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keep the people quiet

keep calm and believe everything

By ASHLEY SMITHPublished 4 years ago 4 min read

I should start with a warning, I believe in many conspiracy theories. Either partly or fully. The official report of 9/11 has more holes then a crumbly swiss cheese, jfk was killed by the CIA and many more beside. please don't turn off yet dear reader because the rest is an opinion you might have, possibly without realising. You might also agree with me in part, maybe you will read this and in coming days and weeks come over to my side of the fence.

You might have heard ideas and theories before about the best way to keep a population quiet and obedient is to scare them. Make them fearful of whatever they are told to be fearful of and to act as they are told to act. The media happily lap up any scare story and multiply its panic mode another few notches.

There is a very good and rarely mentioned film with Robert de Nero called wag the dog. In it an American president is about to get into trouble for a serious misdemeanour, so a film producer is sought to invent a phony war using actors and CGI in order to distract the country. The idea being that the focus will change and the president will become a hero. Have a look over American and British history and see when many wars have begun.

Wars for weapons of mass destruction they knew didn't exist and the war to flush out the people who created the 9/11 attacks although they knew they were in the wrong country. They were done to scare people into believing long range missiles were on their way any second and could reach you in fifteen minutes from anywhere. As the saying goes "killing is my business and business is good"

When America decided to invade Iraq to look for weapons they knew weren't there the main part of their armaments and equipment were supplied by Haliburton, senior member being vice-president Dick Cheney. They killed and maimed, they made conditions far worse and of course found nothing. After clearing up their mess they needed builders and building equipment to rebuild what they destroyed. Guess who got most of the multi billion dollar contract, yes our friends Haliburton again.

Ever since British involvement in these and other botched wars we have had an ever rising terror threat level. The problem is nobody knows what they actually mean. Apparently the secret services stop a certain amount of attacks each year but one or two get through. Everyone gets scared, the media ramp up and thrive on the panic and nothing much changes.

They may be accurate assessments or are they an excuse to take even more money into security while the country spends its time looking over its shoulder and time snooping on its neighbour. Encouraging everyone to watch everyone else may help route out the odd guy, but if the official spies and security services cant do it then how can we mere mortals.

I am writing this on the day the first person has died in England due to the corona virus. They did emphasis that the person had other underlying conditions and this is important. Al though the spread could get worse at the moment its less dangerous the flu, crossing the road or many aspects of our normal lives. Exercise basic personal care with handwashing and avoid those that have lower standards, try and have a healthy and active life. That's your chances of not contracting the disease greatly increased.

You are scared by carefully constructed headlines, with the truth hidden somewhere inside. You will all have seen warnings about flashing lights and phot sensitive epilepsy, meaning fits can be triggered by the lights. While this is possible its less then half a percent of people who already have epilepsy that this affects. The headline is true but the details are needed.

If we stay at home and sort ourselves we don't overload chronically stretched hospitals, chronically underfunded public transport and we don't protest about the mess the country is in because we are busy being scared.

Look behind the headlines and look for the details. Remember how many terrorists attacks there were before we invaded other countries. Virtually none, we went and caused the trouble then complain when people fight back. I don't condone terrorism or murder in any way but there needs to be balanced. In the 9/11 attacks around 3500 died, within a year or so over 10 times as many had been killed on the war on terror. Also remember Hitler managed to convince Germans they were being downtrodden because of the Jews and a new blonde hair and blue eyed race was needed. Utter rubbish but propaganda doesn't have to be true to scare people into believing it.


About the Creator


England based carer, live with my wife, her parents and 4 cats. will write for all areas but especially mental health and disability. though as stuff for filthy seems popular will try there . any comments, suggestions or requests considered

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