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Wearing #7

expressing my beliefs is sometimes difficult

By Gail S.Published 3 years ago 5 min read
Wearing #7
Photo by Martin Garrido on Unsplash

I knew full well when I bought the jersey that it would surely cause some to cringe. I was waiting for the looks and whispers and even the snide comments. What I got instead, was an angry old man with a clear dislike for any other opinion that was not like his. The jersey I proudly wear is #7 Colin Kaepernick with #imwithkap on the front. I wore this to my local flea market where I have a small shop. The angry man in question is a vendor there also and has no problem expressing his love and loyalty for Donald Trump. Although I am not a loving, loyal fan myself, I have never once over this year ever commented on his red Trump 2020 hat he would adorn every week with pride. I have listened to him complain and bitch about his political views for over a year now. I may not agree with him or his views but would sit by and just let him have his opinion (no matter how vocal he was about it.) Everyone has the right to their own opinion. That’s what I have always told myself and others, until today.

I started my day as usual with opening the shop and getting ready for business. It took about an hour before he approached me and simply said “Kaepernick huh?” to which I replied proudly “Absolutely!” he then asked “Why?” and that started the worst confrontation I have had in years. I told him I believed in the same things Kap believed in. That his beliefs were also mine. After that it was a barrage of endless insults about how I was unpatriotic, and I hated my country, I disrespected his grandfather who was in the war, I disrespected the American flag and our american troops. I couldn’t even get a single word in to defend my beliefs. I was hoping that a man his age (74) would have a little more respect for others feelings and beliefs. I was wrong.

The moment he took a breath longer than usual to reload his ammo, I stepped in. I warned him not to do this with me. As most people who know me well, know I have strong convictions. I am not afraid to speak my mind and I will not be silenced for what I believe to be true for me. He started this… now I would finish it. He believes his way is the only right way, no one’s opinions are any good unless they coincide with his. You are either with him or not and if you're not you are not worthy of his time. I told him the following: “I have never once said anything to you about that shitty red Trump hat you wear every Sunday or ever spoken out loud against the shitty man it represents. You expect everyone around you to listen and agree with how you feel but the minute anyone goes against your ‘truth’, they become unpatriotic and unamerican. You stand up and speak publicly about what you are clearly passionate about but I cannot? How is that fair?”

He did not expect I would even open my mouth. The only thing he could say was this: “It’s like the Red Sox or the Yankees. If you’re not a Sox fan you can’t call yourself a fan at all.” The whole statement said nothing to me other than he could think of no other comeback. By this time other vendors were standing by just in case. If he hadn’t been who he was and the age he is, the thought of punching him in the mouth just to shut him up had crossed my mind. I did warn him at the beginning, it was his choice to continue. He should take his medicine. He then said what I thought was so insulting, not only to me but to everyone within earshot. “I bet you think black lives matter too huh?” At that very moment I was seeing red and knew I needed to walk away. I couldn’t breathe and haven’t felt such rage in a very long time. I didn’t get to finish what I believe would have been my shining moment. Why I felt so strongly about the subject of my wearing the jersey. I took the high road, became the bigger person and walked away.

When I returned he was no longer speaking to me and had taken his shitty red hat off. I didn’t give two shits one way or the other. My jersey represents something he will never understand or accept. I am proud to support the man that started a movement that should’ve been started a very long time ago. He was given a platform to express his beliefs and he was within his constitutional rights to do so. Every time he would kneel, I was kneeling beside him. Change has to start somewhere and it started with him. The act was not disrespectful to this country or it’s military. It did not make him unpatriotic or unamerican until Donald Trump said it was. You don’t have to like what he did or even like him as a player or person but you do have to respect his rights! I do! The time for change is now. We as a nation need to stop the senseless killings and the injustice. People need to be treated equally and with respect. We all should be able to express ourselves without fear of retaliation. We all have our own opinions and you may not agree with mine but maybe there’s a better way than publicly humiliating someone. Stop and think before you speak has always been the rule we should follow, or better yet...maybe just shut your mouth and say nothing.

Anyway, I don’t expect he will talk to me any time soon and I know i will never see an apology but that’s fine because I will know that my jersey will always stand for something incredible and his shitty red hat will always stand for the man who lost the 2020 election.

But that’s just MY opinion ;)

Much love G.


About the Creator

Gail S.

I am complicated, confusing and misunderstood but I am real. Life is too short to be anything but happy.

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