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Let's Change All the Nonsense

Change needs to be done. Otherwise, we will keep living with nonsense.

By Bazooka TeachesPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Photo from Pixabay

Why is it that we live in an upside-down society? Seriously, everything is backward and things do not seem to change. Even after the fact that people complain about everything that is happening, no one takes the steps to make things go the right way. It seems like people do not make drastic changes because it is very inconvenient.

Why is it that rich people have a better chance of getting away with crime than poor people? Yes, rich people can afford lawyers, unlike poor people. It is very common for a poor person to commit a petty crime and serve a very harsh sentence while the rich get away with lesser punishment for the same crime or even a more severe one. This is true injustice in our country. A poor person that shoplifts gets put in handcuffs and seen as a scumbag, while stockbrokers that rob people out of their money for thousands of dollars, sometimes millions, get escorted out of the building with no handcuffs.

Why do banks charge penalties for not having money in the bank? Yeah, if a person goes over the amount in the account, the transaction should not be valid. Why charge money when a person does not have money! Banks are already ripping off people by giving them a tiny percent of what they are making with people’s money. So, charging a fee for an overdraft is straight-up B.S.!

Why, why, why?

Why can't people accept the fact that governments only care about money and power and not the people? Really, a lot of these politicians belong to secret societies that are all about power. They take and take but never give. Politicians are always getting paid even when the country is having economic problems. Their children never go to war when they wage war.

Why are teachers not respected in this country? It’s true! Teachers in other countries are highly respected by their students. In America, it is trendy for kids to act rebellious and give teachers a hard time. For the most part, school is not taken seriously until the student gets to college. Maybe because it costs money!

Why do religions go to war when they preach peace and love? Ever since the teachings of Christ, the world has been one murdering machine. Yes, Muslims and the Jewish have been breathing down their necks for ages, but when Christianity hit the fan, forget about it! Millions of people have died because of the teachings being forced on people.

Why is it that dumb kids are more popular than smart kids? Smart kids are seen as nerds. Dumb kids are seen as cool rebels who go against the grain. Being completely dumb is not praised, but the super-smart kid is not as well. Smart kids are the ones who move on and have the capacity to change the world. Then, why is it that idiots rule in high schools?

Why, why, why?

Why can’t we change all this knowing that this shit exists? It’s time for a new world order! Seriously! Let’s make the person with a soldier helmet make more money than a person who wears a helmet for sports. Let poor people stand a chance in court just like rich people do.

Let’s make happiness the goal for all our children instead of teaching them to be successful with money. Let’s show our children that not everything is about money. Let’s make it ok to see people making love on TV instead of a person butchering a crowd with a machine gun. Let’s make people who make a difference like scientists, doctors, and innovators be more popular than celebrities. Why is it that these changes are not happening?

C’mon, don’t be afraid! Take a good look around. Look at all the sheep around you! Yes, that is what you are! A bunch of sheep! Let’s change that and just make all of us just be decent people. Otherwise, you might as well keep sucking in all that bullshit and say, “Baaahhhhhh!”


About the Creator

Bazooka Teaches

A regular Joe that is just surviving the struggle. Loves to write and is constantly fighting the forces of evil.

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