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Riches To Rags

Wake up, America

By MayaPublished 4 years ago 4 min read
Riches To Rags
Photo by Matt Collamer on Unsplash

Yes, there is a homeless problem in America.

Get over it.

Many of us are privileged beings who will never experience sleeping in a tent under a busy freeway.

For those who have and are? My heart immediately goes out.

But Maya... It's their fault-

I will indeed stop you right there, Friend!

Similar to systematic racism, sexism, etc., the description of homeless people has increased to a disrespectfully low portrayal.

Most but certainly not everyone view homeless person as dirty, drug addict, lazy individuals who “choose” not to work or make money.

This could not be more wrong.

Yes, many people who live on the street are indeed drug addicts.

But also, drug addicts are our next-door neighbors and coworkers too... So, let’s stop for a second.

As a country, why do so many of us spend time bashing each other when it quite frankly isn't our business.

Now, I’m not advocating for the men and women (who happen to be homeless) that assault and steal from others.

I also don’t advocate for the people who do have homes, assault and steal from others.

I’M saying, just because they're homeless, doesn't mean they do that stuff.

We should not fear all individuals without homes and group them into a stereotypical lifestyle that most didn't even deserve.

Yep... Sue me.

It’s called natural disasters, COVID-19, being in the wrong place at the wrong time and life’s downhill gut punchers in general.

By Saikiran Kesari on Unsplash
By John Middelkoop on Unsplash
By Marc Szeglat on Unsplash

Not everyone who is homeless ended up there because they chose that life. The video above explains that in a short yet powerful way.

Not everyone who is rich ended up there because they chose that life either.

A lot of it is happen stance.

After working with and speaking closely to many within the homeless communities, I have grown up an advocate for all humans everywhere despite your position in life.

Just because one might have an incredible life that they worked hard for, got handed to by blood, or really any variation of that, doesn't make them any more of a righteous person (in society).

Life is so so unpredictable and can easily throw the wealthiest person into a homeless slot.

One day they’re making bank...

By Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

The next day? Homeless.

By Mikail Duran on Unsplash

Congrats! You're now a drug addict too.


I mean sure, it's likely, but it’s a far stretch and it’s behind ignorantly stupid.

Again, instead of degrading others and grouping people together (racism is a perfect example) like they're the exact same, how about talking? Research?

How about donating?

By United Nations COVID-19 Response on Unsplash

“The money will just go to drugs.” Says many people often.

You mean the little sums of money your parents have most likely given you for college that you spend on Adderall and a shit ton of White Claw? (Not everyone!)

By Cyrus Crossan on Unsplash

Oh ok... Just checking!

No matter if you make it or have it given to you, you’re choosing to give, so specifics shouldn’t matter.

I personally prefer giving a few dollars to someone who was or could be the best artist in the entire world put in a bad situation, than using it on seltzer.

I would rather give someone on the street my last two dollars in change, because that Juul pen (that many are still addicted too) money could and will without a doubt be life or death for someone.

Homeless people are exactly like us, guys... they just lack a home and a lot of necessities that many of us take for granted daily.

The ability to try and see all sides of everuone’s point of view has made me the girl I am today and I wear it with pride.


We can't keep pushing the people who need society the most away, because if you were put in a position where you had no choice but to live on the wet Seattle pavement, where people think you're useless and not worth a dime, how would you feel? Irrelevant because you don't have to live that life?

We are all here on earth as humans trying to get through life’s struggles and everything else it throws our way.

The next time you see someone who is asking nicely for change and you have it, think about how your few dollars could buy a fresh water bottle for a pet who sleeps in a tent everyday.

Do not assume all intentions, as I have met some of the most amazing men and women who are homeless that most wouldn’t even give a second glance to.

You may just see the man or women standing there, no kids, but don’t assume they aren't using it for something good and don’t assume they don’t have kids waiting for them.

It isn't your job to play “creator of the universe”, and you certainly don't ever have to give anyone anything... but don’t be the person who judges homeless people.

Don’t be the person who judges people in general.

I am guilty of immediately judging based off what I see, most of us are and some won’t admit it, but the fact that I saw it and worked actively to change it, makes the change we all want to see in the world.

You could and may easily be next. So stop. Think. Put yourself in someone else’s shoes and then decide.

Are you willing to help the change by giving change?


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