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King Children

The Inevitable Rise of Millennials

By Alex C-BPublished 7 years ago 3 min read

Millennial bashing is hotter than the sun these days. Heated criticism of the entitled souls born between 1982 and 2004 is widely available online in a full spectrum of media, from published articles on prestigious institutions to Youtube video discussions, and comment section opinions. Humanity's future seems doomed when you listen to the aging critics, as the shallow, lazy, failed-by-their-parents narcissists flood into the workplace to spread their toxic cavils like a herd of viruses. The good old days are far behind for the seniors-to-be of this world.

Generation-Y behavior has reached such a critical point that motivational leadership speaker Simon Sinek wasted fifteen minutes blasting the cohort during an interview on the Inside Quest talk-show, perhaps to assert his moral superiority, as any real leader would. The alleged optimist's TED talk How great leaders inspire action is the platform's third best-rated presentation ever, yet his cynical, elitist television rant resembles a move pulled out of Donald Trump's playbook.

Labels vary based on who you ask. French elders coined the term ''Enfants-Rois" , pronounced on-font roo-ah, which translates to King Children. Wall Street refers to the Henrys, or high earners not rich yet, and Clint Eastwood calls us pussies, a slight hyperbole of the traditional Me-Generation title.

Who can blame these enlightened predecessors for such vile? They too were victims of a custom old as time, a generational pyramid of shit talk from the old guard, which probably dates back to the days when a young hunter pitched the spear as a new hunting tool to the tribe. Today's longer life expectancy also means the sheer volume of crap pouring from above is like nothing ever experienced in recorded history.

A human can only take so much before snapping.

The elevator goes both ways, though. Millennials are not shy to express their disdain of the prior generation's antics either. Nobody can tell who cast the first stone, but the species must look like a pack of apes throwing their feces at each other to the advanced alien life forms studying us from afar as we speak.

The reality is that us King Children will take over all spheres of society, from healthcare, entertainment, to politics and business, sooner than later, whether elders agree or not. The shift is inevitable. Millennials will be changing their forerunner's diapers by the time a new generation emerges.

You may not remember your children's names by then, let alone any of the wisdom accumulated over the years, or get to communicate at all because cancer or heart disease got the best of your health. Some of you might find yourselves in utter solitude like many current seniors, abandoned by your families until the day you expire.

Leaders of tomorrow still need the light of your experience to steer the ship, but attacking who they are today is the best way to have them flush everything you say down the toilet. Teach us about your failures, flaws, and remorse instead of pointing fingers. Do you remember how a twenty or thirty year old thinks? Would you have done anything differently if you could turn back time?

Humanity is on the brink of collapse: Global health degrades at an alarming rate, deadly bacteria have grown resistant to our antibiotic defenses. The planet is out of shape. Violence and corruption prevail, the Great Coral Reef is dead, injustice persists as 795 million humans go hungry every day.

The choice is ours: We can continue to waste energy on the endless intergenerational diarrhea while the world goes to shit, or pool our respective strengths and resources to build a cleaner, brighter future together.


About the Creator

Alex C-B

Pieces of myself through facts and fiction - A fallible human of the digital era. I bought the ticket, missed the ride, then tripped down the rabbit hole and woke up stranded with you in this strange matrix.

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