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Men Are Too Emotional To Own Guns

We Should Just Arm the Women

By Jason ProvencioPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
If it’s an AR-15, let’s just give it to a woman. She’ll be more responsible with it, statistically speaking. Photo by Max Okhrimenko on Unsplash

Mass shootings are one of the biggest problems we seem to face in our country. 99% or more of them come at the hands of men. Perhaps men are too emotional as a gender to be allowed to own guns.

There is certainly a typical profile of a mass shooter in the United States of America. The majority of them are committed by white males, usually between the ages of later teens to early 20s. Their political leanings are almost always to the right or far right. They are usually self-proclaimed “patriots” who think liberal people deserve death for their accepting views of marginalized people.

Their religious views are often Christian or something extreme version of Christianity. They frequently live on their mothers’ couches or in their basements. They don’t generally enjoy the successes in life that most achieve through education and hard work. They obviously have a difficult time regulating their emotions in a safe, productive way. Most don’t go to therapy.

They bottle up all of their negative, angry, hateful emotions. They turn to racism and bigotry against people of color, those of differing religions, and to the LGBTQ community when they feel insecure about their own shortcomings. They blame the state of the country and their poverty on illogical sources and when they’ve had enough of their quite-average, unfulfilling lifestyles, they snap.

Instead of working hard, educating themselves, and trying to be better human beings, they’re holing up in Mom’s basement and reading far-right propaganda on websites like Parler, Truth Social, and Fox News. Leaders like Donald Trump, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Ron DeSantis, and Lauren Boebert whip them up into a frenzy with hateful, shitty rhetoric, and their already-fragile emotions and thought processes turn murderous.

Many men are too emotional to own guns. Image by Hands off my tags! Michael Gaida from Pixabay

Jesus doesn’t want you killing his creations. Did you forget about this commandment? And the one about honoring your father and mother? I don’t think most parents feel honored when you go into a place of business, school, or church and start spraying the crowd with bullets.

Men have historically enjoyed using the falsehood of, “Well, women are too emotional to be (fill in the blanks)…

That’s utter bullshit. Women are NOT too emotional for anything. I’ve hated that expression for the longest time. Men are the ones always seemingly in conflict with anyone else who disagrees with or challenges their ignorant views regarding politics, religion, racism, and bigotry.

Women aren’t the ones treating the LGBTQ community like shit. Women are far more accepting of people living their lives and choosing to love who they love. Truly, who gives a damn if a couple is in a same-sex relationship?

Insecure men seem to be the ones with the biggest problem with it. They are the ones talking about gay or bisexual people being child molesters and groomers of children. Even though statistically, more straight, religious men are convicted of these crimes than the people they spread lies, fear, and paranoia about.

Being that damn insecure and ignorant, while refusing to seek therapy, mental health help, or education to better themselves is the recipe for the next mass shooter. Perhaps it’s time we made a change in light of these all-too-common set of circumstances.

I’d trust a woman owning a gun far more than a man. Photo by Zhang H on Unsplash

I think it’s time we made a new law regarding guns in America. Women should be the only citizens armed and ready to defend their homes. Or the only ones allowed to hunt while the men drive the ATVs. Or make the coffee, run the camp stove, film a TikTok of the hunt. Whatever.

Of course, men would never agree to this. They’re too emotional to go down without a fight. Likely, a gunfight. So there would have to be provisions to the law.

For example, any man who has owned a gun for at least 10 years or more and has demonstrated a responsible, law-abiding lifestyle during that time could be allowed to continue gun ownership. I also feel that the minimum age to own a firearm should be at least 28 to 30 years old.

The human brain isn’t fully formed until age 25 or 26. This is abundantly clear in the regard that most mass shooters range between the ages of 15–25. They don’t fully process the consequences of their actions when they commit a mass shooting. Many of them are ready to die because their lives have been mediocre and unsatisfying in their minds for quite some time.

Another way to vet a man owning a weapon could be an extensive psychological evaluation prior to owning a weapon. Or mandatory counseling sessions required as part of the path to gun ownership. Men could benefit from therapy and learn how to control their angry, out-of-control emotions to prevent a deadly shooting rampage from happening.

Again, the male ego and pride would also make this scenario unlikely, at best. Men who need these sorts of rules and regulations the most would more often than not object to participating. Fine, then let’s arm the women instead, Mr. Prideful, Angry, Disarmed Citizen.

With women locked and loaded, carrying weapons, and keeping their emotions in check, our country could be safer from its biggest enemy it faces: The mediocre, conservative, religiously/politically-radicalized, white man.


About the Creator

Jason Provencio

78x Top Writer on Medium. I love blogging about family, politics, relationships, humor, and writing. Read my blog here! &:^)

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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Comments (5)

  • Kat Noveabout a year ago

    Just letting you know I haven't blown off Medium, it's just been a crazy time in my life? My email is [email protected].

  • Chris Heller2 years ago

    "Let's take away a constitutional right from a certain gender because they're too emotional to think rationally about it." You do realize this is the same argument conservatives used to repeal Roe v. Wade, right?

  • Kat Nove2 years ago

    My weapon of choice is to throw a cat in the face of any attacker and unfortunately I can reload 8 times. I'm not a total crazy cat lady. Assholes (probably white male Christians who own guns) always seem to dump unwanted cats near my house. Second piece of yours I've read today, both excellent!

  • Thank you, Babs! I appreciate you reading it and your kind comment. It's nice to see you again! &:^)

  • Babs Iverson2 years ago

    Splendid opinion piece💕😊💖💕

Jason ProvencioWritten by Jason Provencio

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