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IDF Deadly Ambush!

Senior IDF Officers Taken Out!

By Nicholas BishopPublished 6 months ago 3 min read

With unconfirmed reports, that the IDF, are flooding Hamas tunnels, comes the news that the IDF has suffered a deadly ambush. Israeli commanders and soldiers were dispatched by Hamas operatives.

The ambush was planned and complex in its operation. It occurred, in the Sherjaya area, of Gaza City. There had been an intense firefight between the IDF and Hamas gunmen.

Lieutenant Colonel, Tomer Greenberg, Commander of the Golani Brigade, was killed in a failed rescue attempt. The Commander led IDF combat soldiers to rescue 4 injured IDF soldiers. Unfortunately, Hamas fighters opened fire, threw grenades and detonated an improvised explosive device or I.E.D. This killed the commander and his soldiers. The other IDF operatives consisted of a colonel and three majors.

153 countries at the UN, voted for a ceasefire. While 23 countries abstained including the UK and 10 voted against. It was called a 'humanitarian ceasefire' so it would allow much-needed supplies into Gaza.

Joe Biden and his Israeli counterpart Benjamin Netanyahu are having major disagreements. Biden has told Netanyahu that through its actions, Israel is losing world support. The US, or so it is rumoured, wants this war wrapped up by January. Whether this can be feasibly achieved is another thing! Netanyahu has committed himself, to ending Hamas and bringing home, all the hostages. It is quite a task, he has set, himself. Israel claimed to be in command of Gaza City and North Gaza. However, if evidence is needed, Hamas is still able to roam about, and do considerable damage, to the IDF. Only an absolute win will do for Israel, but will an absolute win, be achievable? Especially if Biden, wants Israel, to stop fighting by January!

Hamas, for its part, simply, has to hold on and come out of the war, still standing. That will be a win, despite all the heavy and mighty firepower the IDF has unloaded, on Gaza. If Hamas, survive and comes out of the rubble of Gaza, intact, then their survival will be celebrated. They will be the heroes of Palestine, which will leave the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank, in trouble. Why because Hamas, will be seen, as the group who stood up to the Goliath of the IDF. That will probably make Hamas even more popular, something the Palestinian Authority and Netanyahu, will not like.

Should Israel achieve their goal, of destroying Hamas, what then? The US and Israel would appear divided on this. The US wants the Palestinian Authority to take charge of Gaza. However, the Gazans may feel that non-Palestinian forces are deciding who should rule them. Then the US, felt that an Arab coalition of nations should rule Gaza. Whereas Netanyahu has stated Israel would be responsible for the security of Gaza. With probably a Palestinian government, more pliable, to what Israel wants. Who will rebuild the shattered enclave? Israel should be the one, to do it. After all, the IDF, broke the territory, with its military action. Qatar, will mostly fund, the reconstruction, as it has funded reconstruction, in the aftermath of other Hamas-Israel wars.

To speculate how this war will end is exactly that - speculation. Israel will have the money and the where with all to deploy its might. Causing massive loss of life and destruction on a gargantuan scale. However, as this ambush has proved, Israel, for all its might, is facing a determined enemy. Hamas has less firepower than Israel, but its resistance to the Israeli war machine is giving the IDF pause for thought.

A ceasefire now, talks, and a peaceful outcome, should be paramount. But right now, that is not happening, and that is a crying shame!


About the Creator

Nicholas Bishop

I am a freelance writer currently writing for Blasting News and HubPages. I mainly write about politics. But have and will cover all subjects when the need arises.

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