs less than piecemealing it out to several suppliers.
  • Ask for a better deal from existing suppliers.
  • Shop around for more favorably priced suppliers.

Allocate more marketing efforts to free or low-cost channels

  • Word-of-mouth and tell-a-friend promotions to existing clients.
  • Social media campaigns.
  • Strategic partnerships with other local businesses.
  • Employee sales competitions.
  • Testimonials from satisfied clients.

Centralize purchasing

One person in the company should handle it all, from office supplies to phone/internet providers to equipment rentals. This person will:

  • Prevent duplications, unexpected shortages, and confusion.
  • Be good at wangling better deals, concessions, and discounts.
  • Shop around for the best offers.
  • Re-think your office space.

  1. Do you really need to be leasing so much space?
  2. Do you have too much inventory/equipment on hand, taking up storage space?
  3. Is there another space available that offers equally good access for current and prospective clients at a lower rate?

Control labor costs

  • Avoid paying overtime by fine-tuning scheduling or converting to part-time employees.
  • Reduce turnover and hiring expenses by maintaining a happy, fulfilling work environment.
  • Cross-train employees to fill more than one role.
  • Prevent time theft with an app that tracks actual hours worked.

Solving the overhead problem is all about baby steps. Chip off a bit here, a bit there, and keep a year-round watch on expenses. It will all add up to some nice, healthy profit margins.

A. Definition of overhead costs

Overhead costs are the expenses that businesses incur to operate their facilities and provide support services, such as rent, utilities, office supplies, and salaries of non-production employees.

B. Importance of cutting overhead costs

Cutting overhead costs can help businesses increase their profits, improve their financial stability, and invest in growth opportunities. By reducing unnecessary expenses, businesses can optimize their budgets and allocate resources more efficiently.

C. Overview of the article

This article will provide six practical and effective ways for businesses to cut their overhead costs. From conducting a thorough review of your expenses to embracing technology and optimizing your business processes, these tips will help you minimize your business expenses and improve your bottom line.

Conduct a thorough review of your expenses

A. Analyze your expenses

To identify areas where you can reduce your overhead costs, start by analyzing your expenses. Look at your financial statements and identify any expenses that seem excessive or unnecessary.

B. Identify unnecessary expenses

Once you have analyzed your expenses, identify any expenses that you can cut without affecting your operations or quality of service. This may include subscriptions, memberships, or services that you no longer use or need.

C. Negotiate with suppliers

Negotiating with your suppliers can help you get better deals on products and services you need for your business. Consider buying in bulk, comparing prices from different suppliers, or negotiating payment terms.


Overhead costs refer to expenses that are not directly related to the production of goods or services, such as rent, utilities, and office supplies.

Cutting overhead costs can help businesses increase their profits, improve their financial stability, and invest in growth opportunities.

The article will provide practical and actionable tips for businesses of all sizes to reduce their overhead costs.

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    MrKarthikKNWritten by MrKarthikKN

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