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President Trump Is A Dangerous Narcissist Backed Into A Corner

Danger Ahead. It's Only Going To Get Scarier From Here On Out.

By Scott BowenPublished 7 years ago 4 min read

Psychiatrists should be on TV every single day screaming at the top of their lungs about the extreme dangers of having an extreme narcissist as Commander in Chief of the United States of America. Narcissists can't be wrong. It exposes their deep-seated insecurities and fears. This is why Trump HAS to attack anyone who questions him in any capacity. Narcissists would rather take you down with them then to have you "win" any argument. This is what makes President Trump so dangerous. His entire ego was built on his constant exposure in the press all these years, and his ratings on the television show "The Apprentice." The daily meltdown that we are all witnessing was all too predictable. I have been calling out Donald Trump as a dangerous narcissist for over a year now, but even I was taken aback at his rambling narcissistic attack on The Free Press on Tuesday, August 22nd in Arizona.

I had expected Trump to have a rally in Arizona very similar to the one he gave during the campaign, with a blatant appeal to his supporter's fear and prejudice against Latinos, never mind that illegal immigration has been going down during both the Bush and Obama administrations. Fox News, and shows like Hannity have been convincing their viewers for years that there is a major illegal immigration crisis, parading people like Sheriff David Clark out repeatedly to shout at the top of their lungs that former President Obama was so soft on illegal immigrants. Arrests of illegal immigrants and ICE raids increased during the Obama Administration, so much so that civil liberty groups started to object. At the end of the recent event in Arizona, Trump did finally pivot to play his race card as expected, strutting around in his Mussolini-like pose as his devoted followers chanted "build the wall, build the wall", but what was so startling to even the most casual observer, was the rambling and extremely dishonest attack on The Free Press that came before that. He came with his own prepared notes, and proceeded to go into the scariest and weirdest Presidential rant ever witnessed on camera. It left Republican leaders across the nation bewildered, and openly speculating just how long he will be able to survive. He exposed himself as the extremely narcissistic and shallow man that many of us already suspected him to be.

Several times, Trump stared up at the cameras and proclaimed to his supporters that CNN and MSNBC were "turning off the cameras" because they didn't want to show what Trump had to say. He was clearly in a delusional narcissistic state, and obviously believed that the red lights turning off and on were his enemy news outlets running away in fear from him. Of course, both of those outlets showed all of Trump's remarks in their entirety. It was a frightening display made by a man backed into a corner after his outrageous comments following the tragedy in Charlottesville, Virginia the week before. Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, who served in both the Bush and Obama administrations, immediately expressed concern about Trump having access to the nuclear codes.

It became clear that night that President Trump is in it for himself and his family from here on out. The Press is his enemy. The FBI, CIA, and all other aspects of the "Deep State" are his enemies. Even the "Establishment Republican Party" is his enemy. In a disgusting display of anger and vanity, he took great pains at that rally to blame Senator John McCain, in McCain's home state, an American patriot, who is probably one of the most respected American statesman alive, a man who has an aircraft carrier named after him that was just involved in a national tragedy, for being the SOLE reason for the failure to repeal Obamacare. We are living in the twilight zone. What can we expect? His entire Presidency was built on a movement that was all about being anti-Obama and anti-Clinton, to the point of ridiculousness. I understand that many people voted for him in coal country and in states where factories were closing, and people were hurting and that they thought he was a gamble worth taking. I submit to you that they were wrong. Coal is not coming back. Trump lies every time he steps up to the microphone. We are in a jam, here in America with this man as our President. He desperately tries to pivot back to Obama and Clinton in his tweets and comments, but he exposed his own hypocrisy with each passing day.

All narcissists turn those around them in their circle of influence into enablers. You're either all about building up their flimsy house of cards, or you are the enemy. It has been reported that Trump is given two folders each day that hold only positive articles about himself. He openly called out the Fox News shows The Five and Hannity as being two of the only shows that are fair to him. That in itself is incredibly scary since neither one is actually a news show. In fact, it is clear that Trump gets most of his narcissistic supply from Sean Hannity's show. If you watch Hannity every night, you can find out what Trump is going to be focused on the next day. Hannity shamelessly uses his new found power willingly, stoking the President to cater to his worst instincts.

The question moving forward is how bad can it get? To what length of narcissistic insanity will Trump be willing to take us all down the road? He has already declared that he will shut down the government this fall if he does not get the money for his beloved wall, the one that Mexico will never pay for. What will he do if Robert Mueller brings charges against him or his familymembers and associates? Would he be willing to call his supporters to the streets to defend him? Has he shown any restraint in the past with his attacks on those he perceives to be attacking him? We have entered into a scary new phase of the Trump Presidency, and it will only get scarier with each passing day. Keep your eyes open and hold on tight.


About the Creator

Scott Bowen

I am a Democratic activist from Alexandria, Virginia. I grew up overseas where my parents served as a Foreign Service Officers. I work for local government and have a strong interest in racial relations and discrimination in America.

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    Scott BowenWritten by Scott Bowen

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